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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I'll admit that my memory of the first season is not clear, but it premiered on July 15 2016 and a lot of stuff has happened since then, some personal, some historical, and some apocalyptic. In many respects I think the show works better when it dials the horror down and dials the adventure up, seeing the gang doing fun shenanigans is more interesting than them getting chased by a monster that you know they're going to beat. @Lexx Steve should have died like a hero in season 2, now he is condemned to a fate worse than death as a high school burnout stuck in a small town. That is the real horror in Stranger Things.
  2. Barbarians Season 2. Whatever the shortcomings of the show, I do like seeing colonial powers getting slaughtered so it gets points for that. But it does feel like a backslide in some ways with a massive sequel bait finale. I'll probably watch another season of Romans getting killed if they do another. I think the problem with ST specifically is the lack of real stakes for the main cast rather than desensitization. Our main group of loveable outcasts don't die, most on screen deaths have been single season (or single episode) characters while the main crew mostly comes out unharmed in their scrapes with the gubbermint, monsters, commies, and proto-fascist lynch mobs. It's just hard to feel scared when you know Hopper is not going to die or that the kids are going to beat the monster with 80's cheese. Maybe I'm just too far removed from season 1 to remember the horror there, and it works as horror for Hurlshot because it's fresh (and about kids the same age as his), but in retrospect and currently I don't think it works as horror for me because the stakes just aren't there.
  3. Zelensky can be PM of Britain in two weeks after the government collapses again.
  4. To be fair she doesn't get them until MR 4, but it's noticeable after that when she gets an "S" tab in the UI when controlling her. Yall really missed out with that. What no cookies does to a mf.
  5. Frankly I don't want to dig up examples of children being victimized in fiction, but I think it's not too hard to remember kids getting hurt in genre's outside of horror. So I'll just say that kids being the victims doesn't make something horror so much as horrible. Just to be upfront, the rona years have destroyed my sense of time and I have not watched the older seasons in a while. Anyways when I think of Stranger Things, including the older seasons, I think far more of 80's action cheese and Sci-Fi shows than of horror. The tone just isn't right to hit horror, for me at least, it feels much more like it's going for wonder that you see in a lot of adventure stuff. Compared to something like Halloween or Alien.... ST just doesn't create an atmosphere of terror and dread that really drives horror. Maybe they try(/tried?) to make the show horror, but I don't really think it accomplishes that. Now if you want something absolutely terrifying, then It Comes At Night is a sleeper on that front. Especially after the last few years.
  6. I don't think Stranger Things is supposed to be horror.
  7. I think the lesson is that Aivu is going to burn down the slave trade with or without you. 35 BAB with 8th level spells ain't nothing to sneeze at.
  8. I think the Hulu shows I watch are FX(X) stuff and I haven't seen ads on those for a while. Now that I think about it, I don't really watch too much on Hulu.
  9. You caught me. It seems to be mostly live TV for me. Maybe there is something else as well, but truth be told I only seem to watch Hulu for a handful of things.
  10. I frequently get commercials in Spanish on Hulu and YouTube. One of the weirdest was double ads for the same thing with the first being in English and the second being in Spanish. I'm not sure who the algorithms think I am.
  11. Just started a Lich run, time to be an evil bony gal who sacrifices everything and everyone for power. I wish that the Lich looked more like canon PF liches instead of just the skelly, I like the creepy factor of stretched skin and dead eyes more than being bony. But anyways, Silly Little Cat > Thirsty Lizard Goat. I would rather travel with someone as deranged as Wenduag than have to hear another one of Lann's jokes or sue him for sexual harassment. Oh, and I played with Photomode and discovered that during the (close to) opening cutscene and found out that a headless dragon is under the city before Deskari shows up. Maybe I'll post when I get home. Sounds like you're living the best Azata life.
  12. I'd rather write a novel length slashfic that simultaneously runs Daeran x Regill and Wenduag x Nenio than watch 10 minutes of Franky.
  13. He hasn't and the "pretty" isn't needed. Franky is one dimensional cardboard cutout with an annoying gimmick attached, and this mini-episode just drove home how boring he is. A 10-minute special featuring Mr. Elegant would be preferable to the Franky mini-episode.
  14. More datamining TL;DR: More stuff for Shifter has been added, as well as more stuff for a (probable) Shifter companion. I will bet $100 and someone else's soul that first new DLC is gonna be the class and companion.
  15. There are so many weird bugs I have trouble keeping up.
  16. https://www.themarshallproject.org/2022/10/18/does-your-sheriff-think-he-s-more-powerful-than-the-president I wonder how much the 40% of sheriffs who believe they have supreme authority overlaps with the 40% of cops who beat their wives?
  17. "Truss licked by the lettuce" is the best political headline in history. I can't find it right now, but I recall hearing Alan Dershowitz claiming he couldn't have raped two of the girls Epstein trafficked because he always wears glasses during sex. I think that may give the Kurz defense a run for its money. Somewhat off-topic, during google-fu for the glasses quote I did find out that Dershowitz has been obsessed with protecting men accused with rape (structurally, not just ss a lawyer) since before I was born, as well as wanting to get rid of statutory rape and not charge Johns who hire a sex worker (the sex worker themselves should get charged of course, because LAW AND ORDER). Is there any term to describe the phenomenon where the more you learn the worse it is?
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