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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Remember when Trump said he would bomb Russia with jets in PRV decal to trick them into fighting? Maybe the Russians copied his idea?
  2. Polished up off the South eastern areas before doing Leper's Smile. I've always used Sosiel for the bait squad because a guy who can heal seems like a no brainer here, I guess that Regill and Irabeth don't fare nearly as well and that Nurah's knowledge provides questionable benefits at best? Anyways looks like we're marching to Drezen right now, Daeran will end up waiting for his party so I can see what happens when the gang is all there.
  3. I just realized that Jolyne's VA also voices Power in Chainsaw Man. That's cool. I do laugh at Pucci sometimes because he voiced Daru in Steins;Gate and I half expect him to start....doing Daru stuff.
  4. I spent yesterday vacating my digestive system in a few ways and was so light headed I couldn't focus on anything. But that's over and I'm feeling better now. I'm on the gofundme healthcare plan, where you try to make social media posts go viral and use that to direct attention to the fundraiser. It's the market in action, and the market is NEVER wrong. I also can't afford life insurance lmao
  5. You know I've never actually played a necromancer. All my evil mages end up being fireball tossers or use enchantment/illusion. I've got a necromancer Lich planned, so I guess that's something new. Anyways....if you're looking at Lich the Undead Sorcerer is probably the best vanilla choice thematically and mechanically. The mind-affecting stuff will let you use certain buff spells on your corpse gang and merged spellcasting is extremely powerful. If you're using mods like a naughty boy, then the Undead Master Wizard and Undead Lord Cleric (Homebrew Archetypes) provide you with a skeleton companion and fit the theme like a glove. With the Spellbook Merge mod you can do a evil Cleric, Bones Oracle, or Bone Shaman merged caster to boot. In all honesty, I also don't think I could do pure Lawful in this game. Not only is it against my instincts, but the WotR Lawful is just a deranged no fun fascist anyways....so you may as well play villain while you're doing it. My Aeon game is definitely going to be played with going to Devil in mind.
  6. It adds sublime misery, both in terms of fights and increased skill dcs. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that Unfair is unfair, but it feels more like a challenge for the spreadsheets than tactics.
  7. I don't think I've ever played Owlfinder on normal, I usually went core or above. But I do recall seeing one of the devs post (on reddit) that they play on normal, so maybe that isn't a bad way to go.
  8. You naughty Sarex Oh boy, in Unfair you can expect archers in random encounters to dish out 2000 damage a round in the late game. It is not a fun experience.
  9. JoJo Stone Ocean 33-38 They brought Roundabout back for the ending. Ummm......yeah there is no way I can talk about this without spoilers. DIO has a very interesting idea of heaven.
  10. Did some companion quests and picked up Regill. Looks like I'll be going against the swarm soon. "The absence of an answer is an answer too" - Stranger in WotR But really, that was set up too much for me to not make that joke. Yeah, I wouldn't dream of stepping on anyone's enjoyment of something or interpretation of something (barring something really dumb, like EEAAO being anti-semitic). If you enjoyed something I didn't or have a different interpretation that's great. I'm glad you had a good time or interesting thoughts. I am a quarter of my life removed from my first PoE playthrough and am not blessed with a photographic memory. I only have the facts of how I felt, not the feelings that lead me to such a conclusion. If you want to know what eating mounds of dry bread is like, eat a crusty loaf of bread without anything else. No matter how good the bread is, your mouth is going to dry out and you may feel it stick in your throat, which is an unpleasant experience. You NEED some water at that point. The writing in PoE was often very dense and narrow tonally, my initial take was that some interactions felt like you were being monologed at by Jeffrey Lebowski or an Aaron Sorkin protagonist without producing anything interesting or memorable.
  11. Did the Gray Garrison and started the Crusade. Wendaug continues to be better than Lann. She may be a demon worshipping cannibal, but she's actually funny. While I'm more positive now on PoE than you, I can relate. Going in I was very excited, but after several hours I wasn't having nearly a much fun as expected. Several hours later and I was exhausted. Combat was a repetitive war of attrition with grazes, the writing was like eating mounds of dry bread, and he characters just didn't draw me in. I finished out of a desire to see the damn thing done, similar to what our friend @majestic does with certain tv shows, and did not look at it again until Deadfire was announced. I came back to it and found it better, but still nowhere near the expectations I had and not something I feel very much temptation to play. Why don't I enjoy it? I mean it checks all the boxes and it is unquestionably more competently made than the IE games or the Owlcat Pathfinder games....so why doesn't it do it for me? I think the answer is a combination of several factors, both small and huge, but at the end of the day PoE feels like something that just doesn't come together to achieve greatness.
  12. The Midnight Club is probably the biggest disappointment for me in 2022. While I've seen worse, Midnight Mass raised my expectations.
  13. JoJo Stone Ocean 28-32: Underworld and Heavy Weather It's good. No way to talk about it without spoiling though.
  14. Al Strobel, who played the one armed man in Twin Peaks, has passed away.
  15. JoJo Stone Ocean 27: Sky High A man dressed like a cow uses rod-shaped cryptids to attack two lesbians and a child. And that's not even the weirdest thing in the episode.
  16. Okie dokie, so I've cleared everything in Act 1 but raiding the Gray Garrison. So far selective spell grease is the mvp, selective is so much better than the pnp version I slept on it my first run until mid game. The tavern fight is wonky in TB and needs RT turned on periodically for the arsonists to spawn which is annoying. Also, I found another (Lawful) that wasn't evil or stupid. You can tell Staunton it's not right for the crusaders to bully him. However, there is another (Lawful) option right above that where you tell him he should be killed. Inexplicably fun game.
  17. I haven't seen indy 4 and can't remember the other movies. Ah well, it is what it is.
  18. JoJo Stone Ocean 25-26: Bohemian Rhapsody Weather Report and Anasui fight Pinnochio, Snow White, and Vincent van Gogh.
  19. Cocaine Bear vs 5-headed Shark vs Snakes on a Train vs Dracula in Jurassic Park.
  20. A slasher movie with a bear on coke directed by Elizabeth Banks statting Ray Liotta, Angry Retail Guy, and Isiah Whitlock Jr? This is going to be one of the greatest movies of 2023, up there with M3gan. Wait for Cocaine Bear vs Meth Moose.
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