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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Regill stays for both Trickster and Azata. @Gorth Well if you're doing vidya romance with Camy-chan
  2. I ended up disabling all mods and starting an Aeon Inquisitor in Inevitable Excess. Unfortunately the game still crashes when I try to use Enforcing Gazes or Judgments. Maybe bad news for @Sarex's monk.
  3. Chicken marsala with polenta. Not very healthy but it was worth it.
  4. Maybe it's because of mods, but after the recent update the game crashes on me when I try to use Inquisitor Judgments or Aeon Gazes. Anyone else have this issue? I'm going to try to do an Aeon Inquisitor without mods to see if I can replicate. Also @ShadySands was completely right about Gold Dragon, it's very powerful on blaster casters. Maybe not merged Angel or Lich good but more than pulls it's weight.
  5. I forgot about that tbh. Between that, the 25 bab, and the hit dice upgrade, it seems like a very powerful way to make your caster a gish without a prc. Looks like I've got some gestalt theory crafting waiting for me when I get home.
  6. Beat Melies' ass. I don't think I'll do a real Aeon run (Aeon>Devil with the Path of Hell mod is slotted though) and I I thought Gold Dragon Shifter would be cool but the shifter claws don't work with the Dragon form. From what I can tell mechanically Gold Dragon seems best for turning full casters into gishes or otherwise exploiting the "fix your build" parts of it to shore up bab loss on some builds. I haven't played around with it outside of theory crafting and checking how a couple of builds would work though.
  7. The vast majority of typos I make are from posting on mobile. I leave them because I think they're funny. It's pretty bleak and dystopian. We can debate whether this is part of the Texas Republicans trying to take over Houston by force, if it's part of (some) Texas Republicans wanting to burn down public education to float vouchers, or if it's just plain old greed and incompetence like the inability to maintain our infrastructure. But whatever the case this looks like it's going to be very bad for kids in HISD.
  8. Growing up chicken fried steak or cheese enchiladas were my choice of meal if I had a choice. There's just something truly great about a well made one that feels both nostalgic and like a very special treat. God damn now I want it too. I think all the Church's closed down around here. Or moved into a gas station. I'm a Frenchy's guy myself. A nona is going to drone strike your house for saying this. Anyways I made a ragu with a very large dose of calabrian peppers with rigatoni and it was good. Maybe not bolognese good, but definitely one of the better weeknight meals I've made.
  9. Now that the appsflyer drama has been put to bed it's time for datamining No word on when the next dlc drops, but at this point I think we've seen most classes get an additional archetype, many of which are Owlcat originals. Only one found now and it's a frost themed druid. Off the top of my head I think it's just Fighter, Bard, Skald, Magus, and Warpriest who haven't had their new archetypes implemented in the data, but I'm going by memory here. Oh and there's some nice stuff for shield users and Stunning Critical has entered the chat.
  10. I don't trust anyone who wants to put spyware on a device. Haven't downloaded the update and am considered uninstalling the game when I get home.
  11. Yeah **** that. I'm not launching the game until they at least put in an opt-out button.
  12. We'll probably never know until he publishes a video on why Cameilla did nothing wrong. I also am more of a gameplay guy, at least for vidya, with pnp role-playing is often the gameplay. But I do think it's worth acknowledging that people look for something else than me in these games, even if I don't think it's that great in those games. Now time for balance. I don't think we're going to see a game with only good choices without substantial work, at the same time I don't think it's impossible (or even hard) to cut out the worst offenders in some way, like removing/buffing the bottom trash tier choices that are virtually always a mistake and making the s-tier/always picked options folded into the character or class by default. That would improve build variety and make more interesting stuff happen by putting in more choice. Exploits are always going to exist and we're very unlikely to see anything perfectly balanced, but I don't think it's a bad thing to at least try to make sure that the choices a player make can be competitive. I'd always take more interesting gameplay over balance, but I don't think they're mutually exclusive. After playing Pathfinder 2e pnp, which took a cap balance approach by establishing clear ceilings on the numbers, I found myself enjoying that approach because tactics became a lot more important. Build is still important (and I'd argue much more interesting than 1e), but it becomes more along the lines of building around what you're going to do than trying to push your numbers into the stratosphere.
  13. Time to play devil's otaku's advocate. Knowing nothing else about the game or anime, that outfit is pretty tame by a lot of Shonen or videogame standards. The man could very well be so out of touch with reality that he thinks anything less than I dunno.....Ivy from Soul Calibur is modestly dressed and not sexual. Too many Japanese games make me feel embarrassed to be playing.
  14. Protein shake and a protein bar. I'm too tired to make anything but it's nice to have after morning cardio while I prep for the rest of the week. She's not wrong, though perhaps chicken fried steak and eggs may be more American. Or at least more Texan.
  15. I'm not one for armchair psychoanalysis but I think Josh was both burned out after Deadfire and mostly looked at Deadfire's contemporaries at the time of release for the post-mortem on why it underperformed. There's a good chance he hasn't played either Owlfinder game yet, as his comments are only feeling bad about putting Owlcat on the spot with Deadfire's fully voiced dialogue, so maybe we'll get a video of him mad about merged casters or something. In general I agree with him, quite a lot of role-playing is reversed engineered from the existing framework of the game and making it work as a character. Even if you do lean more into the role-play than combat (or general gameplay for the games that have it) you're doing this because you can't just drop in as DIO or something into a fantasy game and have it work (well) with the setting. I'd also agree with.....balance regarding options that are an always or never pick option, if the option is that good just make it part of the class (or gameplay or whatever) and if it's bad dump it in the trash. Part of what makes games with character builds interesting is build diversity and every choice should feel like you're making a compromise with something.
  16. One could say that his views in balance have been.....balanced.
  17. Sauteed zucchini with a honey bourbon glaze. Not bad for being thrown together stuff I had to cook before it went bad, but probably not something I'd make unless I was trying to reduce meat and carb heavy foods. Which is unfortunately more common these days.
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