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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I have not seen Suburban Sasquatch but I googled videos and saw a clip. The growl sounds like a monotone drunk guy trying to say "raw" or "roll" several times in a row.
  2. I know, so much so that anytime a Bard or adjacent thing gets killed in something I watch or play I'm going to let you know. Speaking of which, my murderetwink Bard died a lot in the last fight of BG3.
  3. Castlevania: Nocturne I'm confounded about how the hell this got approved by Netflix, and I say that utterly as a positive. The show presents the French and Haitian revolutions as good things with the nobility and the Catholic church low-key supporting vampires before and now supporting evil vampire God Queen building an eternal empire where vampires lord over the world in the name of stopping the masses. Not only is it a weird serendipity/synchronicity with El Conde, which also had a vampire turn into an unlife long counter-revolutionary in the wake of the French revolution, but it practically endorses beheading the aristocracy. Anyways some of the animation is rough and it is definitely sequel bait, but overall I enjoyed it. I think if you liked the first series you'll like this.....and @Bartimaeus would probably appreciate that the closest thing to a bard in the party gets killed off pretty quickly.
  4. The levels are already there for a few cases and I've seen stuff for subclasses players can't select. Level 12 is fine powerwise but it feels like I spent 10-15 hours at level 12 without picking up anything and I wish some late game encounters were a bit harder. Also nerf irresistible dance, because by god it is ****ing broken. I think a hypothetical implementation of 7-9 spells in BG3 would definitely need curating to work. Obviously this is gonna favor control and blasting over utility....but when I think about my most used spells that's what they tend to he anyways. And the camp is pretty much MMM lmao.
  5. I did a big test, found the last piece of Dribbles (which was within view of the circus lady), played a genie's game, raided the House of Hope, and put an end to this Absolute business. Which means it's over. General thoughts are that the level cap could easily be 2-4 levels higher with the game as is....and hell I think the full 20 would work with some tweaks to all three acts. Act 3 jank is certainly a thing and the last fights are complete bull****.
  6. I think a lot of stuff is tied to taking Long Rests so if you're able to do a lot of stuff you can miss scenes. Like Dark Urge has one that requires you to rest almost immediately after escaping the prologue area. For me it's not a big deal because
  7. I helped out a haunted married couple and some zombies, did a jail break, blew up a factory, and killed a dictator. We're at the end game now, with Wyll's quest, Raphael, and finding the rest of Dribbles being the only things left to do. I get the feeling Raphael's fight is going to be the hardest. But at this point I feel like I'm fighting the inventory more than anything, carrying around over 40 weight measurements of gold and a **** ton of potions. Also I don't use coatings much but I am really kicking myself over not using elixirs during the early game. I also have not used Wyll's Mystic Arcanum once lmao. Also I frequently forget that some spells require concentration, I think the game should have an option to warn you if you're doing something that'll break concentration.
  8. I dunno, it seems like guys like your chancellor are very much trying to encourage people to bust out the guillotine.
  9. Someone did a speed run of a furry hentai insemination simulator. It's convinced me that sometimes drone strikes on civilians may be warranted in some cases.
  10. Base on what I've been spoiled on and seen, I think that we need more evil party members more than that.....which would be pretty cool though. Without spoiling anything much, evil loses out on two of the origin party members and three of the extras, while only gaining a Drow dommy mommy Paladin. I don't think it needs to be 1 to 1 but it sucks that the roster for the evil gang is just a bit more than half of what the heroes get. Give us an evil Sorcerer and a murder Monk Larian. I have never used hirelings in a party-based crpg unless it's forced. Not going to knock it, but it just isn't my thing.
  11. Wait, they're remaking that? I remember being confused as **** playing that as a pre-teen. I'll have to check it out.
  12. A day for final family reunions in temples. First I took Shadowheart to meet the Sharrans and found a familiar face, and then my Bard met his dad and....sister/niece/cousin in an underground area. I'm pretty sure there's only a handful of things left It's Halsin sexually harassing you.
  13. I do, but not enough to spend 20k on an admittedly pretty cool looking espresso machine.
  14. You can get a permanent room in a tavern when you arrive in the city.
  15. Huh, I almost thought that Owlcat had forgotten about their WotR DLCs. Guess maybe I'll finally play as a Lich after I get done with BG3 and Fire Emblem Engage.
  16. https://jacobin.com/2023/09/trump-michigan-visit-drake-enterprises-uaw-strike The article itself is very interesting (TL;DR, Trump is speaking at a non-union shop at the owner's invitation, he hasn't talked to any of the UAW leaders or is visiting any of their picket lines), but this quote is beautiful: "My cousins are all UAW members. Every one of them got a text message asking if they wanted to go. The organizers are picking who they want. They wanted prospective attendees to pass along their social media profiles. Trump is curating a crowd, and it pisses me off. If he wants to support union workers, pay the ****ing glaziers who got screwed when they put the windows on Trump Tower".
  17. I explored a sPoOkY palace and ended up fighting the owner, Cazador, who turned out to be much less intimidating and more of a prick. Astarion wanted to take over but I talked him out of it, and he seemed to appreciate that. Our allies are much more frightening than villains.
  18. I explored the sewers, found the society of brilliance, killed an old man beneath the cemetery, and got attacked by vampire spawn when I was trying to sleep. Irresistible Dance is broken as hell, it made what would be a final boss in another game trivial.
  19. I think Hulu is bundled or getting bundled with Disney (along with a price increase) so you might as well. I don't watch live TV but Hulu is also last because FX somehow puts out consistently good shows and they've got a decent library. Amazon probably pays for itself with the free shipping, but I don't watch many, if any, of their movies or series.
  20. The only streaming service I will endorse is Criterion Channel. It's got a lot of the stuff that appeals to the @Bartimaeus in these days and generally does a pretty good job rotating the library. There aren't any series or original content on it, but for the most part that has been disappointing on most of the other streamers these days anyways. I think that Netflix is going to be the next on my chopping block. El Conde was fantastic but it was also a complete surprise because Netflix has sort of trained me to expect their movies to be bad and their series to get cancelled after one season. I logged in the other day and for the life of me couldn't find anything I was interested in watching.
  21. I recruited the final companions and helped stop a hostile takeover. I'm thinking that I'll try to find Orin or find out what's got Umberlee's priestesses so angry next, but there's also Astarion's and Shadowheart's quests that are pretty obvious where to go.
  22. I am further behind on stuff than before the strike started. Too many of the shows on streaming get canceled before they can really find an audience, especially Netflix. I have a hard time committing to watching a show that's probably going to end on an unresolved cliffhanger. It's easier and more satisfying for me to watch a (half of a) movie instead of most series these days.
  23. After Yang (2021) Colin Farrell plays a dad trying to fix his daughter's sibling robot in a future with clones and other utopian techo stuff. It's very melancholy, so much so that I was very sad after watching it. Definitely not something you want to watch when you're feeling down. That aside, it's a very good film, kind of like the inverse of the Liam Neeson "dad detective/soldier" films where the dad kills lots of dudes to rescue his kids. It's very meditative and slow, with focus on family dynamics in the near future and memory. I dug it. I wanted to watch it a while ago but forgot about it with everything else going on, thanks for reminding me about it.
  24. I got in a fight in the park, killed an evil wizard and raided his vaults, Gale met his ex again, and we hit level 12. Dame Aylin seemed pretty bummed though.
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