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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I don't ignore them. The man annoyed me so much I took the silly little cat. At least my Knight Commander wasn't a lady, or she'd have to punish him for sexual harassment. You can get her and do her full arc too afaik, early recruitment is mostly a treat for Azatas. Spoilers for several things story related
  2. No. I can agree with that, but I tend to respond less to symbolism than I do emotion and feeling. For me at least it came up a bit short here, for reasons I would struggle to articulate. Though visually it gave me a ton to chew on for quite a while.
  3. Yes, better than Lann and you should be sad for doing Arue-chan dirty. Later game he can probably get better theoretical damage than her, but he suffers from a lack of accuracy bonus to his attacks. Perfect strike is good, but it's much more limited than instant enemy is and without that he is going to struggle against higher level enemies. It's probably ok on normal though. Should add a disclaimer that this assumes a straightforward Zen Archer build for Lann. You could go Mutation Warrior for the rest of his levels and come out with very good accuracy, or do something crazy like make him a Cleric. Lann has a lot more versatility in the vanilla game because he starts at level 1 while Arueshalae starts much higher. I'd also say that Wenduag is a better archer than Lann too, but I like to respec her to a Mutation Warrior because it's better than the plain Fighter and feels like it fits her in terms of lore.
  4. Arue is also a better archer than Lann or Wenduag.....in addition to being the most blatant waifu bait I have ever seen. The moon motif makes me think of the Sailor Moon theme to boot. Camellia is helpful, is she not?
  5. That's some range. Dandy was voiced by the same guy who did Abbachio and Dr. Gel's VA did Old Joesph. There's probably more, but so far at least I haven't heard Jotaro or DIO, whose vas are probably the most recognizable to the point I can't help but associate them with ORA ORA ORA or MUDA MUDA MUDA. And Meow is voiced by the same guy who does Franky in Spy X Family.
  6. I think that Netflix's constant cancelations is doing more damage to their brand than anything. Why would I bother getting invested in any show they put out when it's almost certainly going to end incomplete because the algorithm was displeased it didn't do Stranger Things numbers? Most Netflix films haven't been particularly memorable so that leaves us with limited series like Midnight Mass or Maniac, which are good but much less frequent than series with at least a few expected seasons. Netflix is lucky that HBO self-immolated to give reality tv man a tax write off (to make Real 1000 Pound Housewifes of Montana), because otherwise they would be the worst streaming service out there. Anyways, moar Twin Peaks rewatching. I can't remember what episode I left off at, probably either 7 or 8. It's amazing.
  7. The amount of "unexpected errors" I get when I try to post is more expected than being able to post. Recap episodes are usually questionable filler at best, but I don't see how you can do a Violet Evergarden recap and just miss the struggles and development that form what the show is actually about. I also have seen neither the long OVA or the movie.......yet. Maybe when I've finished Space Dandy.
  8. This is your short post? Embrace the low effort and stop making us (by which I mean me) look bad. Now this I can relate to. And I had mother****ers bothering me on both holidays when I'd normally be off.
  9. The void is hungrier than ever, hopefully it is a sign that some outer god is waking up and will soon save us from the clown apocalyptic reality we are trapped in.
  10. I was going to make a joke about the forum software preventing you from being a hater, but the software ate it thrice.
  11. I've done a lot of romping around Alushinyrra, the highlight of which was to become champion of the arena and turn a temperamental demoness into a mirror. Also fought a pathetic quasit. So far I am enjoying the shenanigans of the Trickster. If I could change one thing, it'd be swapping the path guide
  12. Since I know little about 40k, I thought yall were joking. Yall are not. Lmao, looks like you could buy several 3d printers for the price of a basic army. Por que no los dos? But what is the adjika like? I think my grandmother used to eat it but I don't really know much about it (or her tbh).
  13. That's just what a Russian would do to trick you.
  14. I've been carving a path through Alushinyrra and I still hate the maps. Yes I know that it's supposed to be a chaotic city and all that, but having to rotate the camera so the paths stay open is very annoying. I stopped trying to do perfect because the rooftop guys just die. I don't think there is much difference, if any, between perfect and making sure the arsonists don't burn anything. Also I play in TB and that encounter is broken in TB, as are the mythic demons who resurrect themselves after getting killed once.
  15. Space Dandy 11: Let's go to the library, baby. The Gagol Empire would rather invade a planet than pay a late fee for library books lmao.
  16. Chainsaw Man 12: I can't think of a title that won't spoil @InsaneCommander If you can believe it.....it's a good episode once again. One with an early credits and an extended after credits sequence.
  17. Twin Peaks s1 episode 3 While previous episodes have certainly been strange, I think this is the point where David Lynch rips off the bandaid and the show fully embraces absurdity. And you know what? It works. Beautifully. The result is a ****ing hilarious comedy interwoven with a mystery drama and magical realism. I don't think I've ever seen Dark, so I don't understand your dislike of Dark on Two Boats (presumably in 1899). How naughty of me
  18. The library resolves much differently if you don't do it before the tavern gets attacked, and maybe visiting Daeran's mansion will play differently if you wait. I'd go ahead and do those before the tower if possible. That random encounter is forced so unless you rest for three days at the market, you're doing it. If you do the Tower quest before the attack you get time added to the timer. But it's a hard fight unless you can pass a couple of checks, so much so the game advises you to wait. I like them when done well, but I think this timed event has too many things that can blow up if you don't deal with them first. One could say that the things you should do before and the things it doesn't matter if you do before should be more......balanced.
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