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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. It has indeed, but still enemies make no use of potions, scrolls, or items' spellbound abilities. They never try to suppress afflictions you cause them, or help each other out when in a group. Basically when you're fighting a mob, you're actually fighting a number of individual enemies that act as though the other weren't even there for the most part. Whatever you do, A.I. will never change what they are doing to react/adapt. After a while, it becomes really predictable and easy to best.
  2. Pity, though. Better A.I. would help immensely make encounters more fun at higher levels.
  3. Do we know whether Payer spells will also suppress the effect if already present? (I hope they won't.) Personally I was good with them granting a +50 defense bonus, but I really wanted them to be all available as scrolls (and especially so Prayer Against Treachery.)
  4. Indeed, with that particular combination of armor and shield you'd look so hideous and unfashionable that ranged attacks would rather make a U-turn and go back to the sender than to hit you
  5. Not sure I've run into this, but it sounds like a bug. Perhaps you could report it in the technical forums?
  6. I could not, as the weapon I rely upon to achieve a 15-frame recovery time is already Superb from the get go (and I would lose 15% damage going from Superb to Exceptional anyway.) However, if the enchantment limit is increased, I can stack a lash on the weapon regardless of the reason for the increase; or, if a new quality enchantment is introduced beyond Superb, I could go for that one and gain damage and Accuracy (though a lash might still be the better option for my build's DPS, as it doesn't particularly need extra Accuracy.) PrimeJunta—Not the first U-turn they make, if memory serves. The initial intention was to overcome the shortcomings of the AD&D system, which was a noble goal, but sometimes they applied multiple fixes to the same problem and it didn't quite turn out the way they wanted. Then people complained and changes got made—what matters to me is that said changes be good, and so far I like the changes that have been made.
  7. I also suspect that both IE Mod maintainers will want to play TWM pt. II when it comes out, so they'll likely be around to update the mod as well The latest update is from what, last week? With a spiffy mod launcher to boot!
  8. I'll add to what has been said that what spells to use largely depends on your play style and personal preference. I know this is the kind of answer I'd hate to receive, but it is especially true for a game—like Pillars of Eternity—in which most spells are actually good (and low-level spells tend to remain viable at higher levels.) With that said, and for the sake of providing a starting point to help you orient yourself in the maelstrom of available spells, here's a list of Priest spells that I tend to use a lot: 1st level: Armor of Faith, Blessing, Prayer Against Fear 2nd level: Suppress Affliction, Prayer Against Infirmity 3rd level: Dire Blessing, Prayer Against Restraint 4th level: Devotions For The Faithful, Prayer Against Bewilderment 5th level: Champion's Boon, Prayer Against Imprisonment 6th level: Crowns For The Faithful, Prayer Against Treachery 7th level: None All the "Prayer Against [...]" spells are, by their very nature, situational and I only use them when fighting enemies that can cause the respective afflictions. I rarely need healing spells but of course I use them if the need arises; same with reviving spells. Most people around here are probably going to be horrified at the notion that I do not, in fact, make use of "Iconic Projection" or any of the Seal spells.
  9. I don't think so. EDIT: Before I forget— Sking mentioned here that the max enchantment level on weapons is getting raised in TWM pt. II. My 15-frame-recovery variant of the Lady of Pain is about to get a flat +25% damage from a lash, and I'm about to have an evilgasm.
  10. If the eyeless dudes killed the proprietor of that skeleton, I don't think full-frontal assault will be an option for us. (Then again it is said in TWM pt. I they could walk against thick walls of solid stone and tear them down with their passage with relative ease, so I fully expect them to be, like, super tough if you decide to brute-force them.)
  11. with your rogue. That doesn't bode quite too well for our backs.
  12. No official word on the new level cap yet. Source. Now your FoD alpha strikes can hit both your enemy's balls at the same time
  13. I also always keep all unique items (though that's mostly so I can experiment different builds and setups after my play through.)
  14. One thing to consider (which I believe I mentioned in another thread as well) is... ...and I'm going to use spoiler tags here, since this is a no spoiler forum:
  15. Especially if it's as classy as Seneca Crane's:
  16. My best guess is they thought not all users would be familiar with the terms "MSAA" or "antialiasing", but everyone would understand "Quality" and the fact that maxing it out looks prettier, while reducing it runs faster.
  17. Sking, that piece of news has given me a powergaming-gasm.
  18. ^ just buy whatever Azzuro offers, dump it in the stash, and console in Hiro's Mantle as though you had bought it. I've done that a lot of times with Azzuro equipment I specifically sought for a character.
  19. Same link; Fighters get a new passive selectable at level 7 that grants immunity to Frightened/Terrified. In retrospect, the blue cross icon we saw on the action bar screenshot might be the new Athletics self-heal rather than a new Fighter ability.
  20. Also, scrolls of Prayer Against [...]—FINALLY! :D
  21. I hate that too. If I'm traveling across locations and also want to buy a specific item from Azzuro, I typically break my traveling into 2-3 pieces hitting intermediate destinations to make sure he doesn't leave the stronghold while I'm on the road.
  22. It depends on how much in-game time passes, too. If you travel across areas a lot during your play through, you increase your chances of Azzuro's showing up by virtue of the additional amount of in-game time that passed.
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