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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. When I saw that the only meme I had in mind was something about balance and Sawyer, but it seems like Obsidian is going more for references to their games rather than references to Obsidian/it's notable staff.
  2. It's helpful if he wants to pivot to being a media personality in the current era of "anti-woke" grifting, which is more likely than him winning the primary. The question is if he gets dropped by his fans when the current primary is over and he's no longer able to hit Biden with splash damage or if there's enough interest in another 60-year old man who thinks wifi gives you cancer to make it the grift game.
  3. God damn it, too much **** happening. Moar shady dealing by supreme court justices, news at 11 RFKJR Superpac funded by Trump backers lmao Greg Abbot falls for joke article by Dunning Kruger Times
  4. Glazed pork chops, roasted broccoli, and agave roasted carrots. Broccoli was the weak link by a longshot, should have added some Pecorino Romano and some lemon zest instead of dried herbs, but I was tired and didn't have the cheese. Agave on carrots works better than honey, and I will fite anyone irl over this, but next time I'll add some heat to them. Pork was cooked perfectly thanks to a quick brine and the glaze was on point.
  5. I think we should have a movie where JK Simmons plays Nic Cage playing JK Simmons playing a guy who drives high end escorts in a repurposed wienermobile in Vegas so he can raise money for his daughter's cancer treatments. Call it "The Meat Seat".
  6. https://www.propublica.org/article/samuel-alito-luxury-fishing-trip-paul-singer-scotus-supreme-court Lmao
  7. I think it's deeply funny that out of all the Hunter Biden drama that has going around for the last few years the bombshell is that he is a tax cheat and had a firearm he wasn't supposed to, given the beliefs held and actions taken concerning taxes and guns that the Hunter hunters have. I'm sure this will all lead to a drive for rich people to start paying their fair share of taxes and stringent gun restrictions. I guess this may piss off liberals more than drugs and secks stuff tho. EDIT: lmao, beat by @Malcador
  8. I think Howard Stern is more.....crude? Risqué? Naughty ? I dunno the right word for this, but as someone with mostly secondhand knowledge of Stern from at least a decade ago, I always associated Howard Stern with softcore porn aesthetics like some nudity or explicit sex talk. I don't think Rogan does that or has nearly as many women on as Stern seemed to. To me Rogan is like the combination of your childhood friend's weird uncle who smokes weed all day that can tell you how the Inca created submarines and a prototypical high school bully that wants to hang out with you. I guess there's appeal if you think the guests are interesting but for the most part they aren't (to me) and Rogan isn't a good interviewer or entertaining/knowledgeable enough in his own right to commit to 3 hour episodes. But take my opinions with a grain of salt, because (by the data) my most listened to podcast is a guy who has done many hallucinogens telling me about various dictators or grifters with the second being by a lady who wrote a book about hotdogs.
  9. You also have Feinstein as a good example of that. We've got at least a few senators who predate the invention of chocolate chip cookies, many more of the politicians have been in some kind of power for decades, and you've got several positions that are for life without regards for health or competency. The present US is already a stark Gerontocracy tbh, and it's not working out particularly well. I just hope retirement still exists for working class folks in 20, 30, 40 years. Between skyrocketing rents and such I get the gut feeling old man KP will have to sell his organs while working at Wal-Mart to afford a small closet bedroom in the apocalyptic hellscape of the former gulf coast.
  10. I think material reality is more important here than attitude. At the end of the day RFKJR is a guy who doesn't really have a big base within the Democratic party or appeal to it. Even assuming a completely open and equal contest, Biden would still sweep the Democratic primaries against RFKJR. If you don't want an establishment candidate you're better off just going to the Greens or the Libertarians to begin with instead of setting millions on fire in the hopes of beating the Dems at their own game.
  11. I tried to read the 40k wiki once and the term "Gene-Father" made part of my brain melt. I also can't afford to play it so yeah, plastic men aren't for me. I'll probably check out the game though.
  12. Yeah, and with RFKJR being a less popular/staunchly supported candidate than Bernie and with Biden in office there's just no way he gets through the primary. It's a dead end and if you want a protest vote you should just do the 3rd party thing. Radio 2.0 is going to be as boring as radio but it's nice to listen to something when you're driving or working and don't want music. Behind the Bastards is really good, it's nice to learn that professional wrestling is even more ****ed up than you thought or about how the dictator of Paraguay got CIA assistance in torturing dissidents. I don't keep up with Joe Rogan, his comedy is weak and I don't have 3 hours to listen to a guy asking his producer to Google stuff. No idea how he's as popular as he is, but I don't get how so many Transformers movies got made either.
  13. If Bernie couldn't win the previous primaries, I doubt any outsider candidate would be able to. No one I know is really talking about RFK in the same way as Bernie in 2016 and 2020, hell no one I know is talking about RFK at all. Perhaps "terminally online depressed lefties who are very dissatisfied with Democrats but hate Republicans more" is not a good sample of likely Democratic primary voters, but I just don't see who RFK's base within the Dems is supposed to be or how he could peel the blue dawgs or centrists from Biden. From what I can tell, RFK gets more support from Elon Musk types (who have already signaled they support Rhonda Sanctimonious) than he does from anyone who votes for Democrats. I don't particularly like Joe, but barring death Biden is going to comfortably sail through and secure the nomination. You can blame Democrat party shenanigans or whatever, but it's a foregone conclusion at this point. Trump only loses the Republican primary if he's explicitly barred from it or dies before it happens. I'm not sure which is more likely, Republican party ghouls have soured on him and Trump is neither healthy or young, but I think they're both relatively likely events. If neither happens Trump absolutely gets the Republican nomination for 2024. And if he doesn't and is still alive, you can bet that he runs his own campaign. We will not be rid of Trump until he's dead, and even after that Trump without Trump is likely enough. 2024 is likely going to be a repeat of 2020, down to the election getting stretched out for months years. First as tragedy then as farce.
  14. It's 100°F/38°C with a "feels like" of 115°F/46°C. Needless to say I am sweating my ass off.
  15. Obsidian, who would win in a fight between The Mystery Man (Lost Highway) and young Cesar (New Vegas)? Who at Obsidian can eat the most hotdogs in 15 minutes?
  16. Inland Empire (2006) I have no idea what the hell this was but I loved it. Laura Dern really can play anything.
  17. I just watched the show in the background while I was cooking and this may be downplaying it. Is there another Arnold doc in the works and this was his way of getting in front of it or something?
  18. Old fashioned with brown sugar syrup, chocolate bitters, and Chesnut Farms bourbon. I dig them.
  19. It's not Kissinger but I'll take it.
  20. Henry Kissinger magazine profile tier whitewashing? Man everything feels that way recently.
  21. I haven't seen it yet, but I doubted that it'd be too critical given that an Arnold led series dropped right around the same time. Why is the last one the worst?
  22. How naughty. Laughable centrist would be doing a reverse sear so you get no crust and medium well. Medium rare is good taste.
  23. That is where well done steak is from. Most of the bacteria on steak is on the surface, so unless you get a really bad steak it'll be safe to eat rare, and if it's bad you'll have some issues regardless. Medium hits the temp that's considered enough to kill all bacteria if you're worried about it. No good reason to eat a steak cooked more than medium. Of course chicken is best crunchy, I can't really think of a good chicken meal that isn't crunchy or involves a flavorful sauce or broth to make up for the loss of texture. The English can keep their unseasoned boiled chicken to themselves. I haven't played too much videogames lately. I did play Hades a bit last week but I haven't had the inclination to play anything that takes a big focus.
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