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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. One time I cooked pineapple in butter and amaretto. Absolutely recommended that with some ice cream or brioche. They got one around here and it's not bad, but Voodoo has better donuts and Dutch Bros has better coffee. Maybe we just don't have the full Tims. I hate to admit it, but Shake Shack probably is the best overall fast food. It's also goddamn expensive, clocking in at 2x the price of other places.
  2. I didn't have a Druid for that fight so I had to lure the spider queen into a room to beat up on her. Hard encounter but pretty good. I'm going to respec my Bard or forget some spells because it turns out I picked a lot of concentration options and you can only have one going at a time. No WotR 7 page buff routines in this game.
  3. I fought some gnolls, rescued some folks from a burning building, and met some smugglers. At this point I think I've done most things besides the Goblin camp, which I guess I better go ahead and take care of.
  4. Apparently she's into bondage.
  5. Maybe it's because I'm rolling a Dark Urge, but I haven't noticed that. Unless you're talking about the class specific dialogue options and not comments the character makes. Haven't played it since last night, but I forgot to mention Astarion and Karlach both came onto my Bard. Karlach needed to cool down so I threw some water at her.
  6. I got stuck on a web and she teleported away after noticing a character. Maybe I'll give that a shot next year when the Enhanced Edition drops. It's not an item, it's supposed to be a permanent buff. No Gale in the party and no scrolls. Didn't want to give up Astarion or Karlach whose combined single target damage clinched the deal, and Shadowheart's Guiding Bolts were useful to mark the real one.
  7. So I've finally found a major bug, and it's connected to a hard (for me) fight
  8. B-b-but I'm a bard! #NotAllBards But right now I think my Bard is too good. He's good at skill checks, can do martial combat fairly well, can decently tank, and has a useful spell list. In a lot of ways it's like the opposite of what Bards were like in the IE games. Quite possibly the only negative is the lack of a unique rapier or scimitar for him to use.
  9. I had to reload several times after stumbling across a phase spider queen who shoots venom. Ended up killing all the minions and luring her into a place she couldn't snipe from high up, and it only took all of my Bard's and Shadowhearts spell slots along with Wyll's warlock short rest slots. 10/10 encounter. Now to explore the cellar and then explore more of the west side of the map. Maybe I'll go beat Auntie Ethel's ass first though. I'm rolling a Hu-mon DU Bard and have done almost exactly the opposite of what you're doing, going for more of a(n anti-)heroic swashbuckler instead of an outright villain. All the companions seem to like me but Astarion and Lae'zel consistently get the most disapproval. Though Lae'zel was the first companion to come onto me, unless you count Astarion calling you "Darling". I'm enjoying it a lot so far, but I was also a fan of both DOS games. I played for 2 hours last night and I feel like I didn't do ****. Act 1 is very dense so far. About your irrational hatred for innocent bards...
  10. I backtracked for the swamp to hit level 4 before going forward and checked out a ruined village with some goblins. There I found some Ogres who gave me a horn after I successfully persuaded them, rescued a gnome from a windmill, and walked in on an unusual couple in a barn. Gale also ate one of my rings. General thots: -Shadowheart without spell slots is still great for the Guidance cantrip, absolutely beats Gale or Wyll for magic support -when combat starts, Karlach is a beast at single target damage -Astarion can disable most traps on a 2 with Shadowheart's Guidance. Must have combo for dungeon delving imo -Bard doesn't have too much self-buffs for where I'm at and Healing Word is so much better than Cure Wounds Didn't they also do paid mods after Steam scrapped them? And yet somehow they aren't reviled for predatory bizness practices. Curious.
  11. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought of that. Anyways They Live is a treasure and is somehow even more relevant now. I would definitely recommend giving it another shot if you are so inclined.
  12. Let's not defame those rappers by comparing them to Trump, but MF DOOM is relevant beyond the grave.
  13. White pizza (olive oil, not cream sauce) with prosciutto and figs. Thank me later.
  14. You know your state's politics more than I do and I would not assume Colorado is a 1:1 with Texas, but if the people funding this lawsuit are like the folks here they would absolutely like to blow up public universal pre-K (along with the rest of public education) and getting to attack queer folks is a fat bonus.
  15. A couple of articles I've enjoyed this week and last https://www.texasobserver.org/white-people-rural-arkansas-recession-forgotten-girls/ https://www.texasobserver.org/brave-books-texas-library-free-speech/
  16. I suspect At this point I have no idea and am happy to be surprised by the game. Maybe you are. Honestly though....my first thought when playing the game after a few combats was how how well this could work with Pathfinder 2e and how the game would be substantially better for it. As a system 5e is bland and as a setting Forgotten Realms sucks. Do you?
  17. It's blatantly obvious that Trump did that ****, that it's a surprise he's being prosecuted says more about the benefits of being a rich guy and powerful politician than anything else. His supporters don't care, for them "Law and Order" is about ensuring that there are those the law protects but does not bind and those the law binds but does not protect, and Trump has given them a supreme court packed with Federalist Society ghouls to boot. This legal trouble will damage him amongst the "normies", so to speak, but he's already done that with the whole election denial thing and the Poster's Putsch. If Trump is the Republican nominee he's absolutely going to lose the majority vote and will probably lose the electoral college unless some ****ery is going on.
  18. Dark Urge is one out of 8 origins and all of the of content I've seen so far allows you to resolve it heroically. On the balance of it there's actually less opportunities to be evil, and as evil, than in WotR at a similar point.
  19. Engage? Yeah, the internal level threw me off too. I prefer what Three Houses did by not capping the level by class. I wouldn't mind static skill checks for some situations (anything related to knowledge for example), but I think rolling the d20 is good for anything active, like picking a lock or intimidating an owlbear. Dumb luck and fumbles have a place imo, I'm enjoying them. I started investigating Khaga, ran into a hag, and got killed by some trees and mud mephits (who did the most damage by exploding on death). I haven't done another long rest since Karlachs fight and Shadowheart burned through her spells in Karlachs story fight (enemies were 1 and 2 levels ahead of the party and the Paladin dude hits hard). Unfortunately I went back to camp for something and it seems to cancel every one but the PCs buffs when you do that, so Karlach lost her +2 to AC.
  20. So one of the series I've been playing since I was a kid is Fire Emblem, which I picked up because Nintendo's big marketing scheme multiversal fighting game, Super Smash Bros. Melee. Quick rundown, Fire Emblem is a tactical jrpg that implements permadeath by default, has no ingame resurrections in most titles, has generally shoddy "pre-promotes" that would suck up xp along with the way, and substantial benefits for delaying promotion until max level. The first time I played I did not know this, lost several units who got a "you died" ending slide, and had a slew of lousy units that just got completely stomped late game. I'll never forget that playthrough, and it instilled in me a habit of ALWAYS restarting if I lost a unit (or similar) and ALWAYS promoting at 20 and a suspicion that the RNG did indeed sometimes want to make us suffer. Because of this I'm better at the games...but it'll never be as memorable as the first playthrough. This is a very specific example of that training, that you've been trained that certain failures mean you need to restart the game, because losing a character or an item or whatever will ruin your playthrough. That mode of constant triumph isn't a wrong way to play, and I want people to play games the way they enjoy them, but as of late it's not something I want to experience in a game. I'm more interested in failing sometimes, whether that be because I made a bad choice or because the ring told me to go **** myself, and seeing what the game does. It's kind of an outgrowth in my refusal to bother with something that I find tedious or uninteresting in my free time, and I definitely find reloading to get things just right tedious. I'm pretty tired right now so I'll just agree that I'm not interested in playing many videogames these days. The AAA games are definitely the worst at this and I don't really play many of those at all. I'm not surprised, not in that I think it's the GOAT (I'm not even done with act 1 yet), but because I think most rating sites are heavily weighted towards recent games. It is funny that there are two BGs in the top 10 though, and I am absolutely not surprised to see Disco Elysium in the top 10.
  21. For me it's like.....imagine a heist film where the crew was 100% successful instead of one where an alarm gets tripped or there is an investigator on their tail. Wouldn't that be a lot less interesting? Larian has done well is make it so a failure at a check doesn't necessarily doom the party and require a rreload. You'll probably miss out on something....but I thought that's what people wanted. 5e in general is lousy tbh. Yeah, there's very little benefit to having multiple odd numbers. Two 16s vs 17 and 15 for your main stats just means that in the secondary one (like Con for Karlach) is going to be 1 less for the first three levels, which can be some of the harder levels to survive in. To boot, the feats are often less desirable than a pure stat boost (which they compete with for resources) so the appeal of an odd stat to pick up with a feat just can't compete. The exception of course is Fighter, who gets more attribute increases than other classes and can swing a few more feats, so half loading dex or something with the intention to grab a feat that makes you proficient in those saves is an option.
  22. You should avoid Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous like a plague then, because the Lich, Demon, Devil, and Swarm are evil enough to make the worst Dark Urge look like Mr. Rogers. Not to mention Camellia. I've been rolling (hon hon hon) with the dice failures and it's been pretty fun. I tried to cow an Owlbear by roaring at it and instead it just attacked me. Anyways I did part of Karlach's quest and paid an undead guy 600 to repsec the companions to a stat array of 16,16,14,10,10,8, which has been a good move. Also woke up bloody and saw someone had been brutally murdered, which I assume my character did while under the influence of I decided to come clean about it. The companions were freaked out, but they think it's just the parasite.
  23. I have not seen Barbie yet, but the way some men have not shut up about the movie I have to wonder if Margot Robbie executed their favorite toys on screen.
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