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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. More portraits, more spells and powers, more abilities and talents, more equipment (including a red armor with matching helmet), and high-level gameplay. Wouldn’t mind Priest of Woedica and Steel Garrote Paladin as playable classes. Either Rekke or Ydwin as full companions. Smarter enemy A.I.. More orchestrated music.
  2. Not necessarily a bug per se so much as feedback about the 9th-level Druid spell Aspect of Galawain. The spell summons a creature that is pretty underwhelming for a 9th-level spell in general, and more so in comparison to another endgame summon: The Chanter's dragon. Here's a quick comparison against dummies: Stats-wise, the two are comparable: same accuracy, about the same damage from auto-attacks, and Aspect of Galawain actually has an edge when it comes to penetration. However, the dragon has a few tricks up its sleeve: a continual debuff (Fear Aura), three knock downs, two breaths, and two tail lashes (for a total of four AoE highly damaging attacks, plus a debuff and three interrupts.) Granted, even on PotD you'll rarely need to summon the dragon more than once—but you could, if you wanted to: The Chanter can build up to 8 phrases again. The Druid, on the other hand, can cast Aspect of Galawain only once unless he spends an Empower to restore resources. Bottom line: Aspect of Galawain could use a buff to be a bit more competitive versus the dragon.
  3. FWIW, I completely understand the concern with the general, progressive dumbing down of game mechanics—however, I would be wary of classifying every single convenience feature as "dumbing down." The matter at hand is especially alien to the very concept on the grounds that it pertains to aesthetic choices, which per se only impact the personal taste of the individual gamer; other convenience features may or may not qualify. Making something tedious/boring is not a good way to balance it or prevent it. There should be in-game incentives to pursue a specific course of action and/or in-game consequences for indulging in another; designing restrictions around making an activity tedious in real life is just a deliberate waste of the player's time (and may I remind you that time is rather precious.) As far as my personal experience is concerned, to make an example, the camping supply mechanic in Pillars of Eternity was not an incentive to keep dungeon-crawling while injured, out of spells, or otherwise not at the apex of my power. Limiting camping supplies merely made rest-spam tedious in real life as I had to backtrack every time I needed more, but the game still allowed it consequence free if I was willing to be appalled outside of it. All this encouraged for me was cheating so I could get the supplies without backtracking.
  4. By means of repro steps, all I did here was take Aloth, make him cast Citzal's Enchanted Armory from a grimoire, and access his inventory. Looks like the summoned armor and weapons aren't displaying at all: Additional piece of feedback while we're at it: This spell looks pretty cool but is also mechanically underwhelming. It's a tier-9 spell, and all it gives you is a Legendary breastplate with no enchantments, and Legendary weapons with no enchantments. Sure, you dual-wield 2-handers, which would be great if the character had plenty of Full Attack abilities to use them with—wizards, however, don't have any of those. This spell doesn't really make you any more powerful than you'd be just equipping unique items (in fact, you're probably better off using unique items without sacrificing a spell slot, a precious 9th-level cast per encounter, and the time it takes to cast the spell making you vulnerable to interruption.)
  5. Nature Godlike’s bonus is +1 since 1.1 landed. Fire and Moon Godlike should scale with level imo. Not sure about Death Godlike.
  6. I named all mine after fictional, lore-consistent soft core movies: Arkemyr’s Capricious Ex, Llengrath’s Safeword, and Concelhaut’s Monolithic Staff.
  7. All right, saw the bug report. Looks like it’s supposed to only work in combat. Tekehu’s definitely works outside of combat too.
  8. Can confirm that Tekehu’s running ahead of everyone in slog zones out of combat.
  9. Fairly sure Tekehu’s racial description specified that he’s immune to slog zones. Why should Maia not be?
  10. For my Watcher I usually pick Athletics (for Second Wind, although it is much less useful now that it is no longer an insta-cast), either Stealth or Mechanics, Insight, and Streetwise. Arcana, Alchemy, Explosives can all be very useful depending on your play style.
  11. I use the Blessings all the time because, simply put, they increase my enjoyment of the game. I would not, however, build a character around them. A good build works without the Blessings, IMO, and doesn’t need them. Including a section in the build where you detail how the Blessings could be used with it to great effect, on the other hand, can be a good practice.
  12. I actually recall Josh’s saying, probably during one of the early QAs, that Godlike would get an extra racial ability to make up for the missing head slot—specifically because headgear in Deadfire’s pretty good. When the beta was released, it was obvious that it didn’t happen—Nature Godlike was the only worthwhile one, racial ability wise, and mostly only for casters.
  13. Hah! Like releasing free content wasn’t plenty douchy already!
  14. So INT affects linger duration as opposed to the chant's duration or both? That makes high INT + Brisk Recitation very convenient.
  15. The Unity Console is fantastic. I strongly recommend it; much more convenient than the console and keeps achievements (in fact, it can even unlock achievements at the click of a button.)
  16. Looks like partial hair leave a small bald spot right under the Tricorn hat:
  17. That's what I would have done, but Caleb said he'd rather have individual threads for each helmet here so I complied.
  18. I'm using Aloth as an example for he's got long hair that would definitely show from underneath most helms. Some hair styles would obviously be entirely concealed by some of these helms, but the majority would probably show at least something. This is a unique helmet but I believe a common helmet also uses this model (horned helm?)
  19. I'm using Aloth as an example for he's got long hair that would definitely show from underneath most helms. Some hair styles would obviously be entirely concealed by some of these helms, but the majority would probably show at least something. Here's animancer's hat without partial hair:
  20. I'm using Aloth as an example for he's got long hair that would definitely show from underneath most helms. Some hair styles would obviously be entirely concealed by some of these helms, but the majority would probably show at least something. Here's winged helm with no partial hair:
  21. I'm using Aloth as an example for he's got long hair that would definitely show from underneath most helms. Some hair styles would obviously be entirely concealed by some of these helms, but the majority would probably show at least something. Here's acorn helm with no partial hair:
  22. I'm using Aloth as an example for he's got long hair that would definitely show from underneath most helms. Some hair styles would obviously be entirely concealed by some of these helms, but the majority would probably show at least something. Casquetel and Vailian helm share, I believe the same model.
  23. Here's a screenshot of Xoti wearing a Principi hat: No partial hair with this one, which looks a little jarring. There are also a number of helmets that don't cover the entirety of the wearer's head, and long hair would definitely show underneath. Are there any plans to add partial hair for those as well?
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