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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. It's worth noting the plaintiff had a PPP loan forgiven that was over twice the max the student loan cancelation could be. https://theintercept.com/2022/11/09/student-debt-relief-lawsuit-ppp-myra-brown/ Loan forgiveness for me but not for thee.
  2. While I'm not a big fan of CGI generally, I am a big fan of del Torro and the man knows his monsters. I think Kubrick is undoubtedly a master of his craft, but I do have to say I would not have guessed that you would like A Clockwork Orange. If you end up enjoying Eyes Wide Shut then I will eat a whole rotisserie chicken. He reduced Scatman Crothers to tears by making him do close to 150 takes in The Shining, so pain in the neck may be an understatement. Lmao, the first thing you hear is Alex saying the most British nonsense over synth music and it is hilarious.
  3. I didn't know the map changed with camera rotation. Not great design. The Secret of Creation is the discount version of Nenio's quest, in more ways than one. I think that Pathfinder 1e in general and Owlfinder specifically are more about system mastery than tactics, knowing how to balloon your numbers to the stratosphere and grab immunity to debilitating conditions is going to matter much more than tactics in many cases. Who needs tactics when you hit on a 1 and are immune to everything under the sun? Anyways this game triggers my rerollitis hard. I have not been able to get past the Shield Maze since picking the game back up.
  4. I've considered it, but I'm making good money with my current gig. I think the classical German music group Rammstein had a song about how all the world lives in America. This is true by most measures, America exports media of all kinds around the world so it's almost inescapable. From what I've heard from other non-Americans who speak English, it's nigh impossible to avoid. My sympathies because this place is ****ing dumb as ****. Trump being banned from Twitter was legitimately one of the funniest things to happen.
  5. I can believe that. My current job involves visiting lots of residences, a few months back I was replacing some breakers and the homeowner kept talking to me about how cheap houses were here and that he bought two for less than what he sold his house in California for. Like yeah bro, I can totally relate to selling a house for over a mil and using the cash to buy two with change to spare. Do these people have no real idea of what people actually make?
  6. I've never been to California, so I can't comment on what California is really like. But I can tell you that the conservative narrative on California has always been comically insane and shouldn't be taken seriously. That said, we've had a bunch of right-wing Californians roll in and gouge housing prices, so can yall take them back? I don't make enough to make LA rent.
  7. Disappointing but not surprising. I'm sure Beto will give it another go after losing the senate race in 2024. Peter Theil will do gene editing to make Florida residents amphibious, like the various aquatic humanoids in fiction but (more) fascist. We will never be free of Florida. Let's be real, not much has changed. Despite a disappointing night for Republicans they still hold a lot of political power in state governments, federal legislature, and the judiciary (nb4 someone says it isn't aktuaucallly political). Moreover, the majority of people don't need to be with it, because the US political system is bonkers and Republicans don't care about the majority opinion anyways. So yeah, nice to see Republicans fall on their face this time, but it isn't a resounding defeat of Republicans generally and Trump specifically. If anything they will double down and reach new lows in time for the next election, which Trump has a relatively good chance of winning even if he can't get the popular vote.
  8. I could see that or digital only, what was confusing about what we had in Harris County is it combined the two in a way that doesn't make sense to me.
  9. I voted. The ballot machines were weird, I had to pick choices from a screen then insert a couple of pages (one at a time) into the machine to have my choices printed on the paper, then the printed ballot went into another machine. As far as I can tell there isn't any benefit to this over the digital machines. Anyways PARODY ALERT DO NOT TAKE THE FOLLOWING AS A FACTUAL STATEMENT THIS DISCLAIMER BROUGHT TO YOU BY PARODY+ I'm confident the guy who through a hard seltzer at Ted Cruz will win the election and be the best governor in history. END OF PARODY THANK YOU FOR USING PARODY+ BASIC UPGRADE TO PARODY+ NITRO FOR $5.99/MONTH FOR THREE MONTHS JFNHSJDONDBDKNDBDUODH82&#>$,;÷>÷8÷^÷7×9[;1^#7$]$(,==&÷88÷>&=÷<$8=9;=<#*=;=;$>=,^=<$>&=<$>=;=;=<=,=;<> I'll give you it in dogecoin.
  10. Unless you've paid for the Social Samurai Parody+ package, you'll continue this nowhere and will be suspended for making fun of Overlord Elon. Comedy may be legal now, but that doesn't mean it's free.
  11. There is a contingent of reactionaries in fandom(s) who make everything unbearable and comparing them pieces of **** would be an insult to ****. They can all burn in hell. I don't think we should ignore them, because they do overlap with the ongoing wave of stochastic terror being unleashed and are a danger to others. But I don't don't see any of them here. Maybe ignore is just working for me and there is a guy posting 10 hour videos about how wokeness is killing whatever, in which case that guy can go **** himself. Really dodged a bullet there I guess, somehow this forum is less insane that much of the internet. Anyways I'm rewatching Breaking Bad and Meth Damon has arrived. For some reason I really like seeing Jesse Plemons in stuff, I have no real idea why.
  12. This better not be parody, else Musk will ban you. I may vote tomorrow, Beto is better than Abbot but I wish I could vote for the guy who threw a beer at Ted Cruz.
  13. Those are salient points, but AOC didn't reply to my DM respectfully asking for feet pics so both sides are equally bad. "Deny feet, get heat" - Quentin Tarantino
  14. I haven't seen She-Hulk, but I did laugh when I read the writers dropped a storyline because they couldn't figure out how to make lawyer stuff exciting. That's probably not something you'd want to say when Better Call Saul is doing the final season.
  15. Crimes of the Future (2022) When this movie hit my radar, I was excited to hear that Cronberg was returning to body horror. I'm a big fan of horror as a genre and body horror in particular has held a place of fascination for me before I knew the term "body horror". The critics raved, viewers walked out in disgust, and the word of mouth was that Cronberg had again made a disturbing body horror film. I disagree. The film is great, beautifully shot and with performances that are artfully disturbing while delivering some very silly lines like "surgery is the new sex". Yet, it doesn't feel like a horror film to me. Yes there's mutations, visceral (cgi) surgery, and murder but it doesn't feel like it's meant to scare you (even though you probably will feel disgust). The mutations and mutilations feel more like dystopian elements akin to cyberpunk body modification than they do horror scares while the murder is more in line with crime drama than anything. This is a big surprise for me in a good way, I don't think it's on the level of EEAAO but it's a damn good movie.
  16. Oh yeah, the Thassilonians have unique spell books specifically to prevent them from using opposition schools, so no...naughty exploits to get around it. When I think of it, the TS is a downgrade from the normal wizard. It's not Arcane Bomber bad, but losing that versatility for an extra spell is a poor trade off, especially with abundant casting. Luckily Nenio is the best Wizard archetype so by level 10 she can use her scroll savant abilities and scribe scrolls to cast spells very often, including spells wizards couldn't normally cast without UMD and a check. Just make sure you have the money to burn.
  17. It may not work with the new game versions unfortunately. Nenio is probably the most unique companion as none of the others come with a full Wizard spell list by default, so it's either a mercenary, a worse Wolijif, or a respec mod if you're looking to have a caster who uses the full Wizard spell list in the party without the foxy lady. You manage without that on most difficulties but it's powerful amd versatile enough to be a benefit for most parties. Opposition school spells aren't prohibited, they take up two slots to get prepared.
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