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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. @majesticI was thinking of Sohei flurry cheese on hit ranged attacks from a horse, but now that you mentioned it like that I have to wonder just how much damage you can get with a charge pounce flurry. With that lance, mythic charge, and the lich ability that's adding 28 dice to 6 or 7 attacks. Maybe I'll have to make a death knight after all.
  2. Now that's naughty. Looking at full arcane spell casters and trying to decide if I want to do a Witch (Ley Line Guardian) or Arcanist (not unlettered or nature mage). Both seem interesting and with quick study arcanist gets a much needed boost from the vanilla game that lets it keep up with Wizards and Sorcerers. I know how powerful hexes can be and that Brown Fur is a mvp when it comes to party buffing. Too many options in this damn game triggering my rerollitis. Edit: Lmao, the Ley Line Guardian spellbook isn't labeled.
  3. Well afaik none of the mods I'm running break the game with 2.0whatever. Breddy Gud. Thankfully I have no in progress games going. Stop being naughty and edit like the rest of us.
  4. So some datamining has been proven false, notably the Devil stuff, but it looks like some Shifter stuff is showing up. I'm willing to bet that one of the next dlcs includes it like Kineticist was in the Kingmaker dlc. Notable is an owlcat homebrew archetype, Child of Manticore. "Manticores breeding with many lion-like creatures and shifters in lion forms are no exception. Perhaps you are someone's vile experiment, or the circumstances have developed that your shifting abilities become twisted by manticore's blood."
  5. I haven't seen it yet but in general I'd agree. The censorship specifically around the shlong is weird to me, given everything else that goes on in stuff where that is censored, ya really got to wonder why the hell that's the thing that gets covered up.
  6. I think it's a combination of sunk costs and resentment. It doesn't make much sense and hasn't worked since before the posers here were born, but that applies to numerous policies of the US.
  7. I'll try to find and watch it, and damn my watch list is getting big. Well that's life I suppose. Better too have too many films to watch than too little. By the way I've been meaning to tell you that after digesting it, Beyond The Infinite Two Minutes is a recommended from me. I'd also tentatively recommend Bad Luck Banging Or Loony Porn, but by the title I'm sure you can guess some of what happens in the film and that most definitely isn't your jam. But it's a good film regardless, I think it's one of the few 2020s films that accurately captures the 2020's. Minus the rona, because (I think) it was shot before. It does address covid, somehow I got it confused with another movie.
  8. That's it. When you look at a lot of the recent revolts/uprisings/protests they all seem to be the culmination of things that happen regularly rather than just a response to a specific thing.
  9. I think that it's a genuine revolt, the big tell for me is that the (US) media isn't really doing direct interviews with people on the ground and instead pulled out someone living in New York to try and pass off as the leader. There is no doubt that the US wants Iran to get a regime changed, but I think they'd rather do business with a pro-(US) market guy like MBS or Netanyahu than what a successful revolt would produce.
  10. If your an Azata, fight her. Of the twelve companions there is at least one of every alignment. I think you can guess what Cammy's is. ....okie dokie. I knew the Cammy romance would be edgy, but that just seems too on the nose. How will Bruno balance his waifu with LAW AND ORDER?
  11. There's only three force spells right now I think? Yeah, they could use more of those. I'd like to see more touch spells for the Magus to use. I think we've got six right now, including the cantrip that's just there for the extra attack. Eldritch Archer has stuff for every spell level while the melee magi have to grab metamagic to make spellstrike have legs beyond 3rd level spells. Alternatively the close range arcana so I can use a scimitar to crit with umbral strike.
  12. I think it happens in Act V and he leads the army, but it has been close to a year since I played the main campaign so I don't remember the specifics. Should be more of a challenge than some army without a general though. Edit: Looks like Owlcat did an AMA with the redditors, who may or may not be replicants. Highlights are that the EE isn't introducing any new spells or abilities and that they're considering stuff to make armor tanks more competitive (but not in the EE).
  13. I think that the merged spellbooks persist after Legend, so you don't even need to do that exploit to keep the Angel or Lich spells. Imagine rolling up as a Sorc or Oracle with a 28 CL spellbook and the stat to AC abilities and some other busted **** like a mutagen or cognotagen.
  14. That's a nice exploit. Naughty , but nice. I think the intention with the Gold Dragon was the fix your build path. But I think we all know what immunity to a bunch of **** and +25 Bab with Trickster feats is going to do to the game. Owlcat Owlcat'd themselves there. I did a Legend with Paladin/Vivisectionist/Scaled Fist/Sword Saint. Unfortunately no trickster feats, because IE makes you take Legend at Mythic 3.
  15. Well first off, what do you consider weird? Because well.... But really, naw. The show isn't really doing anything interesting, it's just more GoT but with a new (and for the most part less interesting) cast. You're gonna have the secks, the violence, the nobles drinking themselves silly, and some monologues. I guess it's good background noise to have on while you're eating.
  16. Lann is bad enough if you aren't playing as a lady but from what I've read he turns into a creepy stalker nice guy for the ladies. I was ready to drop him before, but based on that I think that I'm going to go with the silly little cat for the next run(s?) and see if I can sic her on Lady Konomi.
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