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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. If you're doing merged spellbooks with a Sorcerer chances are the unique Lich spells will be close to best in slot anyways, so the slower learning isn't as bad as it may seem. Of course I use a mod that bypasses that, because spontaneous casters are already a level behind for spells so Owlcat's fix seemed unnecessary. It's not like a merged caster won't melt half the game anyways. Off hand I'd say that you want to maximize caster level to get 10th level spells, so if you want to go outside Sorcerer a prc that gives caster level would be best. I think there is an argument for Loremaster, but just play around and see what works.
  2. I honestly forgot about them. I'm trying to play less videogames and watch more movies so I'll add them to my substantial backlog. Good. So the first thing I'll say is that I don't draw a distinction between anime and (western) animation in the sense that they are the same medium. The stylistic differences are akin to regional things similar to what we see in cinema, but it'd be hard to argue that Bollywood is a genre unto itself. So why are we in a thread specifically for anime instead of in TV or film? Because the rest of the forum is weak. Weak. Now that my unhinged speil is over....the western animated films and shows I see today make me want to [redacted]. They look like garbage. Absolute trash. Not fit to wipe your ass with. The kids shows are the reason that the coming generation is so depressed and the "adult" animation is d-list comedy with terrible visuals. I was forced to watch the Netflix film Marmaduke and in addition to very creepy designs (why are their legs like twigs?) it moved like absolute ****. Disgusting. Sam Neil had the right idea to gouge his eyes out in Event Horizon. Yeah, a LOT of work went into those classic anime films. It's not impossible to do that and using digital tools to aid drawing, rather than replace it, can make it easier to do.....but with LORD MARKET demanding over 9000 isekai adaptations a year to sell waifu bodypillows you're going to see a lot more ugly cgi stuff with minimal drawing because that makes bizness sense. Like you said it's not that different from western animation, but I'd also say that it's like tv and film as well in the sense of pumping out tons of cheap and ugly **** to hit market saturation while the medium suffers artistically. Though I'd say right now is a very good time for cinema, but you won't find it from any big hollywood studios. Which I suppose is par for the course. By the end of the weekend we'll see if we're on the road to the end of the world. Fingers crossed.
  3. This is hilarious. Not the fact that hand-drawn is going away from most anime, that's very sad. But the mental image of you doing a short rant about anime becoming trash because of the god damn cgi to your niece(s) tickles my funny bones. It's also something I would do, which is usually not a good sign. It's been a very long time since I've watched an anime feature, maybe I'll watch Whisper of the Heart this weekend as a double feature with Occult Bolshevism (2018).
  4. It's the thing after Iz that locks you out of stuff, if anything you get a bit more content, and a bit may be an exaggeration, by doing Iz first.
  5. Throne of Blood (1957) - Macbeth in feudal Japan. It's glorious, between the extensive use of fog and black and white photography it felt very dreamlike.
  6. Oxy-morons (2010) - some based on a true story flick about a small time crime family imploding. Not particularly memorable. Beast (2022) - Idris Elba fights a cgi lion and bonds with his daughters.
  7. Pschy - Dual Spires It was ok, but I doubt I'll watch more of the series. A lot of the jokes didn't land and the main character annoyed the **** out of me.
  8. I've never seen a single episode of Psych, so now that you mention it....there's Three Pines, which is apparently Canadian Twin Peaks starring Doctor Octopus. I should give that a shot.
  9. It'd need to be cancelled after one season to qualify for that, as a miniseries it doesn't count. I haven't watched many series lately and I have to say most of what is there looks unappealing to me. Maybe I'll finally start Derry Girls or just cut through my backlog of movies on my watchlist.
  10. We should replace every episode of nutrek with Peter Watkins' 6 hour film La Commune (Paris, 1871).
  11. That image is what popped right into my head when I saw the title and looked at the area.
  12. I was expecting a bit more tbh, oh this is a sound track? Given the harp, butterflies, and furniture this looks like a place for Desna, Shelyn, and Sarenrae to hang out. Fitting Valentine's Day drop considering the lore around those three.
  13. It seems our taste in (nick)names is as distant as our taste in movies.
  14. I recommend not naming your child Mildred or Gertrude.
  15. Something everyone should do once in a while. I think it's a combination of that and the fact that people tend to not finish games. Pathetic Quaist is a Sorcerer who ends up doing Dragon Shape 3 and that's not as hard as a powerful monster who does the monk dip/vivisectionist combo on top.
  16. My condolences, that game sucked. Congratulations! Buenaventura and GrĂ¡inne are two good names.
  17. Well now that you mention it.....I honestly can not recall a Kevin Costner performance. At least Tom Cruise has Eyes Wide Shut and Interview with the Vampire to his credit.
  18. It seems you broke the forum by doing so, unless you're also @LadyCrimson. Of the first DLC wave, the side story is interesting, the roguelike mode is either a build tester or a megadungeon for the main game, and Inevitable Excess is bad. I'd go for it if it's cheaper than buying the first two.
  19. Night Visitor (1989) This movie feels like a fever dream simulacrum of several 80's horror movies, something that seems a product of your memory amalgamating several films together. A satanic killer, that has a dayjob as a high school teacher, who exclusively murders prostitutes terrorizes a city/suburb with the help of his crazy and/or dumb brother. The only ones that can stop him are a high school couple and an alcoholic ex-cop. There's a single mom, an **** friend, the sexy neighbor, and many other tropes that have been in so many of these films. Night Visitor fails to do anything interesting with them. It certainly didn't help that the killers, the terrifying satanic killer and his kRaZy brother, are out of shape middle aged men that never exude anything threatening and would probably hurt themselves chasing after someone. But even if they were threatening, the film would be forgettable at best. Strongly do not recommend. Mulholland Drive (2001) I decided to watch this again because the above movie pissed me off and because talking with @Bartimaeus made me want to see it. A very good decision. It's a beautiful confusing mess, like walking through several dreams that somehow cohese just enough to see how they are connected. The sound and cinematography work in tamdem to reinforce this feeling, the low rumblings combine with handheld camera movement to make you feel just a bit uneasy even in ordinary scenes, like the voyeurism is more personal somehow. And hell no baby jesus god damn, Naomi Watts is incredible. The next Neil Breen film will be the great unifier. I can't remember any of the Indiana Jones movies. I've seen them, but it's been so long my memory fails to recall any particulars beyond the iconic scenes.
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