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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Twin Peaks rewatch, up to season 2 episode 8 or 9 I think. Pete is perhaps the funniest character I have ever seen. Every line delivery he does ends up making me burst out laughing. "How about a nice cold milk" is funnier than it has any right to be.
  2. Around here it's more like x2, if we're talking about price. Because of that I usually settle for just the bone in. Not as fancy as a tomahawk, but it's better than the boneless cut.
  3. I would cry too. Ribeye is probably my favorite steak, bone on if possible, medium rare seasoned with salt and pepper, hit with a bit of butter after it's done.
  4. I've never had Peruvian ceviche and after reading up on it, I've made the very hard decision not to change that. Mexican ceviche is damn good though, damn good. I'll say that in terms of preference, I'd go for Vietnamese (Viet-Cajun, which as far as I can tell is a Houston thing, is insane top tier) because ca phe sua da is great, but really as long as the ingredients are good most of that cuisine appeals to me. I have a stomach of iron and my taste in food is a lot like my taste in cinema, so you can factor that in as well. It's great, the goop absorbs all of the spice from the boil and it can be like getting kicked in the mouth. But the tails are where it's at at the end of the day, and you can't go wrong with etouffee or gumbo. You can eat the soft shell whole, I don't have it too much because it's usually expensive but fried is really good. I see your hater game truly is vast. Even if I think that's bad, I got to respect the game. Honestly, while I love steak, smoked brisket is my personal favorite way to eat beef followed closely by smoked beef ribs.
  5. Sashimi and ceviche are both great though. Stop being naughty.
  6. How naughty I didn't like shrimp too much growing up because my mom had a tendency to underseason and overcook so they tasted terribly. Now I love shrimp and eat them regularly (especially shrimp and grits), but I would rather not eat my mom's boiled shrimp ever again. For my money crawfish are the best seafood, especially tossed in some garlic butter Viet-Cajun style. Boil them in some heavily seasoned spicy water and then hit them with some garlic butter to bring out the flavor in the spice. I love having a few pounds of them and sweating like a damn pig as my body gets bombarded with spicy goodness. Maybe if lobster was cooked like that instead of just in salt I'd like it better, but imo lobster is overrated and I'd prefer a steak instead for the price. But the worst seafood for me is probably scallops. I despise the texture and it ruins them for me. Not usually a fan of squid or octopus either, but that probably has more to do with me being freaked out by tentacles than the food itself.
  7. The glorious satisfaction of being right supercedes everything else. Learning, changing? Nothing compared to the thrill of virtually beheading an online foe over them making an assessment that turns out to be incorrect. Discussions are for losers, winners treat all dialogue as combat.
  8. If the press release is accurate, they've already got 6 other publishers to jump on. On one hand, I love seeing corporate behemoths blow their feet off with obviously dumb and/or malicious acts that predictably bite them in the ass. On the other, Hasbro has THE brand name for ttrpgs, a movie and a big game in the pipeline, and media promotion via stuff like Stranger Things......so I can see them rolling away from this without much issue.
  9. Banshees of Inisherin (2022) One of the best movies of last year, a tragic comedy that shows how an act of petty cruelty can ruin everyone. Absolutely beautiful scenery and the background of the Irish Civil War is used to great effect. The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) Much like Goodfellas and Casino, but both funnier and scarier. The scary mostly comes from thinking on how such dip****s can end up wielding such power by several strokes of luck, which is timely given Elon Musk's post-divorce meltdown.
  10. I was much the same, I suppose I overestimated both Russia's political savvy and their military competence. While Russia could still end up winning the conflict (at a massive cost that could be potentially crippling), the outcome I'd bet on is that this war is to Russia what the Vietnam War is to the US.
  11. First of all, you naughty [insert image of cenobite grinning or gaping maw of an eldritch abomination] Secondly.....I don't know if I'd reccomend it to you. It's a beautiful film and ranks among the best things from 2022 for me but in your case.....one of the major characters is explicitly unlikeable and the development of Farrell's Padraic may turn you off. Maybe if you're in the mood for a tragedy.
  12. I finished Space Dandy, baby. It may have been my rona fogged mind (which may have also smashed it together with Twin Peaks and the Banshees of Inisherin), but I remember it as amazing.
  13. I think I may have had it early in 2020 (before March early), but I didn't get really sick from it until last year. Suffice to say there wasn't any doubt this time and that time. That's good. Well not good but better than the alternatives.
  14. It seems like there's a wave going on here, last time I was out it seemed like half of people were coughing. Hope you sail through ok.
  15. I've beat the rona for the 2nd or 3rd time and it was a miserable experience. Happy to say that I am able to focus on something without a blistering headache for the first time in a week.
  16. Well now I know to avoid going too far north. I've been eating a bowl of full fat greek yogurt (unsweetened) for breakfast because of time constraints and being lazy. Not nearly as versatile as eggs and not super tasty, but a nice bulk of protein to start the day. There's also the good ol protein supplements made from processed whatever that are a stable of my ****ty breakfasts. Apparently the void that devours posts is much hungrier than I am.
  17. That's what I thought. Seems like Martyr could be a good fit, as she certainly wants to be one.
  18. The one that gets me is telling that demon lady it's ok to experiment/torture her kid. Very strange writing. Hmm, is this your main Paladin? If so, adding shield ac to your mount is not bad at all. But it is kind of hard to keep up with dodge tanks getting Wis/Cha to AC.
  19. So spoilers are messed up on mobile so apologies there. @majestic Are we talking about normal version or the uh.....not normal version? Because I know about the latter and assumed it was because there aren't evil Paladins implemented and that it evokes the banshee. Kinda weird if the main build is one, because that lady screams Paladin. @Sarex I hit level 20 and have most of Act 5 to go, I think you can probably hit the cap twice and that xp is extremely plentiful in later game. Just try to not to fail as a Paladin because you didn't pick enough "[Attack] You Broke The LAW! DIE! (Lawful)" options. And if you're looking for a replacement for someone helpful, it depends on how you use her. If you're using her as a tank, Woljiff surprisingly makes a good replacement via all the spells he gets, unless you fight something with True Seeing, while Ember delivers solid hexes. But that helpful companion does really fill a unique niche, being both capable at casting and tanking with the potential to do both well, so you may be best off using a merc or an animal companion.
  20. Stop posting so much signature bait. I too am something of a dumbass and I haven't read much Arthurian legends so I wouldn't pick up on that. Visually I loved the film and can't praise that enough, that alone really elevates it. But in some ways that adds to the disappointment for me, if it had looked average or bad I'd just write it off, but looking and sounding as good as it did with very good performances yet still missing the mark for me is disappointing.
  21. To be fair, you have to do some metagaming to unlock all paths because they have some pretty conflicting triggers in terms of roleplaying. With the Azata you missed another conflict with Hulrun where he takes a break from guarding his hole to try torturing a college student instead of fight the demons or undead taking over the market square. And some Azatas singing you a song.
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