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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Well then if your Dark Urge is the kind to regret, take comfort in the knowledge that could the squirrel talk to you, he'd bite you and then call you a bitch. It had the kicking coming tbh.
  2. The only squirrel I've come across I talked to with Wyll (using Beast Speech) and the ****er bit him. It backed off when he threatened to fry it. Did not talk to it with my PC tho, is this the one by the Druid camp? What's the difference? So far I've found it easy enough to not be.....naughty, but I reckon there's going to be some forced **** down the line. By far the funniest moments haven't been in actually doing violence, but in telling my companions about the Dark Urge and see them kind of wave it off.
  3. These days all the "AI" would do is **** up the fingers in portraits.
  4. If it's the squirrel I'm thinking of, that mother****er bites you first.
  5. I'm not very far in to the game, just recruited Karlach. It's very much DOS with 5e, which means it's often very silly and handles out of combat exploration better than most games. So far I've found that to be quite fun, but Bards seem generally well equipped for the game. General thoughts: -I'd prefer a 6 man party, because a lot of enemy parties seem to run with more than 5. I will definitely be using a mod for that in future playthroughs. -I like Wyll, or at least what I like what I think his arc is going to be. He's very much someone playing the role of a hero rather than being a hero, with some obvious dark secrets and a lot of impostor syndrome. It's nice to see that instead of a classic Paladin for the "heroic" companion. Warlock is very good to boot. -Laz's projection of competency is laughable )no magic or skills lmao) and Karlach is better. They're both frontliners who hit roughly the same but at least Karlach doesn't piss off half the party or npcs. -Shadowheart is way too nice to be a Cleric of Shar, something is up with that. She's been very useful though, clerics are always nice to have around even if Trickery isn't a great domain. -Astarion has been pulling a lot of weight, sneak attack hits hard and he fills out a lot of the space left by my Bard's bigger focus on being a face. -Gale is great because Wizards are great, but the man is much too horny. Definitely a guy who doesn't take precautions. -Dark Urge goes perfectly with the narrator, who also voiced Nyrissa and Wenduag for any Owlfinder connoisseurs. There's a sinister vibe about her performance that I love. -That Druid lady is evil and I know I'm gonna find some **** on her.
  6. I think BG3 is a fine game but the 5e ruleset leaves much to be desired. Other than picking subclass (and spells if applicable) or multiclass shenanigans, it feels like your character is on autopilot for the most part. Between an attribute increase and a feat the increase is going to win out 9/10 times. With reactions being done the way they are, I don't think we'll be likely to see a real time in a 5e or a PF2e game. Personally I haven't had too many issues with combat yet, hardest battles so far have been the party in the Dank Crypt (My guys were blocked in a room and pelted with ranged attacks) and the Harpies (who exploited the high ground and kept murdering a child).
  7. https://www.texastribune.org/2023/08/14/influenceable-texas-politics-ken-paxton/ Everything is a scam, nothing is genuine.
  8. Embrace the Dark Urge with us brother.
  9. Musk's public humiliation fetish has no bounds.
  10. If there's one thing I understand and condone, it's irrational hatred. Godspeed on the Warlock.
  11. Cthullu is a little bigger than a mind flayer. I think the classes companions don't use are Bard, Monk, and Sorcerer.....but I can't find a good confirmation on what classes Jaheria or Minsc use. So (unless Jaheria has taken up music or martial arts) if you want to play a class companions don't, be a Charisma based caster who doesn't fail checks, and are cool with respec or rerolling I'd go with a Bard. Sorcerer is garbage in 5e, you get outclassed by the Wizard at practically everything and lack the versatility of Bard or Warlock. Bard also gets a bonus to untrained skills so you'll be better at rolls. For me, mutilation was the point. But I am playing the character as someone really struggling with murderous urges and doing that by sometimes picking violent actions for the sake of violence.
  12. If think the intention was to have him go with Pact of the Blade and use Cha instead of Str or Dex for weapons. Problem with that is Warlocks get stuck with only light armor proficiency so he'd need to invest in Dex anyways for the AC or dip into something for armor proficiency. But Wyll's stats are a mess. He will never use Int and Dex is a good fit for initiative even if he does go for weapon combat.
  13. We'll have to wait for the modding community to perfect genitals first. It appears that BG3 sources mostly from the 5e Player's Handbook for classes and only draws outside of it when classes have less than 3 subclass options.
  14. I think I'd respec the stat allocation if only because 5e makes Str and Dex a suboptimal combo for non-medium armor martials, but I would want to keep Shadowheart as a Cleric with a domain associated with Shar for lore friendly purposes. Maybe on a hypothetical 2nd playthrough I'll go with different things.
  15. That doesn't bode well. What class did you end up going with? It's a good choice. I did enjoy the scene where you cripple the intellect devourer by popping a thumb into it, even if it's not DU exclusive it fit the character like a glove. I will try to play more of this tonight, I was too sore and exhausted the past couple of days to do anything.
  16. Dhampir? But Jackie Daytona is an ordinary human bartender!
  17. [Use the voice of Matt Berry as Laszlo Cravensworth]More like the power of my sexual abilities compels them.[/Use the voice of Matt Berry as Laszlo Cravensworth] I'm all or power fantasy but this is a bit much even for me.
  18. Lmao, the bad dice rolls in this game are funny. Like the RNG getting an avatar to personally say **** you to players. I don't necessarily disagree and it's obvious that BG3 is a very different kind of game from BG1 and BG2, but it is a nice continuity. In some ways I think it's better
  19. I don't think Areelu is really redeemed outside of the big gold, if the end sequence interaction with grave lady is anything to go off of she's still very much cosmic Evil with a capital E. While Owlcat's writing is certainly not stellar, I think that their changes to NPCs from the adventure paths are usually improvements (Hulrun being the big exception), and Areelu is not an exception here. Having her go from being a Deskarii fangurl who opened the Worldwound because lmao to someone with more specific and personal motivations was a good move. Aside from one certain path, her endings still have her being unrepentantly evil and she only gets clemency because the player character asked nicely (and isn't a Lich) or because they filled mommy with enough mythic power to become a demi-god, otherwise she goes to the Abyss. @Zoraptor already got Nyrissa down. And it is bad that her and Wenduag, who share a VA, both require the protagonist's sexual prowess/romantic interest in order to stop being evil.
  20. It played for me regardless of who got sacrificed or not, but this was back at release and on a Trickster.
  21. Ok. It's a disappointment imo. NAAAAAAANIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII? I thought that was standard.
  22. Personally I'd be fine without that but I wish there was more options for face customization, body weight, height, and body hair stuff. It's kind of weird to me what's lacking and what has a ton of options.
  23. How do you feel about the "sekrit" ending? Personally I think it's worse than the mythic specific stuff.
  24. Managed to complete the character creator, picking out genitalia for your character is indeed strange and off-putting. Made all the worse in that all of the options are just the state of the carpet, so to speak, and the blank stare that occurs. But I'm happy enough with my murdertwink melee bard (dex build) and the Guardian. Anyways I played just a little bit and got to mutilate an intellect devourer, so far I'm very satisfied. @Hawke64 When I watched the character intro I noticed
  25. Going through the character creator and the companion origins seem interesting but I'm going with Dark Urge, which I am absolutely convinced is If that's true that maybe the title is more of a sequel than I thought.
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