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Everything posted by JFSOCC

  1. Yes I'll eat manflesh too. provided it died of natural causes and was prepared well
  2. What if there was a caste system but getting a special soul is a way for upward mobility? Or worse, you could be born into a caste that's quite high up, only for it to become apparent that you have a soul of one of the minor castes, like that of a barbarian. Could you change your soul? what about your place in society? This would obviously only work if the soul system is not always apparent (and only a few realise/are lucky enough to have a powerful soul inherited)
  3. I've seen enough grit and greyness. I'm ok with some scary stuff, it is after all a mature game. But I want my colourful pixies and landscapes and characters and a degree of humour as well.
  4. Dungeonkeeps, you're new here, please remain respectful. Calling someone you don't even know a whore is unacceptable. It's in your hands to keep this forum a friendly place for discussion, or to let it devolve into yet another one of "those" forums where extreme vitriol damages discussion and divides people into parties. Your post in another thread was already quite negative in tone. this is not that kind of forum. please keep it that way.
  5. which is also why it didn't last.
  6. yeah, you don't have to work because someone else is doing it for you. :S
  7. I liked Sis and her... protectee? in Alpha Protocol, was really a shame they cut part of her content.
  8. Read in Don Lafontaine's voice: -revolutions -redemption -the next generation -crossfire -renegade -payback -behind enemy lines -apocalypse -destiny -revenge -the reckoning -reloaded yeah... pass on the clichéd subtitles. A subtitle should only be used if the name is so generic that a google search would show up something else.
  9. Jayne from firely. Excellent character, completely believable, yet stands out.
  10. poe's law indeed. Satelites do orbit the earth, so clearly your premise cannot be correct. Tell me, which is more likely: 1. You are wrong, your community's desire to believe in something despite evidence to the contrary has given rise to a crisis in faith with they hope to solve by ignoring the offending evidence as blasphemous. 2. MOST of the world's scientific community, governments and engineering community are all part of a HUGE conspiracy involving MILLLIONS of people, of whom NOBODY EVER broke the silence (of all those millions of people, not a single one had ever a crisis of conscience and decided "this is wrong, I should tell the truth!") All in order to convince you that the world is round and space exists. Many of them do believe in god, so it couldn't be intended to disprove god. (can't prove a negative anyway.) Ignoring the question of why so many people would lie, hold on to that lie, tell me, how did they manage to maintain it so successfully that most people believe it, that independent tests confirm it, and that everyone can observe it, with basic tools or just basic observation skills. Have you ever heard of Occam's razor?
  11. "Epic" wouldn't describe Soule's work at all. Soule aims more for relaxing tunes. To relax and relieve stress from a long period of time playing the game. Many games fail on doing too bombastic themes. Baldurs gate is actually a good example. the epic music in the background while I was rolling a character. The music was telling me "You are locked in an EPIC struggle of the ages!" while the screen was telling me numbers and stats. I liked the work Soule did for guild-wars, particularly eye of the storm.
  12. Good interview! I like most of what I'm hearing, except the part of it being combat heavy. I like my combat in moderation. (Baldurs Gate II was about right, if they dropped the random encounters to an all time low)
  13. The risk of failure is present in any endeavour. It can happen. I will grieve and move on. Things sometimes fail, but I'm not going to base my life on what might go wrong.
  14. Because waiting for a cooldown timer is better than replenishing abilities at will? With a chance of getting kicked in the teeth by randomly spawning enemies? hell yes. also, better pacing. That will still happen when you rest to regain health. Nothing changes except now there will be two mechanics to replace what was formerly done with one. that's what I'm saying. the rest mechanic is inferior to the cooldown mechanic.Edit: but that's not really the topic of this thread.
  15. it shouldn't be mandatory, it should be interesting enough that it doesn't have to be mandatory for me to want to play it.
  16. http://t.co/51QvTATb Then get one soon. They need help. do they do international shipping?
  17. I'm a cat person, one of the stretch goals was cats. I want a cat
  18. I found kangaroo way to tough and gamey.
  19. winter depression (AKA Seasonal Affective Disorder AKA SAD)Light therapy, it helps, helps a great deal.
  20. I weep for humanity
  21. Because waiting for a cooldown timer is better than replenishing abilities at will? With a chance of getting kicked in the teeth by randomly spawning enemies? hell yes. also, better pacing.
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