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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. Is this a new 3.0 thing? In 2.03, those numbers are read even when I crit and do a lot of damage.
  2. That must have been a lot of work. Hats off to you ten times over and then some, MaxQuest. I have but a couple observations: In the "Damage" spreadsheet, you affirm "damaging bonuses are multiplicative", but they have been long known to be additive instead. Using your example with the War Bow, we get:Base 13-20 Multiplicative bonuses: Min- 13 * 1.27 (might) * 1.4 (whip) * 1.45 (superb) = 34 (33.5) Max 20 * 1.27 (might) * 1.4 (whip) * 1.45 (superb) = 52 (51.5) but the real numbers, as shown in your very spreadsheet, are: Min- 13 * (1.27 + 1.4 + 1.45) = 28 (27.5) Max- 20 * (1.27 + 1.4 + 1.45) = 41 (41.1) In the "Speed" tab, you say bonuses to recovery time stack additively but the tests and math in this very thread proved they are, in fact, multiplicative: bonus1 * bonus2 * bonus3 ... = total_bonus Swift Aim suppressing the chant might be a bug; they are not bonuses from the same source so ideally they should be stacking. You may want to raise this to the devs.
  3. Never said forests were magical. If that was the case, everyone would get a bonus by sleeping in forests and it would always be the same bonus regardless of the number of ranks they invested in the Survival skill (and nobody would get a bonus for sleeping in a dungeon.) Since the bonus comes from your Survival skill, and there is nothing in a hotel room to which said skill could possibly apply, I wouldn't want the relevant bonuses to apply either when resting at an inn. Again, it would be like applying financial knowledge to baking a cake Dungeons count as wilderness areas, unless they're comfortably set up as cosy hotel rooms, with hot beds and room service—that doesn't seem to be the case with dungeons I've seen in PoE, though.
  4. If you apply your knowledge if financial derivatives to trading and you make a million dollars, you'll still be rich when you bake a cake with your wife. Good luck making a million dollars applying your knowledge of financial derivatives to baking a cake with your wife, though. Likewise, good luck getting a bonus by applying your Survival skill to resting at an inn
  5. ^ you wouldn't apply it to an inn or to your rooms in Caed Nua, though.
  6. And we certainly wouldn't want them to know that, would we?
  7. This wouldn't make a great deal of sense, tbh.
  8. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/83952-v300929-px1-steam-faith-and-conviction-nerfed-of-bugged/
  9. ^ in 2.03 Stormcaller didn't benefit from Heart of the Storm. Was it fixed in 3.0 beta? (It's a general issue with elemental talents and alternative damage types. Bittercut also didn't benefit from Spirit of Decay.)
  10. ^ Yeah, I was kind of taken aback at the suggestion that PoE had "titillating armor" (aka boobplates) since I saw none. My main gripe with them is that they are clearly designed to be sexy because sex sells, and if I'm playing an RPG I'm not looking for sexual titillation. On the contrary, I'm looking for blood-soaked weapons, big monsters, and possibly good storytelling. There are other venues than RPGs that provide better titillation, so it is beyond me why anyone would look for it in a boobplate. It just looks ridiculous and screams "designed by horny males for horny males." Are you trying to survive a battle or to get some private time with the troll? There are many other things I would generally dislike in a fantasy RPG because realism and pragmatism. I'm fine with magic, but there's no magic that can make dual-wielding staves any less goofy and impractical, for example. And of course Wizard, "Good news, everyone! I've just enchanted this glass so that it's as hard as steel. We can now shape it into a wearable armor, following which I'll devise an incantation to make it go easy on the wearer's articulations when they move. It will be as good as a steel armor!" Everyone, "And that never struck you as needlessly complicated compared to just going for a steel armor?" Wizard, "Not until this point, no."
  11. What exactly are you guys referring to when you say "boobplate" with regards to PoE?
  12. Dual-wielding staves would be highly impractical; even a very strong, very agile person would have a hard time posing any actual melee threat with a staff in both hands due to the overall goofiness of trying to maneuver with one hand a weapon that was clearly designed to be held with both. Not sure about the usage of glass in an armor. Diamond, maybe. Being the hardest material known to man, it could be protective—but it would be one hell of an expensive suit of armor if it had diamond in it. It could potentially look very cool, but if diamond was used to an extent that was sufficient to provide any actual protection, it would also be rather awkward and bulky.
  13. I would like none of the things depicted in those screenshots. One of things I like about PoE is its toned-down, historically rooted, non-cartoony art style. I like the fact that all weapons and armor in the game are based on historical weapons and armors, and that their design is never over-the-top or WoWish even for the most magical items. I also love that female armor is not, in fact, a chain-mail bikini purposefully designed for titillation rather than protection. We do not know where on Eora PoE 2 will take place, and whether exotic weapons and armors will fit (usually we tend to associate "exotic" with "Asian", so I take it you mean stuff like katana, shuriken, wakizashi, etc.) Personally, I hope not—I was never big on that kind of exotic equipment, which got overly inflated in BG2 (and in all IE games with the Enhanced Editions, for that matter.) Besides, how would a glass armor be of any help? It would shatter instantaneously, harming its wearer. And I don't think I can picture anyone dual-wielding staves
  14. Only men? Besides, I thought Manhea was a woman (the portrait looks rather feminine.)
  15. You can use this spreadsheet to calculate your average DPS in different scenarios against the weighted average DR from all enemies in the base game. It should make things quicker and easier.
  16. Hate to rain on your parade, but it doesn't. It counts as an active ability, same as Frenzy or DAOM.
  17. So bonuses from resting in, say, Caed Nua stack with bonuses from camping with Survival? That's rather ... powerful.
  18. True, but not a fair comparison. The original IWD still has loading times when installed on modern PCs equipped with snappy SSDs. Short loading times, mind you—probably in the neighborhood of 4-5 seconds—but they're there. Reason: The engine was packed full of assumptions on how threaded applications would work in the near future, and most of those turned out inaccurate (source: Either Trent Oster or Cameron Tofer when they were working on BG:EE in 2012-2013.) Beamdog basically rewrote the entire threading model in the IE when they set out to do the Enhanced Edition, and this resulted in no loading times because a) mega-optimized code and b) comparatively smaller resources to load. PoE has much bigger assets to load than any of the original IEs and its engine is, admittedly, very poorly optimized (if at all.)
  19. http://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Creature It's missing TWM creatures but once you get the picture, you'll be able to fill them in yourself.
  20. Both bugs predate the patch. However, enemy debuffs not disappearing was fixed in 2.03 so if you're getting it now, it means it's a regression. I would definitely raise this in the tech forum.
  21. The overhead bar definitely indicates recovery time.
  22. Not the first time a change log for this game is incomplete, though.
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