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Everything posted by jivex5k

  1. Not working for me either. I'll just wait a day or two, no rush. Glad to see it's a problem others are having, seems like it's just overloaded. We are excited for this game!
  2. Great update....I'm happy to see cloth physics mentioned..... But what about beard rendering? Please....just let us know about beard rendering!
  3. I would love something like Ni No Kuni's Wizard Companion, but let's be realistic. That game (most likely) had a HUGE budget compared to this one. Studio Ghibli is a big name, and they spent 2 years localizing it for America (and did a fantastic job!) As much as I'd LOVE something that detailed, I'd rather have more time and effort spent on the core gameplay, story, and side quests. But please, don't take that to mean I don't want anything like a detailed codex at all, it's a balancing act really.
  4. Oh, au contraire mon ami, Boosh! http://ca.shine.yahoo.com/blogs/beauty/japanese-snaggletooth-craze-spawns-dental-procedures-girl-group-194500258.html HAHA OMG! That's...wow, japan sure likes little girls.
  5. LOL! There's no country where snaggle teeth is a desirable quality. Hairy women...dude it's a culture thing. No different than choosing to wear jewelry.
  6. They woudn't be mandatory though. Don't limit others because of your close minded view about female dwarf beards. And yes please to entire body length beards. Dwarves should take great pride in their beards, and should have a large variety of beard styles. In fact, I'd love to get some epic beard style as a quest, you have to seek out the beard master. It would be a beard that redefined the meaning of beard. A beard so grand, to gaze upon it would cause one to tear up at it's magnificence. That's the beard I want.
  7. Well, the old IE games had multiplayer, but it was severely under utilized according to the devs working on PE. And for this kickstarter campaign we were promised a single player game. Most people here aren't against multiplayer in general, but feel the developer's time would be better spent on perfecting a single player experience and not spending time developing a multiplayer aspect. So for this iteration of PE don't expect to see single player from the devs. Some ambitious modders could provide it though, modders can do a lot. And if the game is a success I imagine multiplayer will be considered once again for the next game.
  8. No color coding! It's distracting and not helpful.
  9. Guys they already said this would be in the game. [lie]
  10. Dutch courage noun, Sometimes Offensive. courage inspired by facing the horrors of a dutch oven, and living to speak of it. Origin: 1805–15 Gameplay use: Character becomes immune to poisonous gas for a short period.
  11. You mean words and phrases like: "Frenemies?" ,"Google it" and "Yolo" Let's keep modern crap out of our game's language please! I'd like regional dialects with original concepts.
  12. I couldn't agree with the OP more. If we acquire abilities to make certain scenarios a cakewalk then so be it!
  13. Ni No Kuni on PS3....man makes me feel like a kid again!
  14. Edit - whoops wrong thread!
  15. Don't pollute my cRPG with a MOBA minigame please. Minigames in cRPGs should be: 1. Drinking 2. Cards (while drinking) 3. Dice (and a few drinks) 4. and maybe.....maybe arm wrestling (with a bit of ale)
  16. The more spells the better, as long as they aren't simply stronger versions of one another. I don't want an improved invisibility spell, just allow me to improve my spellcasting overall. And I don't really want spells that are only slightly different, like say a camouflage spell that is more effective outdoors than an invisibility spell which works better indoors or something. But different spell shields are cool, one for deflecting spells, one for melee damage, one for projectile damage.
  17. Religious beliefs aside, the ability to complete the game without magic is an interesting concept. I'd like the game to be that versatile, but not without some difficulty. Obviously there will be times when magic users shine, but as they stated they don't want to prevent a class from completing a task.
  18. Stream on twitch, record it, upload to youtube.
  19. I think PE has a great opportunity to reinvent cRPG stealth, and really make it much better than previous attempts. Dishonored did stealth pretty well, but I think the best stealth I've experienced was in Metal Gear Solid. It's important for them to only take concepts that transfer well from genre to genre. Like enemy field of view, and sense of hearing. It's also important to relay that information to the player, otherwise they will always be guessing whether they are heard/seen or not. It turns stealth into a very frustrating affair when you don't know what your doing wrong, or how close you can get.
  20. I'd like to be able to try and blast chests open at the expense of possible damage.
  21. The thing is, this is true for some people, and not for others. So of course this discussion is happening like this. If you like combat and fighting, well why would you avoid fighting? Just to feed the urge to have the most efficient path to game completion? Non-combat will be favored by those looking for the optimal path, assuming it becomes the optimal path. It might be much more time consuming to attempt to stealth through the entire game, nobody knows how stealth is going to work at all at this point. You can break this whole discussion down further: There are those who must take the optimal path to completion, and those who will play the game as they enjoy it regardless of how efficient it is. So really, this whole discussion is pointless.
  22. No, there's really not a problem with it at all as long as combat is fun for me. I don't get why you guys are so worried it will ruin the game, it won't. Assuming the combat system is engaging, winning the battle is enough of a reward because: 1. You beat them! Congrats, you're doing good, it's pretty satisfying using tactics to take out hard enemies, or even steamrolling lesser ones. 2. You get loot! 3. The story or side story will be progressing. 4. You know you're slightly closer to finishing the quest and getting a nice fat XP reward. 5. It's fun! Isn't that the whole point? I also like it because: 1. It eliminates the need for grinding. 2. It forces you to go into a quest and sticking with that particular skill set. No leveling up mid quest and getting a handy ability you realize you could really use. 3. It's a fresh idea! As for the whole sneaking thing...if your so worried about doing the absolute best in the game and saving every resource and saying I don't want to get into fights because it's not the absolute most efficient path....well that's on you. No one forces you to avoid fights, and it probably won't be that easy to sneak an entire party by some enemies. Sneaking past every enemy to conserve resources sounds pretty damn boring to me, this isn't metal gear solid. Now if the combat system sucks...this whole game will suck so it will all be moot.
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