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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. And now I wish I backed at the $250 tier ... Ah, to be back in time and richer!
  2. Agree with Sensuki. Please remove or provide a means of disabling it.
  3. Even though I pledged toward a digital download of the expansion , I am extremely appreciative of their will to back-port gameplay changes through a free patch. It shows dedication to their backers as opposed to the money-grubbing attitude that is so widespread in the industry. Kudos, Obsidian! Also, TotSC was a brilliant expansion pack and I can only ba glad they're taking inspiration from it for the PoE expansion. If it turns out good and they release it as boxed set, rest assured my cash will go toward it even if I already own the digital version
  4. Apologies mate but if you knew about the Kickstarter, you knew about the collector's edition. It was there from day one. I too couldn't back during the campaign as I had just gotten my first job. I pledged as a Slacker Backer shortly after it ended and made peace with the fact I wouldn't get the goodies. Then Obsidian offered the possibility to upgrade one's pledge for a fairly long time and I managed to get all I wanted.
  5. When I wrote Prima Games about the offer they dodged the question, which disappeared from its description in the link for preordering that was given in Update #90. I'm afraid there will be no offer.
  6. To be fair, the amount they got from Kickstarter is a ridiculously small fraction of a AAA title's average budget—and by "ridiculously small fraction" I mean "less than 1/10th". Considering part of what they gathered went toward fulfilling all pledge rewards (digital and physical goods), it is nothing short of amazing they could pull off a game of the size and scope of Pillars of Eternity. Let us not forget this game runs on an all-new engine, it is set in an all-new world, and it is based off all-new mechanics. This stuff had to be written and coded from scratch on top of creating all the content, and that takes time and money. It is true that this game has shortcomings, but in light of the above I consider them forgivable. The devs are working their assess off to fix as many bugs as possible by release, and will keep supporting the game afterward. They're even working on more portraits and chants, and quite frankly the art that is in the game as of v435 is pretty kick ass. I dropped about $250 on this game, I'm glad I did, and I would do so all over again if given a chance. I'd much rather back a PoE for $250 than purchase a Witcher 3 for $50.
  7. pity if no more icons are coming. The more unique art, the better.
  8. I'm extremely grateful to Sensuki for taking such a huge amount of time to go through the game with a fine comb and hunt for bugs. The game will end up all the better thanks to your efforts. Kudos to you big time!
  9. I recall Brandon saying most magic items would get unique icons by release in one of the backer updates. Good to see progress being made on that front
  10. Now we need sword-and-shield and single weapon to also be viable choices.
  11. I sure hope if it is, we still get to choose what language we want. I'm Italian and I live in Hungary but you can bet your everything I want my box and manual in English.
  12. Thank God! Brandon, could you confirm the backer Collector's Edition will look like the mock-up on the Kickstarter page?
  13. Both versions look good—I presume the one on the right is the new one?—but stylistically they look pretty much the same. Not much point in altering it. Those sand-skinned aumauas that look like gnomes are in dire need of help.
  14. Which one is the Steven Dengler portrait?
  15. ^ You sure you read the update right?
  16. Hi, there is friendly fire, though some spells targer only enemies. It also depends on the difficulty setting if I recall. Fairly sure it doesn't, mate.
  17. I think there is no friendly fire. I am 100% sure it doesn't depend on the difficulty setting.
  18. Yes, you may even preorder one now from Amazon. However, all retail physical copies will use Steam (no GoG.com option).
  19. The devs know it's a feature the fan base would want to have. I'm sure it will come in a patch—we need sliders for ambient sounds and voiceovers
  20. Whoa, hefty price. Must have it. Why is it not on Amazon.co.uk?
  21. Book is 121 pages according to Amazon.
  22. Option #1. I am sorry it will cost more money to Obsidian, but I am glad I don't have to fork out extra cash myself (and that's a Paradox, isn't it?) Also, thanks for asking.
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