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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I think there's an event mid to late Act 2 that solidifies your choice of husbando/waifu, and the other companions you've been pursuing (or the wonkynes decided you were ****ing) get the exclamation point above their heads to break it off or commit. Aside from a few scenes, the game seems to assume the secks happens off camera. The biggest support of this is Withers remarking on you gaining a bosom companion. I haven't played in the last few days because I've been busy, but I'm looking forward to diving into Act 3.
  2. Well it looks like they've got Żubrówka at a place close to me, as well as the Nikka. I prefer the high proof stuff so 51% is nice.
  3. So I've run through most of my base liquor (except Cognac and dark rum) and looking to restock. Since some of yall have good taste, can I get some recs for the following 1. Tequila 2-3. Whiskey, two out of Bourbon, Rye, Scotch, Irish, or Japanese 4. White rum or chachaca 5. Vodka 6. Any wild cards like interesting liqueurs or whatever
  4. I think that storywise good organizations in these games require a certain level of incompetence so the adventurers in the video game/pnp can drive everything. While it would make more tactical sense for the Harpers to send in a well equipped team of level 10 veterans to deal with either situation in BG1 or BG3, it wouldn't really center the player enough to be relegated to cleaning up after them. So the orgs have to be incompetent for the player(s) to be rapidly rising hero(es) instead of interns cleaning up goblin **** until they get promoted. And you know who loves stories about plucky underdogs taking on challenges too big for them until they make it big? Bards. They're purposely making bad decisions so when it does turn out well they can make money selling books and putting on plays about it. The mother****ers are endangering the realms for a book deal.
  5. I'm pretty sure that's the sequel to Trap Shrine.
  6. You're just saying that because they're disproportionately bards. Though you're not wrong, the dissonance between their secret agent hype and incompetent scrub in game reality is disappointing. I'm not expecting them to drop a big gun archwizard on every problem but when your idea for an iron crisis is to send a married couple to grab a teenager and then check it out later instead of a decently seasoned party then someone at your organization makes very poor decisions.
  7. While I think Super Nintendo Switch is the best name and something that'd bank on the popularity of the Switch and nostalgia, I think Nintendo doing something very left field like Switchcube would be pretty funny.
  8. I've had the rona at least twice and both times it's been some of the sickest I've ever been. At that point AI will write everything and anything creative by Hu-mons will have cyborg Elon Musk drone strike their residence.
  9. This is at least the fifth time in a row Bethesda released a buggy piece of **** modders need to fix to become halfway stable. They will absolutely not bother fixing it because they know they'll still get sales from people counting on mods to fix it or those who have been conditioned to sadomasochistically enjoy a mediocre at best game that crashes every five minutes. If you're the later, just convince your significant other to step on you or something.
  10. Rested twice in a row and ended up meeting my guardian again, who was under attack by some ninjas. Yeah, I liked the balance of ruined temple and dark magic architecture a lot and 2 of the 3 individual challenges were fun, as was the fight in the silenced room. Unfortunately not, Harpers have been consistently dumb in every fight they've helped in. The one that takes the cake is when you first come out of the Underdark and have to fight shadows for the first time, the harper archer ran outside of the light and got turned into an undead.
  11. Better than yours, that sounds rough. Hope your friend is OK. I'm cooking a chicken and doing laundry.
  12. I'm out of Act 2. Raided a mausoleum/gauntlet of Shar, saved a prisoner, resisted the imp butler's recommendations, and raided Moonlight Towers. Thots -Gauntlet of Shar is a very good dungeon. I did like the ruined architecture and the Sharran challenges were nice. Also I killed a whole party with Persuasion again lmao. -The hardest fight in Moonlight Towers was in the front door and by Selune the Harpers are dumb as ****. It was funny though, my Bard's hypnotism got counterspelled and then Gale immediately threw one and cc'd the bulk of enemy forces. -Swords Bard with Hand Crossbows is broken as hell. Combine it with an elixir of bloodlust and Cull the Weak and you can reliably use your bonus action to get an additional action, which you can use 4x Slashing Flourish with for a grand total of 8 attacks with a bonus d8 or d10 each. Hits like a truck in melee too.
  13. The extra attack and level 5 spells are truly game changers. It's a shame the Rogue gets screwed on that front. No, I think the Spectator is meant for level 5 or 6 parties.
  14. Look it'd be one thing if this was a lofi game or something but if you're saying stuff like "the game runs fine, it's your computer that's the problem" and the characters look like a badly animated thing someone made while drunk then you should get roasted over that. Tears of the Kingdom has better looking characters and it's on Nintendo Switch. But even all that aside, it's an intentionally boring game with janky ass gameplay. **** that.
  15. Greasy Basil has nothing on JK Simmons mocking you. Sad!
  16. BG3 automatically wins game of the century because it has JK Simmons. JA3 can't compete.
  17. I wouldn't compare BG3 to Starfield on a lot of stuff, but what they can be compared on (like voice acting or animations) BG3 absolutely beats Starfield. The conversations/facial animations looked like they'd fit in a vanilla New Vegas or Skyrim and some random goblins reacting to Quentin Tarantino's guest writing is more memorable than anything I've seen from Starfield. Mediocre.
  18. I explored more of moonrise towers, explored the town outside moonrise and killed the three siblings with dialogue, got jumped by Githyanki, and helped reunite the spirit of nature for the area. Halsin's joined the gang officially and despite being jacked he's got 10 Strength, I guess he uses animal stats when shifted so that's not a big deal but it's a little weird. Spoilers for Dark Urge
  19. I watched some gameplay and want a refund for that time. The facial animations are shockingly bad, bad for 10 years ago tier, and it's baffling that it got a pass to release like that. They're probably banking on modders to fix it for them, along with the performance issues and everything else. Everything else looked like what you'd expect from Elder Scrolls with Guns and also in Spayyyce, Bethesdajank that was old over a decade ago with some **** space travel tacked on for you to poke around planet sized BG1 wilderness areas. This game is the Tom Hanks live action pinocchio movie of cRPGs.
  20. Live Action One Piece. It's an overwhelmingly silly show that does absurd anime **** like move callouts and somehow it works. I guess after seeing so many superhero things that were ashamed to be based on funnybooks and silly costumes, it was funny to see a show just roll with the absurdity. CGI looks like ****, par for the course.
  21. I went to a shadowy ****hole, saved some harpers, saved some harpers again, led an ambush where I saved harpers a third time, and "infiltrated" the evil cult base by walking in the front door. Thots -Swords Bard is too good. He's close to or even beats the three martials in terms of damage, has some great cc and utility spells, and is able to pass most checks with Guidance. The result of this is that I end up burning through all the companions' resources while my main still has most of his slots. -I like the design of the shadow cursed lands, it's very creepy and dark in a way that let's you forget it's in eternal afternoon. -I think I've got the Dark Urge figured out, thanks to some encounters (spoilers and speculation ahoy)
  22. Yeah, I think I'm going to stick with the pancetta out of financial needs. The zozzona looks very good, it's like a hybrid of carbonora and all'amatricana right?
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