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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Conversely, as @ShadySands already said, the anti-Trump vote is a big motivator. To look at those four key states you mentioned: Arizona just flipped Democrat because of Trump backed nominees, both Georgia and Nebraska trend Republican generally, and Wisconsin is a purple state (that got gerrymandered into being deep red on a practical level). All that in mind, it's very possible that a not-Trump Republican would be able to win in those states by not getting people to the polls to vote against them or even get some staunch anti-Trump folks to vote for them. Really I think the best, and funniest, scenario would be Trump winning or getting close to winning the primary while giving his opponents black eyes, then dropping dead of a heart attack or covid. The third party run would probably peel more votes in a general election, but his primary opponents launching into a war for his throne would very much be an implosion for the party and you'd get a good amount of his cultists refusing to support the pretender. If Trump lost the primary or dropped, he could always direct his cult to getting behind the candidate in exchange for being a kingmaker. The most likely scenario is that Trump wins the primary and we find ourselves back in 2020. Probably with a new rona variant to boot. Nothing can stick on Trump, his wealth and sycophants will protect him from any legal consequences he may find thrown at him. Trump is more at risk from his fast food heavy diet than he is from prosecution.
  2. I too have such a kink. Even better, with the 3rd straight loss for Republicans nationally, we're going to see opportunists jump off the Trump train so Trump will be feuding with several people over the next two years.
  3. While watching Jurrasic World 3, I wished I did not have eyes or ears. Not even Sam Neil and Laura Dern could save it.
  4. Watch Alucarda (1977). The low budget Mexican English-language Satanic Vampire Lesbian Nun movie has to be seen to be believed.
  5. Chainsawman 6: Part 2 of the hotel. Okie dokie, first off there's part 3 in a week and this reminds me of why I usually like to watch a whole season or series at once. Anyways this is still very good, it says shonen on the tin but in some ways it feels more like seinen. Stick with the wrists, if you blind yourself you can't make a pact with an eldritch entity and that would be naughty
  6. Guess who's back? https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/15/politics/trump-2024-presidential-bid Whelp, I guess it was only a matter of time before he needed some more merch money coming in.
  7. With any luck, in a year Twitter gets bought for a few million and Elon destroys Tesla. Not only will this be extremely funny, but taking cars that explode and have a deadly autopilot would vastly improve public safety.
  8. There's your problem, the souls of would-be summoners are low tier. If you're willing to summon a creature from hell then it already has a strong claim on your soul while entities from beyond don't really care about such stuff. It's like trying to sell ice to an Alaskan or a hamburger to a vegan, respectively. For the hell creature try sacrificing someone else's soul, while the thing from beyond will be satisfied with taking a look at the world through your eyes. Have fun.
  9. That's unfortunate, but it's next on my list so let's see if it drives me to madness. Nonsense, it's slice of life. Whomst amongst us has not summoned an entity from beyond reality and/or hell that wreaks havoc?
  10. Alucarda (1977) It's a low budget Mexican English-language Satanic Vampire Lesbian Nun movie. Uh......it's a great B-movie, absolutely wild and (unintentionally) hilarious.
  11. Spy x Family 19: The worst so far. The only funny moments were Anya giving a kid a leaf she found in the street as a going away present (while everyone else was giving fancy ****) and Yor imagining Anya with the shocked face. Thankfully Franky wasn't there.
  12. The Onion will have to sue him for making reality too difficult to parody. Oh and now that I think of it, there is a fourth possibility: Elon Musk is desperately wants to be funny but has a sense of humor that would embarrass someone from 2005.
  13. As I see it there are a few possibilities. 1) Elon Musk is an idiot who is only rich due to luck and other rich people being easy dupes. 2) Elon didn't want to buy Twitter at all and is trying to default on the loan or something. 3) Elon Musk spent $44 Billion to stop people from posting his bald picture or the one of him ad Ghislaine Maxwell. Honestly all 3 could be correct at once, which makes this **** even funnier.
  14. Barbarian (2022) This film is FANTASTIC. Genuinely horrifying on several levels in a way that most slashers wished they could be. The curveball thrown is beautifully executed in a way I have seldom seen pulled off. It's hard to say more without spoilers, so I'll wait to see if anyone else gives it a go. I highly recommend this. Good. Real talk, if a magical animal offers your daughter, or any child for that matter, to make a wish come true if they make a contact with it, make sure they don't sign up.
  15. No, the Unicorn of War also hates Abeltoh, albeit for reasons we can't fully comprehend.
  16. Let's just hope it's not Crystal either. The "Beautiful giraffes" are nightmares created by Abeloth to make people not watch the real show.
  17. I see another incubator is here, is there another magical girl who is being naughty?
  18. I'm always open for contracts, and what girl doesn't want to become a magical girl.
  19. I've heard good things about Andor, namely that if all the other Star Wars shows are adults playing with action figures, Andor feels more like a series with an idea behind it. I haven't seen it and could be wrong, so take that as hearsay.
  20. On one hand I can see it being overwhelming, on the other I usually hate when films inorganically explain stuff like what all the fictional stuff (slang, technology, etc.) is. In A Clockwork Orange I think the slang helps establish the world as a dystopian future or alternate reality. But I like it. Yes, though I suppose that depends exactly what you mean by a movie like A Clockwork Orange. There's more than a few folks making films that are dark, violent, sexual, and very weird. I assume some of them are less than faithful adaptations. The kicker is they're low(er) budget indie films and/or made outside the US with government funding. Bad Luck Banging or Loony Porn comes to mind as a satire that is shocking, dark, and cynical. The big problem is of course funding, the big studios are much more conservative and driven by algorithms, so good luck getting funding if your film isn't a proven money maker. I don't think any big established director who can get the big budgets would or could take the risk, Tarantino would rather play with action figures and do another western or period flick (or maybe sci-fi), Nolan would get high on his own farts again, Spielberg is in the boomer kitsch phase, Peele is too nice, and Scorsese or del Toro wouldn't get the budget. So I guess look to the indie films for something like A Clockwork Orange. That ought to be fun. Well if you ever decide to watch Eyes Wide Shut let me know and I will procure the rotisserie chicken. You naughty
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