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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. Seems like a pretty nice build But I agree that "Combat only" is a terrible concept that has no place in this game.
  2. Will inquire about the cc/inventory/level up screens.
  3. whew ... thought he meant to say he had dropped work on the mod for good
  4. I think Brandon said in the comments to update #88 that physical goods would be shipped close to 26th March in an attempt to make backers receive them at about the same time as the game is digitally released (though there might be delays depending on where each backer resides, of course).
  5. Either MCA or Tim Cain would be really interesting.
  6. You can enable permanent death in the game's menu.
  7. @Starwars - you make a fair point and I agree with you. I also think MCA was specifically referring to the kickstarter campaign, during which the devs pitched various concept to the crowd and kept feedback into account, discarding features nobody wanted and promoting other more popular ones. However, some users are taken aback by the notion that a pay-per-partake forum like SA is a richer source of dev feedback and information than the official PoE boards. And I share that sentiment.
  8. The droid army issue has been acknowledged and added to their tracker. Whether or not it will be fixed remains to be seen.
  9. I would be more interested in advanced/smart AI for enemies (not just for expansion areas though; the contrast with the original encounters would be weird)
  10. That gameplay demo was pretty short.
  11. My impressions so far: Areas look rad. Icons look rad. Spell effects are pretty cool but I understand the cluster**** concerns going on in the beta forums. "Droid army" effect is still there; hopefully it will get fixed for release. Music is pretty good imho (yes, that includes the combat track—though really, there should be at least three combat tracks to have some variety since combat is such a big part of the game). Character highlighting looks awful and has to go. Thanks Bester/Sensuki for removing it with your mod. Drakes/dragons look rad.
  12. That list ... where's my Leonidas beard?!?
  13. After the last backer beta update is rolled out, are there still going to be updates on the game's goings-on? You know, to keep our inquiring minds fed about bugs that get fixed, optimizations that get done, portraits that get added...
  14. I'll probably wait until the second or third patch, even. For one thing, the game will ship on 26th March, which is right before the start of the busiest time of the year for me at work. I won't have much time to play until end of May / beginning of June. Second, I want to take my time enjoying all the extra goodies I got for backing the game: novella, almanac, strategy guide, art book, soundtrack ... I'll even RTFM. I want to be well acquainted with the lore and setting before I start playing. Last but not least, the more bugs are fixed before I start playing, the better my first time through the game will be
  15. Agreed. Patrollers is definitely a good idea but civilians should outnumber them by a good margin for the city to feel natural and alive. So more civilians should be added as well. Great to hear they're taking our concerns at heart, though
  16. Good news, everyone! Even though there won't be an option to set anti-aliasing in-game, there will be a console command to control MSAA starting from the next backer beta build. The command will be msaa and it will support values in powers of 2 up to 16.
  17. Gotta love BGII combat music.
  18. Still 158 to go ... a few patches + expansion? Mmh, Kaz?
  19. To recap: All 3D items are currently "capped" at 1080p whereas they should always render at the target resolution. Font is similarly capped a becomes blurry past 1080p, whereas it should always be crisp at all resolutions (like it is in BG:EE, for example). UI gets really blurry past 1080p owing to a poor upscaling algorithm. Also would be good to have an official confirmation of the max. resolution past which 2D backdrops start getting smaller (was supposed to be 1440p during the Kickstarter).
  20. That's a goatee
  21. I think "soul patch" is just the little patch of hair under your lower lip.
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