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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. Throne of Bhaal?
  2. Its ability is called "Spell Striking" and goes off when you score a crit against an enemy. Compare with Sanguine Plate, whose description openly states "when hit by a Critical Hit" and whose ability is called "Spell Holding."
  3. Isn't it at least Fine when you find it? If so, it should be possible to make it Legendary.
  4. It's a bug; I've seen it reported in the tech forum.
  5. ^ You sure the potion stacks with the spell?
  6. What does everyone else think? If there is a consensus around this, it can be done (but it would require build authors to PM me or Tigranes with the information.)
  7. search the builds forum for a thread named "Attack speed 2.0"; it has all the answers you seek and more, including calculation examples of how to reach 0 recovery.
  8. It means every time you roll a hit, there's a 20% chance it gets converted to a crit. When it happens, the combat log shows it by specifying it would have been a hit, but ability XYZ converted it to a crit instead.
  9. I would love more portraits to choose from at character creation. Don't get me wrong: This game has a lot more portraits to offer than any of the IE games ever had, and they're all pretty great. However, I'm one of those who values art-style consistency a lot, and therefore hots to rely on custom portraits that look nothing like Obsidian's. There are many class/race/sex combinations that are still uncovered (to say nothing of hair/facial hair styles) and especially Aumaua, Orlan, and Godlike should get more because even finding custom portraits for them is hard. I was also kinda baffled that all new portraits in PX2 were male humans, the one variety that was needed the least.
  10. ^ That qualifies as a bug, rather than a typo; however, I seem to remember its being reported back when PX2 was first released. Not sure whether 3.02 fixes it.
  11. Brandon, can we expect more patches beyond 3.02?
  12. ^ I have, and it would be a good choice if you're not giving the scepter to someone else. I typically give it to my Wizard, and for this build I decided to leave out gear I was already employing elsewhere. Definitely the equipment section is where you could make the most tweaks depending on what's available to you.
  13. You mean I've been missing out on 2 extra points of MIG for the LoP due to my inane prejudices on what would stack and what wouldn't? I feel dirty inside...
  14. Going by memory: Devotions for the Fauthful, Champion's Boon, Inspiring Radiance, and Scroll of Valor.
  15. That is indeed the case. I didn't invest too much in PER because Monks already share the highest base Accuracy with Fighters, Rogues, and Rangers; they get a very good Accuracy bonus from Transcendent Suffering; and Accuracy is generally easy to boost (especially so if you have a Priest in your party, which I always do.) However, investing more in PER is certainly a good idea if you want to crank Enervating Blows to 11 and/or don't have a Priest around.
  16. Moon Godlike is always a popular choice for any build due to how good their racial is, but I generally prefer to steer away from it for the very same reason. If not used by other party members, Shod-in-Faith or Greenstained Boots will do the same for you; but yes, this build could work absolutely fine with a Moon Godlike. Once again I left out the scepter because I tend to give it to my Wizard (for this build in particular I left out equipment that is already in use by other party members.) It certainly is a great choice for a Spiritshift-focused build, but I feel the overall DPS when Spiritshift is over will be higher dual-wielding spears. The value of Vulnerable Attack is highly dependent on—wait for it—your target's DR. Because your Spiritshift form already comes with 5 DR bypass, for enemies whose DR ranges from 0 to 5 you're better off with the extra speed; for higher DR, you may want to get the extra bypass (tests have been run by other users and the character with Vulnerable Attack invariably downed enemies faster.) Yup. It's like this: Absolutely. The attribute spread is slightly less optimal, but it definitely works.
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