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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I had no idea who Dylan Mulvaney was until some very dumb people got obsessively mad at her. I still do not really know who she is. Good luck, the stupid has bought all the bud lite to film themselves shooting it. One upmanship and algorithmic incentives. A lot of these things are stunts by people competing for the attention of increasingly unhinged people whose audience constantly expects more. Also they will start getting scammed into paying 30 bucks for a six-pack of piss water.
  2. Dune (1984) It's really dumb and silly, like a Star Wars knockoff with an R rating made by people doing too much mind altering substances. Easily the worst David Lynch film, but it works for me as a campy sci-fantasy romp.
  3. https://www.propublica.org/article/clarence-thomas-harlan-crow-real-estate-scotus Lmao
  4. Unless explicitly barred, Donald Trump is going to sweep the Republican primary and do splash damage to anyone running against him. I think the funniest possible outcome would be Trump being barred from the Republican primary and the Republican nominee, probably Rhonda Sanctimonious, losing to Biden.
  5. Aguirre, the Wrath of God (1972) It's a feverdream observing a treacherous and ambitious man's descent (further) into madness as it becomes more apparent what he is chasing doesn't exist. It's shot on location, which made the raft scenes more comedic than they should be.
  6. Ojisan popping up in either of those shows would objectively make them better, I will reach out to Amazon to see if we can make it happen.
  7. I think we all know that Amazon is planning on combining Rings of Power with Wheel of Time for the greatest tv crossover event of all time.
  8. Lmao, I tracked all the [lawful] options in the prolouge and Act 1 and all but two were psychotic. I think when writing it they looked at what Regill would do for [lawful] options, because they all tend to be cruel (usually pointlessly so). I've been buying very few games for a while and shooting for replayability.....but still struggle to find the time to actually play the damn games. If only AI could actually do the jobs instead of make uncanny valley photoshops. Soon I will commit to being a Lich tho.
  9. @majestic you naughty @Bartimaeus I thought 3e kept Paladins as LG? Do you mean 4e? I honestly don't remember 4e but I know in 5e you can in fact be an evil Paladin. I think the fantasy of the D&D Paladon can have fascist appeal, as can be seen by the legions of dip****s obsessed with statues who love saying "DEUS VULT". But I don't think it's reductive to that interpretation and that fascism is notorious for adopting anything that is around in order to come to power, including trappings anathema to fantasy Paladins. I think more broadly the fantasy of the Paladin appeals to people who believe in being both honorable and orderly combined with benevolence....which can largely gel with most political alignments and many temperaments. @Sarex My first game was as a Paladin as well, and I do return to the class but generally I try to play different classes. One one hand I think that Fantasy cRPGs would benefit from having their Paladins (or analogous) bound to a code of conduct that signifies you being held to a higher standard. On the other hand, WotR has had many such cases of people failing as a Palladin because they didn't execute an orphan or something. So maybe it's just not something that can fit well.
  10. I think they were trying to expand Paladin to be more alignment neutral, I believe Champion was originally intended to be the subclass. iirc some people got mad at the idea of Paladins who weren't LG so they ended up calling the class Champion and Paladin became the LG subclass. In practice I think Good Champions will be very familiar to Paladin players and Evil Champions will be familiar to Blackguard or Antipaladin players. There's obvious changes because of the larger changes of 2e, but the class remains the go to for Holy Knights or Unholy Knights and performs really well as a melee tank who can take hits and avoid spells better than most (if not all) other martial classes.
  11. Oh yeah https://2e.aonprd.com/Classes.aspx?ID=4 The class is revamped to sort of be thematically a mix between the Paladin and Warpriest from 1e. You're a warrior empowered by a diety but it opens it up beyond just Lawful Good. Mechanically it has the highest potential AC (which is harder to stack and more useful in 2e) and the good guys get a self-heal. Basically your Cause (the subclass) is tied to your alignment. It comes with specific codes of conduct and determines your Champion Reaction. Paladins are what you expect and Seelah is still the Iconic. Evil Champions are restricted because their codes of conduct implore them to be extremely ****ty, like Tyrants being compelled to bring some "freedom" to democratic governments.
  12. I forgot to post about them tbh, they were pretty good. It's been stormy weather in Houston so I've been playing around with a PF2e Tabletop game and watching strange films/shows. In addition to vouching for Uncle DIO I can report that David Lynch is indeed the man and that Champion (the class that kinda replaced Paladin in 2e, of which Paladin is a subclass) are incredible tanks.
  13. I've already seen them. Uncle DIO turns into a dinosaur, which further supports that Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous is an Isekai.
  14. Lost Highway (1997) It's absolutely one of the wildest films I have ever seen, and after over a decade of searching for it (to see legally and affordably, no bully NSA), I finally found it available on Criterion. For me, it held up just as much or even moreso than when I first viewed it as a depressed teenager. The film runs through time and reality like an ouroboros while constantly creating the feelings of an unsettling nightmare via low rumbling sounds and stretched of pitch black darkness. Absolutely incredible, the transitions are horrifying and The Mysterry Man is one of the creepiest entities in a film that isn't outright horror. Rashomon (1950) Four conflicting stories of rape and murder, each told by someone looking to frame themselves in the best possible light and nones of them are the "true" story. Perhaps not the best film Kurosawa made, but definitely a very good or great film that uses beautiful visuals and unreliable narration to incredible effect.
  15. Fighting the neo-feudalists hand to hand for control of the last plot of land capable of growing food.
  16. https://gothamist.com/news/nypd-officers-brag-about-milking-overtime-call-detainees-names-in-accidental-recording Lmao
  17. Beef (2023) - Steven Yeun vs Ali Wong Either it's great or the Man o'Wars I was drinking influenced it positively for me, but this is one of the best limited series I have seen, up there with True Detective s1, Midnight Mass, or Maniac.
  18. Roasted chicken, steamed cauliflower, and rice. Not the tastiest thing I've ever eaten, but very healthy.
  19. It's storming like hell here right now but at least no tornados, though it has gotten relatively cold.
  20. His brother was accused of sex trafficking. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/03/20/trammell-crow-jr-billionaire-linked-sarah-ferguson-accused-financing/
  21. https://www.propublica.org/article/clarence-thomas-scotus-undisclosed-luxury-travel-gifts-crow I certainly didn't have this on my 2023 bingo card.
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