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Everything posted by da_mayor

  1. I'm TOTALLY jealous! My ranger deck didn't COME with a Merisiel... (Unless you meant the Rogue deck.)
  2. The original poster only wanted one (more) of the C-deck characters (which costs 2000 gold), so was wondering if just the C-deck cards themselves were worth the other 8000.
  3. I've started her with three crows. How many are in the C deck?
  4. The Crow is in the base set, so, yes.
  5. 1) As far as I know, recharging and acquiring checks don't have traits. (If we ever get cards talking about "invoking" traits, then acquiring checks will qualify, but neither of these checks "have" traits.) 2) Nope. You add 2 to the check that meets that qualification, even if it's over-qualified.
  6. Yes, if so, yes, and yes. I have Treasure cards from all seven decks. I'm only seeing B-2 cards (I'm mostly only playing Story mode). I have 10 Dilettantes. They show up a fair amount.
  7. Huh. Interesting. That changes a few things...
  8. So, 63 Chests, 252 cards. 170 (Un)commons (max dupe: 10 Dilettantes), 58 Rares (max dupe: 9 Pure Holy Waters), 23 Epics (max dupe: 4 Flasks of Firestorm), and 1 Legendary (No dupes!). I'm missing 18 (of 60) Uncommons (including all the AD3 stuff), 11 (of 37) Rares, 14 (of 29) Epics, and 9 (of 10) Legendaries. Obviously, I've got 3 of the 23 unlockables, and I know how to unlock (probably) 4 more. (Though the Black Arrow Longbow isn't listed yet, so perhaps those four aren't yet on the list.) Anyone got any hints on the others? I'm especially eager for the Blessings.
  9. On Heroic Mode and Legendary Mode, the Scenario Power says that Iesha is summoned EVERY time, so no roll is necessary.
  10. In the Card Game, using Card Guild rules, we actually had a Class Deck Kyra and a WotR Kyra in the same party. My story is that Class Deck Lem died skinny-dipping in the Abyssal River trying to lure the Kyra Twins in...
  11. Good catch! The only difference seems to be the difficulty of the Arcane check. (The IMPORTANT part is, Brielle can beat the TAR outta someone with these...)
  12. I thought the filter that lets you separate out Treasure Cards vs. others was plenty.
  13. When you pulled down the "check" menu, did it say "Strength" or "Melee"? (Or both, with d4s next to them?)
  14. Now, if only we could do that in this game... Ew! NO! That will lead to farming and idiots paying real money for Legendary cards on eBay. I'm really ok with that being impossible. I hope that when Multiplayer hits, "exchanged" cards end up back with their original characters so this doesn't ever, ever happen.
  15. Whoa... So there's a penalty for PROFICIENCY?!?!? "If you've had formal training, you're screwed. This danged thing doesn't make ANY sense."
  16. Whoa. You may be right. I found the topics where I THOUGHT the Devs had acknowledged it, but there is no Dev Acknowlegement. I may have misinformed folks.
  17. in the gallery, look at Available treasures, then go through all the decks and see which ones are legendary. I think he means the number of chests he's bought, not the number of Legendary cards he's earned.
  18. This is a known bug. Seelah's power tends to change the check to the check-to-defeat of the card on top of the stack. If you're ENCOUNTERING that card, it's not such a problem, but if you're recharging a spell, it sure can be. (At an empty location, the check becomes a -1 None check, and your d6 always succeeds.)
  19. Is it next week? Buh. I may have misremembered.
  20. Potions are annoying and useless... Until you need one. That's part of the strategy of the game. Personally, if I don't use them before the end of the game, I ditch them pretty much every time (unless my other items REALLY suck). Or Drunken Master Sajan! He should unlock sometime today!!!
  21. Actually, there are Common, Rare, Epic, and Legendary. So, it's the third-most-rare that you're guaranteed. Something with one of the two silver borders, or one of the gold borders.
  22. But in the Pathfinder game, Potions have a duration. So unless you banish them at the end of the turn, your suggestion almost over-powers them. You only quaff a potion when you NEED it.
  23. Just got my first... 39 chests into a bundle of 48, I got an Amulet of Inescapable Location. I may have also gotten some dupes.
  24. I don't believe that's quite right. If a card defines a check, the CARD'S traits are added to the check. The skill itself is an entirely separate entity. (Hence, the confusion with Ranged and Melee being both Skills and commonly used Traits.)
  25. When you're in the Gallery, there are three buttons under "Treasure". Click "Available" and those should be all cards you can Salvage.
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