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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. Actually I think fists scale to +16 Accuracy, which is more than Superb weapons.
  2. To confirm—are action icons on portraits a toggable option?
  3. No worries, dude—we are all extremely appreciative of your work, and even more so knowing that you're alone doing two people's job!
  4. Indeed! My rationale for not using those rings is, why would I use up a perfectly good ring slot that I could use to powergame my characters into the stratosphere so they can cast a spell my Priest can already handle? The answer is, as with most other things on this forum, "different play style"
  5. Yeah, but they also removed a number of trash-mob fights from Act III and the second half of Od Nua, so hopefully the whole experience will be more interesting.
  6. Whoa, we've been missing out on so much audio content? Hope we're in time to restore it all for 3.0 final!
  7. ^ yes, it does. I consider it a very important stat for casters.
  8. I don't think we'll ever get crisp models at 1440p devs can't seem to repro. To think I bought this screen for PoE...
  9. IIRC you get one use of that spell per encounter on top of your per-rest uses. It does indeed get a new button, at least judging from Josh's screenshots on Instagram.
  10. My choice of 2nd-level Priest spell will be Suppress Afflictions. Can never have too many of those. 3rd level will be Dire Blessing; 4th level, Devotions for the Faithful. Not sure about 1st level; guess it won't make too much of a difference anyway.
  11. ^ never! As much as I'd love to check on bugs not listed myself, our rightful battle against Steam's iniquitous policies must be won That said, a question to Obs--why the Constant Recovery nerf? It had already been nerfed from "all the time" to 90s; now that it is 45s it could easily be absent and hardly anyone would feel the difference. Would rather have it scale in duration and/or magnitude with level. Oh, and I think you forgot to mention that Chanters get "Brisk Recitation" in the notes
  12. ^ Well, yes. Your attack animation would last about 38 frames instead of 30, and with the 4-frame delay your total attack speed would be 42 frames. Still not too bad; I was expecting worse. But I don't think I'll be dumping DEX on any of my characters anyway; I like speedy play
  13. This is only true if you have a high damage output and high DR bypass. The quicker you attack, the more damage you'll lose to your enemies' DR, so you need DR bypass and high damage to punch through as much as possible. IIRC, Matt traced a graph back in the beta days showing the correlation of MIG and DEX to DPS and it was X shaped: Up to a certain point, MIG contributes more to your DPS than DEX; then they "meet" and from that point on, DEX contributes more than MIG. EDIT: Just checked and it was not X shaped in the version of Matt's and Sensuki's paper I have. The paper still expresses the same point as I have, though. Boeroer—I still wouldn't dump DEX because it's the only thing that speeds up everything, and recovery is not everything As Dr. Hieronymous rightfully points out, DEX still speeds up your attack animation, which is equally important for DPS. It also speeds up your casting, sipping potions, switching weapons, and using scrolls. If you retrained to 3 DEX, your attack animation would slow down so much you'd practically eat away at the benefits of your 0 recovery.
  14. Yes. The only way you can reach 0 recovery through DEX is by having a 100% Action Speed bonus from it, which is unattainable (your every action would last 0 frames.) If all you want is 0 recovery, you need to stack as many attack speed bonuses as required. If you're left with any recovery after those, DEX will only reduce it by the Action Speed bonus you have which, being a percentage bonus, will never completely eliminate it.
  15. To clarify my earlier answer—Fighter is my favorite class but I generally avoid doubling up on it as it feels uselessly redundant. I prefer a party of 6 different characters.
  16. Then in my case it is the Fighter (appreciate there won't be many people giving the same answer.)
  17. As in, favorite story companion? Or favorite playable class?
  18. I expect them to revise the rules for POE 2 as the current set doesn't look particularly ideal for high levels (e.g. 20+) I don't think it would make sense to keep adding an enchantment level every four character levels as it would become gimmicky and pose more problems than it would be worth. *If* there ever was a step beyond Legendary, I would call it Paragon, perhaps.
  19. Until 3.0 drops, the toggle is called "Deprive the Unworthy" and is a Paladin class ability That said, I see absolutely nothing wrong with your party composition. If you micromanage every fight, normal difficulty shouldn't be exceedingly challenging. What level are your characters? Where are you at in the game? Pillars is very much a game in which strategy and tactics count more than stats and items, and the way combat works is quite different from the way it worked in AD&D. I played IE games too but it took me a while to master Pillars.
  20. I expect that to be higher with BotEP. The White Spire sure is neat and can be acquired early, so it's definitely a great option until I get the BotEP, but it would have a (slightly) slower recovery while also sacrificing Vulnerable Attack. Sure, it would make me crit often but I always make use of Dire Blessing in conjuction with Durgan stell, which net me a 40% hit-to-crit conversion ratio anyway (plus my buffed Accuracy is pretty high and I debuff my enemies too) ... so I guess the returns wouldn't be up to snuff in my case.
  21. I think this was sort of one of the design goals. In the very early stages, Josh talked about enchanting and said he would rather avoid "no brainer" upgrades, and always have trade-offs in place instead. This did not come true with regards to the enchanting system per se, but it is true in the fact that—as you mentioned—most items you find can be a "sidegrade" rather than an upgrade. Some of them are going to be very good, special, or unique; most of them will be par for the course. To be honest, I like the fact that I can keep the same item for the whole game if I want to, and it will remain mechanically viable. Appreciate it's not necessarily everyone's cup of tea, but it is certainly mine.
  22. So, in my case (I'm a single-target melee DPS guy), LoP + the White Spire = profit. I'd probably have to ditch Vulnerable Attack to achieve 0 recovery, but then I'd gain an extra talent slot and I could do without casting Dire Blessing. Gud, gud... *finger pyramid of evil contemplation* EDIT: Actually I can't achieve 0 recovery with The White Spire; based on my preliminary math, I'd be at 10 frames plus the delay. Still good, but I think I'll stick to the BotEP.
  23. You said you were gonna keep your hands off the game for a while, but the Dark Side of the Cheese's allure was much too strong, huh? (I wish I could like your post multiple times because of the hysterical face you drew on the screenshot XD)
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