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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. If that was true then why did it take you a year to go off on it, and to something that was a tangent? I've seen Zor get called a Russian apologist for doing his usual pedantic aktuallllly thing and never seen you speak up about that putting him into a box. Really it sounds like you're more offended by a perceived slight against yourself than you are putting people into boxes.
  2. Every iteration of this thread has been about putting people into boxes, the good box or the russia box. That it took an observation of who was organizing the pro-Russian thing in Austria to set you off on putting people in boxes is pretty damn funny.
  3. Look, I know we've had some fun here but let's not go too far. Flat earth should be left in the dustbin of history. Scientific evidence has confirmed the giant ball of ice theory.
  4. Well similarly to how obese people tend to eat more fast food than average, people who believe the vaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx will give them tiger aids are more likely to be into other conspiracy theories and be Putin fanbois. Now just like you have fat folks who don't eat fast food and skinny folks who eat it every day, you have anti-vaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxers who don't like Putin and Putin stans who get their microchip firmware updates. It's a correlation that seems to hold true in at least three different countries, no one is saying that not getting a vaccine means you personally cheer for every Ukrainian killed.
  5. Sounds like Ukraine should get one of those weather warping balloons. Start being naughty.
  6. You're comparing apples and astrophysics. One of them is an observation of general correlation and the other is fantasy **** that's numerically impossible. If you want to make a comparison, it's that people who eat fast food 3+ times a week tend to be more overweight than the general population. Does that also get you booty blasted?
  7. Buddy, noting an overlap isn't equating anything. If 75% of RPG players like vidya game romance, it doesn't mean that playing a RPG is the same thing as smashing some digital bootay after 3 conversations and you'd be dumb to think that. I don't know why you're this triggered and you should probably not get so worked up. They're also disproportionately Naruto fans, and watching Naruto is objectively the worst thing you can do.
  8. More often than not, the anti-vaxxers put themselves in that group.
  9. Twin Peaks: The Return. David Lynch said it was an 18 hour movie, so I'm posting about it here. So this is he second time I've seen this, and it's gotten better for me. Much better. If the original Twin Peaks can be seen as a vehicle for surrealism and an examination of the hidden nightmares found in America's idealized projection of itself wrapped up in a satire of soap operas and mystery series, then The Return is takes that, almost entirely peels the wrapping off, and launches in to some very strange territory. Even by Lynch standards it's a very weird movie with....you know what just watch it for yourself. It feels impossible to spoil because like the anime JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, what happens is so off the wall that accurately describing what happens would be taken by most folks as a joke. Yuge reccomend, this is a masterpiece.
  10. That's interesting and all that, but I think this may be a good reaction image.
  11. I've seen Avatar but I can't remember it. Something about unobtanium and blue cat people fighting the US army and/or evil megacorp.
  12. I remember how until 2015 Germany refused to call the Herero and Namaqua genocide a genocide because it predated the codification of genocide under international law. I guess it's nice they took "responsibility" over a century later but that initial instinct to dodge the charges says quite a bit.
  13. Wait until Nenio gets Weird. In my opinion, Archers mow down stuff like nothing else. Full attack at 50 ft can be devastating. Still, having at least one mage for control spells is a very good idea. I'd keep Nenio. I agree. Maybe a "broken builds" mode where they all do monk dips.
  14. I'll have to check, but I think the difference between difficulty settings is just the stat modifier. If that's the case, fighting Unfair Playful Darkness will be a lot like fighting the normal one in terms of tactics, with the obvious disclaimer that +8 to attack/AC/saves ain't nothing to sneeze at. This is probably a relatively good thing, in that if Owlcat did something like Fire Emblem's Lunatic(+) modes and added various feats and buffs to enemies, the game would be unplayable on those settings instead of just extremely frustrating.
  15. "Curry banana pizza" No. Please stop.
  16. Honestly as good as pets are I couldn't see myself using a ranger without the party bond thing. Stackable bonus with (pretty much) infinite uses? Yes please.
  17. I was just typing to advise you to have Arueshalae use instant enemy and share the bonus lmao.
  18. You could say that the Playful Darknes fight is......unbalanced. There's lots of tips, but in general I'd make dispelling him a top priority and feed some summons (swarms if you have them) to him to distract him. He's damaged by positive energy like an undead so the Pillars of Life spell will hurt him badly if you stack it and I think his will saves and touch AC are relatively low.
  19. You managed to kill him yet?
  20. I made pizza around New Year's, Margherita and prosciutto with fig. Very good but too carb heavy for regular eating. I'm doing OK on diet, but this morning I had a hangover celebration meal of going to Whataburger and getting a chicken strip sandwich with honey butter instead of barbecue sauce and onion rings. It's good, but has enough calories to send a man to the moon.
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