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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Then I guess that means we better gather up a posse to battle Prince Charles (and THE WORLD) in Egypt.
  2. If we're talking about the thief, he's tied to a couple of (not so) random encounters thay trigger in specific places. For the other scoundrel, you have to pay him some cash or finish his initial quest. The cash recruits him and the quest gets him to stay.
  3. Wouldn't surprise me. Should probably drive a stake through his heart after he dies to make sure he doesn't come back.
  4. The scotch drinks I've made and can vouch for are the blood and sand and a minty scotch old fashioned I made after reading about it. Frankly, I'm not a fan of mixing anything with carbonated sugar water because for everything that can work with it I can think of something better to make. Now something I am fond of mixing is hot chocolate and bourbon or Irish whiskey. It's surprisingly good, the whiskey cuts through the dense chocolate and opens it up nicely. Adding amaretto or a cream (chocolate) liqueur makes it amazing.
  5. I'd be hesitant to make a proper mixed drink or ****tail with the good ****, let alone mix it with soda.
  6. Scimitars and Falchions already exist for that, the main draw for Fauchards is the crit range with reach which I don't think any other weapon has. Your broader point is correct though, do not sleep on unique or powerful effects because of a lower enhancement bonus. The corollary I'd add is that weapons with a save effect are much less useful than they appear and should be judged as subpar, especially on higher difficulties.
  7. Because if you say stop motion animation recreations of iconic romance films with preserved amphibians people tend to look at you weird.
  8. More JoJo Stone Ocean. What I saw wouldn't be believed and is somehow weirder than the description. Oh, and Jotaro doesn't even take off his hat when he's in a coma. Only negative thing is that I can't stop hearing the villain as Daru and.....yeah. SUPER ULTRA ELEGANT! I thought it was a nice slice of life sort of thing. I'd tepidly reccomend Uncle from Another World, but that's a real shot in the dark.
  9. Peter Straub had passed. I remember reading The Talisman and enjoying it when I was a kid.
  10. I was looking around in Toybox for bite attacks and it seems like several Shifter abilities have entries in the game. At first I thought it was for the Feral Champion or a mod, but it looks like they go beyond what FC gets. I wonder if this means Shifter is going to be introduced in the EE or future DLC?
  11. I don't even get out of the cave, pretty much I test to make sure the build actually works and then file it away for a future playthrough. I don't want to do a full respec because I want the experience of playing through the game as the concept. Respecing bad feats and spells is one thing, but I don't want to change (base) class or race.
  12. While I could write up a paragraph how corn represents sorrow, I honestly think David Lynch just thinks it looks interesting when filmed and worked backwards from there.
  13. In PnP you get the option to retrain spell selection for spontaneous casters and I believe that Call of the Wild for Kingmaker managed to implement it. Probably wouldn't help with your issue, but it would be a nice touch given how some spells fall off late game. afaik, any respec options (mod and ingame) are done in cc or the levelup screen. Tedious, but makes sense in a lot of ways. Looking at the mods I've got, one of them makes Demon Rage work with Limitless Rage, so the (imo) most underwhelming mythic path just shot up quite a bit. Time to play around and see what happens. EDIT: Looks like Shamans are missing their capstone ability....even though Oracles have them and they're pretty much interchangeable for the same Mysteries and Spirits. I guess I could add it in via ToyBox, but it seems like a damn big oversight.
  14. I too love surrealist nonsense and, perhaps atypically, don't care if something makes sense as long as it's interesting so the work of David Lynch works really well for me. The first film of his I saw was Lost Highway on IFC when I was in high school and I was just blown away by how different it was from most of what I had seen at that point, even though I was confused as hell. Even beyond the plot they way it looked and sounded was like nothing I had seen in the movies I had been able to see in theaters or rent at the Blockbuster.
  15. Maybe, but we've seen less assuming stands than Hermit Purple still be deadly, like the electric outlet that Mariah used. Also I'm disappointed in that meme for not including the actual dog stand user.
  16. I'd say that Azata is much easier than Lich, unless you're speed running it's hard to miss the quest.
  17. Whelp, I reinstalled the game (with some new mods) and am now going to spend time testing out character concepts. Probably more time than I'll actually play the game.
  18. More JoJo. A 78 year old man who drinks his own urine used Feng Shui to try and assassinate a plankton colony living inside of a woman.
  19. Personally I rate Lost Highway above Blue Velvet, but that could be my nostalgia as it was my first David Lynch film.
  20. Desna doesn't let her priests lynch people out of paranoia, so those crusaders should clean up their own house before opening their mouths.
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