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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. Whoa, that text needs help. Devs, if you're reading this, please do something!
  2. I know, but 72 DPI was the standard when Baldur's Gate was released. Nowadays the standard is 96 DPI (1920x1080 on a 24" screen, or 2560x1440 on a 32" screen), with 109 DPI (2560x1440 on a 27" screen) becoming increasingly popular. It doesn't make a great deal of sense for this game's assets to be developed natively at 72 DPI ... it seems kinda backward.
  3. Pretty high quality stuff! Pity for the Steam-only thing (makes me even happier I backed for my physical copy instead of waiting for retail) but the map, manual, and guide are pretty sweet and very IE-like
  4. Whoa, game assets at 72 DPI in 2015? Ugh...
  5. Honestly, on a rig like that I would expect 100+ fps all the time from a game with 2D backgrounds. EDIT: This was meant in response to Amarantha.
  6. Whoa, down to 45 fps on a 4790K? Thank God I didn't keep my i5 4430...!
  7. I'm late to the party was anything asked about the likelihood of significant AI improvements from patches/expansion? If not, I guess I'll start a thread to inquire (hopefully devs will chime in).
  8. You're not being serious, are you?
  9. I'm with Sensuki on this one. No reason to penalize movement beyond engagement, which I'm already not a fan of. This is RTwP (in case you missed that particular class, RTwP is a good thing) - deal with it. If the IE mod removes it, that's one more feature from the mod I'll be using from day one.
  10. I would pledge for a tier that gets me a signed collector's boxed set.
  11. If all else fails, I will do this when the game's released (and the IE mod is updated for the release build, of course).
  12. Damn Guess you reported this as a bug? It really should be fixed!
  13. Amazing stuff! And THANKS Bester for making loot droppable—THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU!
  14. @Bobby Null Thanks for chiming in. The portraits Kaz and the rest of the art team pulled off for PoE are amazing and I am very appreciative of their quantity, especially in light of the fact that joinable NPCs have their own unique portraits (which didn't happen in BG and BGII). More orlan, aumaua, and godlike portraits for the expansion sounds great (and even more so if you can sneak in a few more for human, elven, and dwarven subraces). Quick, mildly related question—currently there are many unique items in PoE that lack unique icons/animations. I appreciate that it takes a long time to do those, but they also add a great deal to those items' feeling unique/special. Is there any hope that the expansion may add unique icons/animations to those items (even if they are not new, expansion-only items)?
  15. You can buy it from Amazon or directly from Dark Horse Comics.
  16. I have to disagree on this. Because clipping and engagement are currently working as designed, what Sensuki did is a legitimate party according to the rules of the game world. He is not exploiting a bug or an unintentional behavior from the game. A party of 6 fighters cheesing their way through every encounter using disengagement attacks is not only legit, but also the most powerful combination you can possibly have within PoE's rules. If you give it up, you are deliberately crippling yourself in combat / shooting yourself in the foot by going for a vastly inferior build/party for the sake of roleplaying. Which is perfectly legit, mind you—but if the most powerful party you can legitimately have is something you'd actively avoid because it detracts from your fun, that's poor game design.
  17. That's pretty rad I appreciate the UI being 1920x1080 and the devs having no time to develop UI assets at 2560x1440, but we really need text to be sharp and not upscaled. Hopefully they can sort this out for release.
  18. Thanks for this, Adam. You say we're not looking for excuses, but actually I greatly appreciate having this kind of information. Having your goods shipped later because of known reasons is one thing; having them shipped later without knowing anything as to the reason is another. So once again, this is much, much appreciated
  19. Which of the "old" ones were touched up?
  20. The ridiculous clipping/disengagement exploit.
  21. Gotta say I agree with Sensuki, Bester, Luckmann and the others. This is another pointless feature developed at the expense of something IE games did right and PoE is not doing at all...
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