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Everything posted by da_mayor

  1. Sort of like Creator's Remorse from (I believe) the first ed. Feng Shui roleplaying game.
  2. On your reply, click the "More Reply Options" button. You should be able to Browse to select a file, and then click the Attach This File button once selected. File size max is 1MB. (If you have problems, try the Basic Uploader option.)
  3. Try playing an attack spell, even though there's chains on it. It's (probably) not a bug. It's a new UI, in response to all the negative feedback about making everyone make a roll. If you try to play an attack spell, it should give you the roll.
  4. If you're talking about all the cards in "chains", those chains don't actually prevent you from using the cards. First, you try to play the chained card. Then you make the check. Then if you succeed, you can play the card. Otherwise, you can't.
  5. Early on, the Enchanter definitely sucks rocks. Give me a ring of protection, and I take GREAT pleasure putting her down like a rabid rat.
  6. 1) Seelah's Grace is a known issue. It's taking the check from the top card of the location deck. 2) The Horsechopper is SUPPOSED to make checks more difficult when you're proficient with weapons. It's on the text. Only people NOT proficient with weapons avoid the penalty. (It's a Goblin weapon, so people with proper training have a harder time with it...)
  7. Oooh. when you said upside down, you meant face-down. I was thinking face-up, because the discard pile is face-down to begin with. That makes more sense.
  8. That's an awesome question. What probably happened was, I didn't click the button on the Perm Close text to GAIN that item 'cause I was to busy being pissed at myself for forgetting that Mommy Graul needed to be killed twice, and then promptly forgetting that I needed another crap item to temp-close, and thust thought (due to this thread) that I'd lost my Masterwork Tools for good.
  9. The only "down"side is, then Seelah has a free way to scout the top card of her deck. Also, if she discards her card, and then decides it's too valuable a card to give up, she can undo. And she should have to make her decision without knowing, IMO.
  10. Looks like this bug was spotted, reported, and written up by a friendly dev here.
  11. I'm curious about two things. 1) Did Lem have the Sihedron Medallion in his in inventory? 2) Was it the same not-medallion card every time (Shield of Fire Resistance)?
  12. The Devs have been looking into this one in this topic... See if that top screen shot looks like your problem.
  13. Ok, not sure if this is related, but when Merisiel banished her Masterwork Tools to close Turtleback Ferry, and no other Items were acquired, she was given WAY more than Basics to replenish with (I didn't look closely, but I grabbed another Masterwork Tools.)
  14. How are you trying to perform this action? Are you tapping the discard pile for the display, then tapping the card, looking for a Recharge button? If so, try dragging the card from the Discard pile to your deck. (It may take a few tries. If it goes back to the discard pile and turns invisible, grab the empty space and try again.) If you're already dragging, I'm out of ideas.
  15. I'm not disagreeing that there's a problem there, but it's going to be difficult to track, since once you get one result OTHER than 1-2, you don't roll again (unless he escapes). So, while we can see a string of rolls that are 1-2, we CAN'T see if people are getting a string of 3-6 results, 'cause we stop after one...
  16. Indeed. Just like when you fail a check on a Poison Trap. It has no problem pulling a card off the top of the deck and discarding it without any help from me.
  17. It's pretty astounding how many times I catch the Villain on top of whatever location he travels to after he escapes.
  18. The daily gold sitch is known. If you look at Daily Gold topics for a recent one with an OBS logo next to it, one of the Devs supplied info on who to contact and what information to send to get this rectified.
  19. If a card or scenario rule doesn't specify a particular henchman, then it applies to all cards of type Henchman. You've always been able to use a Sage's Journal on summoned henchmen, for example. There is no deliniation if the card/rule doesn't deliniate. (For example, the Normal-difficulty Scenario power for Trouble in Sandpoint specifies Wrathful Sinspawn, not just any henchman.) There are some weird situations where you can get a real close out of a temp close, but it shouldn't abort your other temp-closes.
  20. This wasn't on the top of the list of priorities. I don't think it's mentioned in the 1.0.3 release notes.
  21. Well, crud. One guy actually got his working again by restarting, but I guess that's not helpin' y'all. One of the Devs mentioned a usage spike the other night. Have you had any luck since?
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