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Everything posted by Nihatek

  1. When i was dungeon master i let players to go through **** and even die when they approached problems like any immortal would to teach them that they need to think and choose their enemies and spots to fight propertly. I expect same from you... )
  2. I got two points here: First question - answer to this lies in the strength of character - its pretty hard to swing with two long swords - its even harder then to swing consistently with two-hand swords - so to fully use that there should be some requirements and also reductions (lower chance to hit if your strenght is on the edge of base) Second question - example used there - staff-dagger is just too bad. But why limit - there are many useful combinations that brings various effect (eg. flail can just let you expose your opponent more), light trident + net - why not - you got another tactical element. (in turn base it will be great)
  3. Hello everyone - i like to enjoy story as much as possible with ocasional combat. But i think it may be nice to choose if you want to fight or not in order to proceed. Sometimes you just want to screw somebody and sometimes you just want to flow around. I like combat a lot, but it depends how you mean it - in Fallout i loved it, in BG, Dragon Age - i hated it. So if it will be turned based with nice tactical options and you can fight clever - yes - i want combat and as challanging as it can be (i will be fighting on highest difficulty if there will be something like that) If it will be that horrible real time/pausing mess - i just take easy difficulty and i will try to enjoy story as much as possible and try to avoid fighting whenever possible.....
  4. By reward in my "always" vote i mean - not financial or material - but information reward, emotional reward, side quest, alternate approach to story line....
  5. I think that it is nice to have option to have interpendant characters in group: If combat is real time with pausing system i would really like to not control other character just because its so much messy and i want to go through quick. If it will be turn base - i expect to have full control.
  6. Hello, my point of view is little different. First of all i think that defining how many locations game should have is pretty stupid - you can have great game which you play for more hours then another with many locations - just becase locations that one location could be bigger then all in second game combined. With locations i think that several things are really nice to consider: a) story of that location should have sense (eg. icebergs in equator area just dont make sense, also winter country with sexy-half naked amazons too) b) there should be diversity of locations - i really loved World of Warcraft, because no location looked like something else (right now i am not telling to draw it same as wow, but that i think that not every location should look like mid-european forest with some kind of stronghold in there all the same. And that i would like to see a see near the desert as well as go through creepy swamp, so i get to "scottish" style highlands with castle on the cliffs from where i can finally reach final destination of high mountains where air is so thin air, that you can barely breath, not even think about fighting - and where i finally found enlightment.)
  7. My opinion is that it does not make sense that wearing plate armor almost half of your weight would decrease chance to be hit. I also dont like idea that shield decrease your chance to be hit (someone told this here - question for you - have you ever blocked 10 kilogram hammer attack with your shield? ****ing hurts) I think it could work like this. Your opponent will still have chance to miss, if he does not you will have chance to dodge his attack influenced by your agility/dexterity/swiftness - whatever - if you dont you might have parried his attack (on/off option) influenced by your agility and weapon - if you do - your next turn you will do less in combat (its also very exhausting) - but with higher strength the lower the penalty, if you dont - check if you have shield - if yes, chance to block part of the damage, if you dont - you get damage - reduced by your armor. This is what i like - nice and quiet logical.
  8. Damn god... i hate ammo - you got another silly thing to worry about. Yeah - i think ammo should matter - but only to some degree. I think that when you are in longer campaign there should be risk that will run ouf of, because you cant carry so much so you wont shoot on every bull**** that is moving. But guys - do you really like deciding - if this is this fight you bought this special enchanted +3 ammo or save it for later. Imo there will be better option to just give you another skill you may find in the game with 2-3 charges and then going on really long cooldown (Frost shot, piercing shot. So you will be able to use it and after some time you will have it back. Not arranging ammo in the combat, then changing back when big guy has fallen. Just btw - are admin even reading this?
  9. First - not everyone want action packed game like you. There is plenty of them already. But i still think this one will be same, because ACTION is just everything right now. And Fallout system is not horrific to everyone - there are times when we dreamed of playing Fallout multiplayer - because we so loved the system. Only thing that was bad there was that computer was really slow on his moves: i did my, then another player was marked - several second - he moved, pause-he shot-pause - pause - another marked. It was slower then it could be - but damn got - system is still great.
  10. Fact that games are simple does not mean that turn based games are not more challanging or if they are - it depends on your setup and computer AI. In Fallout it was just about one person (in my case) and my companion just attacked randomly (and meattanked) - but i was able to kite efectively, i was able to weaken enemy just with one gun (not to mention how it might work if i got several different spells to chose from) Yeah, it is about preparations - Steel panthers are great example for that - when you could arrange your troops on battlefield for 2 hours - but in Steel panthers it was also about execution, how to use your pros and cons (that tank does not see on left or right - just in front of him), how to get rid of enemys tanks (even if you didnt have propere munition to get through the shell) (disclaimer - this was about 10 years ago - so it might be different name of the game, but point still stands) And second argument for execution Heroes of might and magic is easy game to play, right? Oh yes. But you have more variables in the game - more troops, hero to cast spells - imagine it in real time with pause - it will be just rubbish - yeah, some fight would last lot less (does not matter if 30 seconds or 2 minutes for me), but in big fight you were able with clever thinking to adjust your strategy to your army and enemy and you simply got more choices, you wont be using in real time fight - if you want to cast haste to get iniciative and destroy their main damage dealer - or cast slow so your shooter would be able to shoot and weaken enemy sooner then he comes to you - or cast forgetfullness to simply dont let his archers shoot - or cast blessing when you know you will increase your damage more then by using some spell direcly and you got faster troops so you will be able to fully use it in your advantage - or cast some direct damage - or cast armaggedon, because your troops are immune to fire and you will have time to cast other spells next turn In real time combat - it just starts, and you just adapt, you pause, you do something and you watch, sometimes you do some move or change target - but you are not in full control of it - you are not making that big difference like you can in turn based combat. And if it is challanging or not - it is all about calibration, skills you might chose Real time combat might be nice if every character in your group would be comanded by another player and it might look like some MMO, but otherwise i like turn base and only that. If there will be Baldurs combat with pause - i will say that i will go through the fights just to see how story is continueing and not for my personal pleasure - there is just nothing to enjoy in that kind of fight
  11. I really love turn based games - you know your skills, your attacks better, you got time to adjust you strategy - to think of without everything getting messy or 3 times longer. Fallout was great with that, i also loved Heroes of Might and Magic, Spellcross, Civilization. Yeah, you can say, that you got time to arrange things in games like baldurs gate or icewind dale by pausing - but i couldnt get rid of the feeling, that i am slowing the game. And after some time i found it contraproductive, because i was just able to tank and spank almost without the pause, but with the feeling that fight was inefficient, chaotic and then i just lost my mood to fight anyone - because i got no feeling from well done work. If i knew this would be turned base (i know you dont know) - i will pledge 3 times more to the game....
  12. Yes, but i dont want to do it manually after every fight - just after the fight to sheat it
  13. I dont think it is question of magic or not. I think weapon diversity is good thing to have - you can call it magic, legendary. The thing i feel is like you should have option to improve your gear. And you should be happy when you find something magical (even if it will be fun but wortless - boots that will prevent you from feeling heat (when you walk on the burning grounds) My idea about best items is - that every class should have something, that will make it similary strong. (that mage is not OP and warrior suck or mage is just a buffer because engame creatures are magic resistant and therefor he just buff warrior that sucked mid game)
  14. I thought we are making isometric game. Please no 3D. Honestly you can customize injuries too - if you just make several archtypes portraits to all race/class combinations. You can also customize armor (hats, necklaceses, etc) when someone wear them - you just make more pictures
  15. 80 + 8 for Obsiadian Order ) - nice to have two copies and strategy guide to help me find my way )
  16. Czech - Slovaks with enjoy it also - and my girlfriend will play it too )
  17. Hello - i actually like story of Planescepe, but i hate dnd combat system. Fallout was more impressive even though i like fantasy games more
  18. Against. Hi, i am actually against levling just for making quests - taking experience for taking book from point A to point B is similary absurd as gaining experience for killing a rabbit. Secondly - if i kill a dragon - it might be in quest, it might be my objective - but i can meet the dragon without noticing that he is dangerous for local tribe and by defeating him i will gain experience. I still believe that experience should be little rare and not everywhere to grind - does not matter if quests or innocent animals. I think experience should be rewarded for challanging encounter - either where you have to think about solving some situation, or killing difficult encounter (at least not easy one) or when character overcome himself in order to succeed (defeats his fear of spiders for instance). As well as i think that game could be solved in piece way without killing anyone or solo without any companions.
  19. Nihatek, Starcaller of the Obsidian Order i just pledged also with extra 8 dollars. Changed my nick btw ) Nice to be here
  20. I dont like concept of multiclassing as shown in Baldurs gate and others DND games. I would like it to be something like specialization (eg. as you mentioned rouge and then assassin) but with option of reaching same specialization from another class (eg. assissin from warrior) that would have same trademark of assassin but little diferent core skills, tactics - so you will reach skills, but you will play assassin with different mindset
  21. Hello, i think that even if humour is soak throught the game, you can still make serious game. I am from country of the middle Europe and although our situation (political, jobs etc) is serious i think my whole life is soaked with it and i would enjoy game where i have even more fun
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