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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I remember that and being almost shocked tbh. Sorry about that, giving anything the CW treatment is bad. Hate watching doesn't appeal to me, but I'll let @majestic do it for everyone and give him support through posting JoJo memes or whatever. And you know what great show just came back? What We Do In The Shadows. Matt Berry is a delight as always.
  2. A lot of the Mr Show guys have. Bob is a respected dramatic actor, David Cross is a top-tier comedian, Brian Posehn wrote comics for a minute, Jay Johnston got charged with some felonies, and Paul F Thompkins is forever associated with a dog who was on a very famous TV show back in the 90s. Very strange paths. I have some bad news, they are. And maybe a crossover with John Wick.
  3. https://collider.com/twin-peaks-season-2-bad-bob-iger/ I am now 10000% on board with the writers and actors burning down Hollywood. This is probably the first thing I've heard you be vocally negative about, which I assumes means it is very bad and/or tramples over nostalgic memories of a beloved series. I haven't read the books or watched the show so I wouldn't know. Let's not get carried away here, Harem in the Labyrinth of Another World may not be on the same tier as The Beast Tamer Who Was Exiled from His Party Meets a Cat Girl From the Strongest Race or I'm the Villainess, So I'm Taming the Final Boss....but it's not as bad as the Wheel of Time show. Which I only know of based on how much everyone here hated it.
  4. Speaking of Rogue One....Nobody (2021) Bob Odenkirk becomes John Wick and Christopher Lloyd kills some guys with a shotgun. It's an action movie that's ridiculous and fun, nothing more needs to be said.
  5. You get some ending slides, a lot of xp, and some fat loot.
  6. Look when you've got the pope on a roster he's always going to take most evil simply by inheriting the mantle. I can't wait for that. It needs to happen.
  7. Ghost in the Shell just dropped on Criterion, that sounds nice. Maybe I'll give the tank girls a shot. At this point as long as it isn't a c-tier shonen or light novel adaptation* I'd be willing to take a look. *Unless we're talking about I'm The Villainess So I'm Taming The Catgirl From The Strongest Race For My Harem In The Labyrinth In Another World After I Reincarnated As A Slime. That **** is fire. Even worse than Whoopi Goldberg. We're taking about running mkultra and operation paperclip at the same time bad. NAAAAAAANIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!?!?! I can tell you only kind of liked it because you went from Hepburn to English tho.
  8. Death toll in the millions bad. And Kissinger isn't even the worst Globetrotter. Anyways Record of Ragnarok. I didn't watch it, but the idea of anime-ified historical figures vs anime-ified deities seems like it could be funny if played for laughs. Sadly it's a cgi heavy tournament arc show and what I have seen makes me think not watching it is a good idea. Speaking of good ideas.....I have none. Any recs for weird **** like Ergo Proxy that's befuddling and doesn't make me feel embarrassed.
  9. Not in the release version, which I guess is both a mercy and a letdown
  10. I don't think any of that on it's own makes the game sterile tbh. It's not like I didn't feel powerful as a Cipher (before the nerfs) and a Watcher....but I did feel a more than a little bored at many points throughout the game. I'm just going to say the combat mechanics and dry text bombs made the game feel like it dragged on, and there wasn't enough things that were funny or silly to kind of add texture. And the health/stamina in PoE sucked ass ngl. As the numbersman wrote I think there's a difference between relatively worse choices and stuff that is just garbage on it's own terms, like Assassin. WotR has too much stuff like that in it and it does amount to clutter you have to navigate around in order to get to the stuff you're actually going to use. "All the creatures you've read about in this book are nothing compared to the Polpovir. Barely the size of a man, what they lack in size and strength, they make up for in numbers and terrifying viciousness. Their lower halves are a mass of tentacles like an octopus or squid, but more numerous. The tentacles are long, black whips with suction cups on the underside and small thorny barbs on the top. The sheer number of tentacles gives them frightening speed when walking on land, pulling themselves forward almost as fast as a running horse. While they vaguely resemble a human from the waist up, any extended examination proves how wrong that assumption is. Long, stringy black hair falls from the top of their heads to cover a face taken directly from a nightmare. A wide, gaping mouth, cuts across the bottom of its head from ear to ear, full of wicked dagger-like teeth. Two large round eyes are sunken into its head, black as coal, shining with a malevolent fire. A small antenna protrudes from the middle of its forehead, ending in a small nodule that can glow with an eerie blue light. One can imagine a sailor on the deck of his ship at night, looking out across the black water, blood freezing as countless lights appear beneath the surface, rising toward him as the Polpovir swarm upward. Because they seem to be more octopus than man, they can collapse in on themselves, fitting into spaces no person should be able to. The smallest crack in a hull, the slightest separation between boards offers them entrance. It is not unknown for them to slaughter an entire crew from hold up to deck by infiltrating the ship from underneath. Fortunately they do not seem to have spread too far outside of the archipelago, but there may come a day when Polpovir attacks become commonplace." Absolutely not, any polpovir is getting burned to ash just to be sure it's dead. Not as well as I thought. Shifter Aspects are solid and Shifter's Fury works but I didn't get that x3 crit multiplier that you get with Shifter polymorphing. It's a 10 attack per round (before haste or items) with monk AC that can hold it's own though.
  11. With gestalt and datamining I have once again abandoned Lich. I was going to do an Alchemist/Wizard and Grenadier works just fine but....god damn if Reanimator hasn't been living in my head rent free. So I'll either be going to Hyrule engineering school or giving (true) Aeon or Gold Dragon a go while I wait for the new archetypes to drop in the next updates. Time to do some theory crafting to see how a Gold Dragon Shifter goes. One thing I will say is that WotR has effectively killed Kingmaker for me. Make of that what you will. I'm a laughable centrist on PoE/Deadfire, it's a game that I don't despise (and sometimes enjoy) but long stretches playing it wear me out in a way that the Pathcat games don't. Aside from the armor system and double inversion, both of which can go die in a fire, I found Deadfire to be a competently designed game that looks and sounds incredible. However gameplay felt even slower than PoE for me, the storylines are a disjointed mess, and of course there aren't any sea monsters to fite despite that Monsters of the Deadfire book being pure hype. Everytime I go back I end up leaving after a few hours. But dat armor tho, Deadfire breastplate hands down destroys any piece of armor in an Owlcat game.
  12. Well if you want a bad build in PoE 1 just pick Rogue. Trash tier class lmao. But I don't know if I'd call the PiE gameplay sterile per se, in a lot of ways combat is more dynamic than in Pathcat. If I had to hazard a guess I'd say that Pillars plays too slow for my tastes, the design overcorrecred too much away from tpks via fireballs to hew to close to wars of attrition via grazes. When I think on it I rarely played the games outside of the fast mode, and Eder 1v1'd some stuff for like 2 minutes once. Pathcat also has (sometimes limited) respec to get away from bad choices and way too many garbage choices. Part of the shortfalls is inheriting the system, but there's a lot of **** choices that I don't think add anything good to the game.
  13. Some things aren't worth the pain. It's being unable to explain what exactly turns me off that bothers me. I just can't shake the feeling that I should be liking it when I end up throwing in the towel. Just weird. Anyways I've been going gestalt for the last couple of games and can confirm Sword Saint/Inspired Blade is bonkers.
  14. Then that's 10s or even 100s of hours saved. I would disagree with the mod I linked taking down difficulty to casual, all it really does is automate your existing out of combat buffing and I don't believe that it can be used in combat. The problem is the structural gap between a pre-buff routine and a nekkid party, and it seems the game is designed assuming pre-buffing. ...but that is a technical quibble and I agree with the thrust of your post, a substantial amount of combat is decided on the spreadsheet rather than the battlefield. Stacking your stats up to the stratosphere is going to be substantially more effective than tactics in winning the majority of battles, which are definitely more simple than the SCS stuff or even GBA era Fire Emblem. If you want to play on story or casual from the start instead of having to be a part-time manager go ahead man, people should play games how they like. I gave PoE a second chance after playing WotR for the first and managed to beat it, but I got burned out by Deadfire. Despite being more componently made and definitely better looking, I just struggle to get into the PoE games. I can't quite articulate why, but they just don't grab me and eventually it feels more like a chore than something I actually enjoy. Somehow, the shoddily assembled jalopy game works better for me. Go figure.
  15. https://www.texasobserver.org/teachers-strong-armed-to-get-on-board-with-houston-schools-takeover/ Not very good news, burning down public education to float charter schools will be a disaster.
  16. The late-game crusade meetings are something else. To be EEEEVILLLLLLLLL. I kind of want to do it someday, maybe on a swarm run if I ever bother with that, as sort of a meme playthrough to see what happens if "I don't like you. DIE!" was picked every time.
  17. https://www.nexusmods.com/pathfinderwrathoftherighteous/mods/195 Set it up once and save hours of time.
  18. That's quite the downfall. You gonna merge spellbooks?
  19. That's not fair, Zon-Kuthon showed up to do a devil's bargain with some horse breeders. I hated Diplomacy because the dumb fox lady wouldn't let me do my job. Daeran is indeed the mvp of advisors though, Wolijiff doing a ponzi scheme is also on point.
  20. Unfortunately if it's pnp accurate, we can't hurt anyone when time has stopped. He's a gnome now.
  21. Then she's not that smart because in most non-sekrit endings Deskari doesn't die and in at least three endings the Worldwound stays open (and even expands for one). Really it's just plot **** and shouldn't be read into anymore than that. I'll guarantee that BG3 will be a mess for quite a long time. No horny vampire yet. My Lich is going to be power hungry from the start, rp'd as someone who came in search of power above all. I don't like making the Lich a skelly, I much prefer the decaying or preserved but clearly undead Lich aesthetics. It sets it apart from other undead and is more unsettling imo. I do like Arazni's more recent design but she's more of an outright goddess now so I went with classic Lich Queen art as an example. And you know who else was an anime undead monster who raised an army of the dead? Too bad Time Stop isn't in the game. No ZA WARUDO for my Lich.
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