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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. You can use dropbox for your save; it is definitely the most important thing for QA.
  2. Understood. I was indeed unaware. Let's see what Obs come back with, then
  3. I like GM enough, and I'd definitely recommend going through her story in full at least once; but I can see how she may not be everyone's cup of tea.
  4. Not a fan of DoC either. Love her wit, her voice acting, and her writing but hate her stats, her being forced to wear the equivalent of a run-of-the-mill breastplate, and her character model. I also don't care much for rogues, so after trying her out once to read her dialog and story, I'm pretty much done with her.
  5. Could you post a screenshot that shows this? I know fonts were blurry as eff when upscaled but that shouldn't be happening any longer as of version 2.0 so it's probably a subtler effect I'm unaware of.
  6. As of 2.0 the font renders at whatever resolution your screen is set to; it shouldn't look blurry anymore (it doesn't for me, and I play at 2560x1440.)
  7. Now I'm fairly sure they are not including GoG and Origin sales in that number. Steam Spy has Pillars at 672,727 ± 18,068 including backers, and Paradox/Obsidian quote "over 600,000 units" including backers. I don't expect Origin sales to be particularly significant, but the game has been doing pretty well on GoG in general.
  8. King Leonidas and Seneca Crane beard styles. For everyone except Pale Elves
  9. Loved that bit when Edér says even a god of redemption's got to have standards, and the Hiravias-Pallegina banter in which he asks whether she's got feathers downstairs too, she implies she's going to eviscerate him if he tries to find out, and he says he rather values his viscera. Will quote verbatim next time I run into them in-game.
  10. New version out, this time around with a spiffy Mod Launcher so you can decide whether to play with or without the mod every time you launch the game. Kewl beans! Thanks, Spring!
  11. What exactly do you mean by "font smoothing"? I'm unaware of any such features in the game.
  12. Dumb question: How does the caption competition work?
  13. Osric's Family Armor should have been in this thread so hard it hurts. Unfortunately I realized you could obtain it months after this thread got buried... Looks great with Cloudpiercer and Stormcaller, by the way (and with another combination of items whose names defy me right now.)
  14. At least now you've got to do some work to disable them—and the whole "immunity to ground-based attacks" thing actually makes sense
  15. You are right, when Thaos casts Cleansing Flame on you, you only get +10 in your save instead of +20. Weird. All right, let's see what Aarik says.
  16. http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3706905&userid=17931&perpage=40&pagenumber=10
  17. I actually thought 2.0 was pretty decent; it was 2.01 that just went awry. To be fair, however, they released 2.01 rather hastily to provide a quick fix to bugs the community was being vocal about. It was a noble goal but unfortunately software development doesn't work like that. There is no such thing as a "quick fix"; only fixes that are a bitch to implement and carry a thousand more unintended bugs with them. So there's that. Back on topic, I'm not bothered by the delay in the slightest. In fact, I'm happy for Obs to take all the time they need to release a quality product. Will check out the trailer later from home; very curious
  18. More lore; more character customization options (especially portraits); more art books; MOAR full-blown novels. I wouldn't be very keen on making Avian Godlike a playable race; Pallegina would feel less special.
  19. The UI does show you the material requirements for each enchantment and both vessel and kith slaying require 2 units of a plant of which you possess 0 (first icon with the numbers 0/2 in red underneath.) Additionally, every weapon has a maximum of 12 "enchantment points" that can be filled with enchantments. These are shown in the weapon's description next to a black anvil icon and Lenas Er has 10/12, meaning that 10 points out of 12 are already used up. Hence, you may only apply additional enchantments up to 2 points. All slaying enchantments cost 2 points except the more valuable kith, which costs 4 (and can't therefore be applied to Lenas Er unless you cheated.)
  20. Ah, that simultaneously makes sense and is true! :D My uneducated guess is two new abilities per class, to be gained at either levels 5 and 7, or 7 and 9.
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