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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1184370/view/3389547565066423854 "You can buy alcohol from Wilcer Garms now." The most important fix.
  2. Scrolls of Atonement are a 750 gold bandaid on a bad implementation of a bad system. Nice to have and all that for the game, but dumb that a holy warrior who oozes holiness needs one because they picked too many (Good) choices. While I strongly prefer the reputation system in Pillars to D&D alignment, I think the fact that reputation can't degrade or cancel out was a mistake. If I spend half the game lying and the other half being honest or do a bunch of helpful stuff for a town only to go on a killing spree later, it's not great that the game tracks the reputations separately rather than have them cancel out. Doubly so when certain (sub)classes benefit from certain reputations while being hurt by others. Really I think the thing is to disentangle class mechanics from Alignment or Reputation to avoid creating a mechanical need to act in a specific way. I think Larian games are open about being a joke while Owlcat games are played straight. While we can wonder whether or not Owlcat was making a joke on the players or are being genuine, I think if you play an hour of either Original Sin you know it's a joke.
  3. I agree. With the way WotR works it seems very difficult to play a Lawful alignment locked character without turning into some kinda ****. Such characters shouldn't have to imitate a pint-sized fascist to keep their holy powers. I think in terms of alignment implementation where you're tracking it with some sort of point system the square grid works better than the wheel in Owlcat games. Not a good solution by any means, but better than the game failing your Paladin because you did the WotR equivalent of giving a kid ice cream instead of executing his dog because he didn't pick up poop.
  4. The (Chaotic) option outright says it's doing a good deed lmao. I don't think that it's really feasible to write out an option for all 9 alignments for every choice, but damn you end up with some absolute doozies. That (Lawful) option is pretty ****ing crazy for anyone who isn't some kinda creep. Imagine that you've put dozens or hours into this game as a Paladin or Monk and what makes you fall is preventing a demon from torturing her child. Real headscratcher ****. I get the alignment is almost certainly gonna be in any D&D or Pathfinder game because of "THE RULES" but **** me if the implementations of it could use more than a bit of finesse to work better.
  5. Wrestling is real in the sense that the stunts are performed by real people who can easily **** their bodies up. I agree that having explicit choices for the corner alignments would be an improvement. Mechanically speaking, it sucks to have a Paladin fall because you picked too many of the (Good) choices. But I like the way that Owlcat didn't treat Chaotic Evil as Evil Evil and instead all the Evil options are equally hilariously psychotic.
  6. WotR dialogues are like 1. "You're forgiven." (Good) 2. "You broke the Law. Die!" [Attack] (Lawful) 3. "General Bofa says I have to let you go." (Chaotic) 4. "I don't like you. Die!" [Attack] (Evil) If it's parody it is brilliant. I have seen countless discussions about wanting to be a serious villain in a videogame RPG and parodying that with some absolute cheeseball stuff to show how ridiculous wanting to be evil is would be an absolute power move. Unfortunately I do not get the sense that it is parody and instead is the continuation of very cheesy RPG stuff dialed up to 11. Anyways, I found out that Legend gets to fight a god now.
  7. The Munsters (2022). Rob Zombie captures the tone of 60's television with a gallon of absurdity on top just in case. Does this make a good movie? Maybe, maybe just ok, but definitely not a great movie. It is EXTREMELY corny but that somehow makes it charming. Like if this had gone done a typical romcom route this movie would have sucked, but by dialing up the corny this is avoided and something very different is delivered. Maybe that different won't work for yall, but I had a good enough time.
  8. I'll say that this got much more attention than when a man immolated himself on the steps of the US Supreme Court.
  9. Given all the buffs PD has on I think you're going to struggle with it regardless of difficulty unless you come prepared or use system mastery to achieve bonkers stats.
  10. I'm pretty sure Sauron is going to put the Harfoots to work cooking fantasy meth in Mordor.
  11. If Sauron is Walter White, who is Jesse Pinkman? The Harfoot?
  12. I don't know what a harfoot is. Frankly I don't care about stuff like lore much, Better Call Saul broke the Breaking Bad lore by not having Jimmy catch his second wife with his stepdad and the show still works because it's got a great cast playing great characters and beautiful cinematography. When I see stuff like RoP it just doesn't have that X factor, no matter how much money got poured in to teaching the cast Elvish or great makeup on the goblins, it just doesn't do it for me. Maybe I'm too jaded to enjoy high fantasy and need to see mind-breaking or depressing stuff to be interested, but I just can't seem to care about Elves or incest royals riding dragons.
  13. I have not seen more than 10 minutes of Bezos' Billion Dollar Fanfic and already that is too much. I think it's not that simple, we have to take into account production costs as well. If millions of people are watching RoP or WoT or whatever that's fine and dandy, but if they average $50 million an episode, they're gonna need a lot more than viewers than most shows. Maybe RoP is getting that, maybe not. I do feel obligated to say that I don't think such number crunching is conductive to good TV or cinema, but it is how most studios are working today. The thing is they hired two guys who didn't have a credit to their names, so it'd be like if the billionaire in question hired some guy he found yelling at a TV in a bar to coach the team. Obviously everyone starts from somwhere and it's a good thing to take a chance on creatives, but for a show that screams no expense spared you'd think they'd have gone with veterans instead of a couple of geen dudes who speak Elvish. So much about this show is mind-boggling.
  14. At first I wasn't really sold on it, but after a minute when the robot goes on all fours to chase the kid I just lost it. This may beat the Gingerdead Man.
  15. I just have it treat them like the other assignments so I can do adventuring instead of sitting around waiting for Tristain to claim a region.
  16. The Kingdom management is trash and I strongly recommend you mod it down to nothing and save yourself the headache. It's like the fort building and decree (but with d20 checks) parts of crusade management, no battles. On top of that leveling up your stats or annexing a region takes two weeks of your time and if you start something like that before certain major events it kills your game. The only noteworthy part of it is some of the advisor dialogues, like when Regnogar gets your soldiers on fantasy meth.
  17. I know I hammer on about mods for Pathcat Owlfinder a lot, but the mod Call of the Wild introduces the ability to dismiss spells, as well as more content than even WotR did (no mounts though). If you ever do a second KM run I highly recommend it.
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