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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. Looks like the dragon Josh mentioned is called The Terror of the White March ... there's a wallpaper with it in the dark on Obsidian's Facebook page. EDIT:
  2. Yes, it will. Josh confirmed it on Twitter. He also said in an interview that part I stands on its own and part II deals with the consequences of part I. Links in the thread with update 99.5
  3. Again, since getting both parts through Kickstarter was $20, getting both parts retail had to be at least $25. Which is what it is, coincidentally. Not sure what the issue is?
  4. I remember testing Wildstrike and the elemental talents and they stacked; unless they changed this deliberately, they still should. IIRC Wildstrike Belt also stacks if you already have Wildstrike (should give you bonus damage of the same elemental kind as your talent.)
  5. If the IE Mod is currently not being maintained (e.g. Brandon Wallace and the guys from the repository all lost interest), I'm a sad, sad panda. Thanks for stepping up, Spiritwright! Without the IE Mod I would most likely lose interest in PoE altogether...
  6. Accuracy on Spiritshift weapons now scales, though, doesn't it?
  7. As mentioned in this thread, it cost $20 to get the expansion during the Kickstarter. It is only fair that it costs more when bought later.
  8. http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3706905&userid=17931&perpage=40&pagenumber=6#post448884240
  9. Got a saved game to upload (at least for the third issue, possibly with a screenshot proving your character dealt the lethal blow to the dragon)? For the first two points a video would likely showcase them better, but I suppose it's kind of late for that now
  10. Third option: Install the IE Mod so you can cheat without typing "IRoll20s" and losing achievements. Once you've done your cheating, you can uninstall the mod ... but why would you?
  11. Got a saved game and output log to upload to dropbox and link?
  12. https://twitter.com/jesawyer/status/631228922517045248
  13. If that includes interiors, they aren't many.
  14. Very interesting information in this PC Gamer article. Also, Part I is auto-conclusive and Part II will deal with the consequences of what happens in Part I.
  15. http://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/126376740846/hi-josh-with-the-white-march-raising-the-level
  16. Right now monks are better off with weapons due to a bug that applies weapons' enchantment accuracy bonus to their special attacks. Once that's fixed, whether unarmed monks are better or not will become debatable.
  17. Got a saved game and output log to upload and link? They're going to ask for those
  18. Kiting is not inherently evil. It is a play style like many others. If you like it, you do it; if not, you don't. It should not be the game mechanics' job to actively prevent it. It's like actively preventing min/maxing, soloing, running around with a full-melee or full-caster party, etc..
  19. Yes. It is listed in the known issues.
  20. The Glanfathans are very well aware of the fact that it was the Engwithans who built those ruins and machines; they do not know what the purpose of the machines is or how to activate them, however. They do say that the Engwithans themselves tasked them with guarding the ruins, which smells a lot of preventing other people in general (and animancers in particular) from figuring out how the machines work and what purpose they serve(d). Blindly following something you don't fully understand is, after all, one of the themes in PIllars of Eternity.
  21. ^ For hit percentages, chances are you are trying it on a target whose defenses are unknown to you. Try it against an enemy you've already defeated a few times (in other words, an enemy whose bestiary entry you've completed or nearly completed) and I guess it should work (cannot test it myself as I'm on GoG, so no beta.) For AI, you need to toggle it on. Select a single character and you'll see an icon among its abilities that looks like a head with cogs in it. Click it to toggle AI on and off.
  22. I'm on GoG, so no betas for me. kujeger, are you on 2.0 beta? Roby, could you post a screenshot of what you see at CC or level-up at 2560x1440 to compare with what kujeger posted?
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