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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. That was the joke. The Tories bumbling incompetence destroying the UK is perhaps the funniest political thing to happen. Imagine being a colonial dinosaur whose empire crumbled and losing the last bits because you got so triggered over the bad yuropeans doing construction work or the lgbts. As to the larger discussion of left-wing extremism.....in our current world they simply do not compare to the right-wing in terms of violence or institutional power. I mean the police weren't defended (closest I could find was a -1% budget change, for the most parts police budgets have increased since 2020), the borders aren't being "opened" or even less regulated, and the notions that former colonies are forever tainted by racism or Capeetialism bad is rejected by basically every ruling political party. Comparatively you have the right wing in power wielding the power of the state to crush their enemies and enact deeply authoritarian systems of social control in the name of fighting "wokeness", something they can't even define. Anyone who thinks the right and left are on the same level has a microwaved potato instead of a brain.
  2. I Aeon - cosmic bureaucrat NO FUN ALLOWED! Azata - hippie commune and a cookie obsessed dragon Demon - RAGE! and maybe smash Nocticula Devil - Evil lawyer Gold Dragon - hippie without the commune Legend - super mortal who is probably stronger than all the mythics Lich - intern of undeath who is a bitch to bone daddy Swarm - nom nom nom Trickster - dril as a mythic
  3. Yes, new companion and new class. I think Shifter may be underwhelming but we'll have to see what new gear Owlcat put in for natural attacks/unarmed first.
  4. That's as good reason as any to fire the sunshine state into the sun. But if I'm being honest, England would be my first choice of a place to wipe off the map. Luckily they seem to be doing that to themselves. Not really. Media leaves much to be desired.
  5. I'd disagree with this, but I think the current anti-semitism of the fascist nationalist international is expressed through a (Christian) Zionism rather than an outright eliminationist view. The same folks still talk in barely coded anti-semitic rhetoric, like George Soros trying to turn your country brown and gay or Jewish Space Lazers, but will use their support of an apartheid state (Israel meets the legal definitions here folks, blame the law not me) as a shield against any accusations. All aided by the ultra-right wing jews, who are pretty much kapos. While the NSDAP did have a left-wing that were pretty much racist social democrats (and avowedly anti-communist), those folks were largely purged in the Night of Long Knives while Nazis in power were largely friendly to business and indeed enjoyed support as a bulwark against communism.
  6. I think the thing is that the RNG isn't really random at all. It is the will of a cruel god who feeds off the suffering of gamers.
  7. For me, Tarantino is someone who I think has a lot of talent but bland ideas. There are certainly iconic moments in his films but I don't think any of his films (san jackie Brown) really resonate with me on an intellectual or emotional level, nor are any of them truly crazy in a way that pushes the envelope off the edge. Except maybe for his feet thing, but that's not quite what I'm talking about. In some ways I don't think Tarantino is that much different from any big studio filmmakers, he likes the violence and the foul language, but his movies feel very safe to me. With Lynch's films I tend to get entranced by the surreal and weird aspects and that ends up helping me enjoy the film more. Whether they're stylistic flourishes or building layers that send people down into some rabbit holes is immaterial to me enjoying them, the result for me is that stuff like the monster outside the diner or the lip synching to In Dreams makes me pay more attention and enjoy films more. Let's test that theory. Really though, if it's not for you it's not for you. If someone has to make you a guide on how to watch something in order to enjoy it then I'd say that you probably shouldn't watch it. Different things work for different people, generally I find David Lynch ****ing hilarious and a low-key comedic genius, I'm sure someone out there things I'm a [insert denigration of choice] for not treating Lynch's work as completely serious and finding humor in it alongside the terror and disturbing parts.
  8. I don't know who that is. Maybe the emperor is naked. Maybe we are all naked. Silencio!
  9. Majestic's pain is so much his mind split and he counts as two viewers. I still have not seen a single episode of nutrek.
  10. For real though, Alan Moore hates adaptations of his work and all that but I'd much prefer to see bizarre and profane deconstructed takes on fairy tales than Disney's overly grey reconstruction of their classic animation in cgi liveaction.
  11. Probably. In Lost Girls, Peter Pan rides the schlong.
  12. I think we can all agree that the perfect Peter Pan adaptation would be Alan Moore's lost girls. That would be pretty cool.
  13. With two mythic paths down I have to say so far I prefer the regular endings to the sekrit one. The sekrit ending tends to rewrite a lot of the ending slides and makes it less reactive.
  14. Halibut with lemon butter sauce, roasted cauliflower, and a spinach salad. Not bad and healthy.
  15. Three Pines 1 and 2. It's somewhat like Canadian Twin Peaks starring Doctor Octopus, but more normal and focused on mysteries than a surreal deconstruction of small town America and television. It looks like every two episodes are about Doctor Octopus solving a strange murder while also searching for a missing indigenous woman who ran off to New York or got killed. I like it, would reccomend. I don't use emojis because there are way too many combinations of them that are propositioning someone, such as being widely used as an invitation to [redacted]. When I do use the emojis it is almost as always as part of a bit, because I am naughty In all fairness after seeing what Swedish people eat I think calling their tastes crap is less toxic than eating ketchup on plain macaroni. This looks like one of those AI that can't comprehend hands tried to cook. Feeding this to your kids should be considered child abuse.
  16. Yeah, I'm talking about how they're not separate mediums and how there is some influence between them. I think that it's a mistake to put anime into a category unto itself because within anime because well....I would struggle to put JoJo, Berserk, Sailor Moon, and Komi Can't Communicate under the same umbrella despite all three being anime adaptations of manga. So I guess my argument is that Western Animation and Anime are both animation and do influence each other somewhat and that both Western Animation and Anime are too broad to categorize simply by those labels, and you've got enough potential subcategories to give me a headache. Good news, climate change and/or WW3 will kill us all within a few decades. I don't think the number of shows is necessarily the problem so much as the glut of repetition with the types of shows/movies. A lot of anime coming out is isekai adaptations with increasingly long-winded and silly names, and it is pushing out original animation or adaptations of other stuff that could have been made instead. To some extent it's always been this way because copycats make money....but it feels like it has gotten worse in recent years with virtually all kind of audio-visual entertainment, like whole genres are bein crushed to make the next superhero movie or a police procedural with a silly quirk. I don't think a lot of iconic stuff would get funding today because the entertainment industries have become much more lock step in producing similar things. If this doesn't make sense I'll try to elaborate more, but right now I'm tired. It's easier to make movies than it was 10 or 20 years ago and that has been a real boon for a lot of indie cinema, like the (not quite) one-take films from Japan. We will probably see a contraction with this as more would-be creatives get squeezed by rent and stagnating wages, but in the meantime we're seeing a lot more interesting stuff that people are able to make for less and get money from sources outside of studios, who I think we've established I view as myopic and overly conservative. This isn't good if you're looking for a tarantino clone or big budget action thrillers reminiscent of the 80's and 90's but I think it's a big mistake to use that as your benchmark for cinema. I should probably post less when I am running on 4 hours of sleep. They're extremely cgi heavy and look very bad to me. Finding Nemo is an exception I think because the characters aren't human(oid), while human characters tend to look awful.
  17. Wenduag is the perfect romance for a Lich. Beeg boney spoilers ahoy.
  18. Then I don't know man, maybe they changed it after people kept complaining you couldn't keep being Lawful Good unless you periodically picked the "[Lawful] You broke the law. Die!" dialogue choices.
  19. I don't believe so. There is an option to let you use class abilities regardless of alignment. It works with Druid spells so that may be what you're using.
  20. There's a handful of combos where the capstone is worth it, such as the (mod fixed) Arcane bloodline that let's you use metamagic without increasing the casting time but in general.....a lot of that stuff isn't as good as the Loremaster's ability to expand your spellbook. Probably the best prc for a pure caster that doesn't sacrifice caster level. Unless you're looking to roleplay a fascist wizard, the Signifier isn't a very good choice. I guess that's a reason, someone has to play as an Aeon > Devil. Slow is good with a caster heavy party.
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