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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I can't believe I got roped into seeing the sequel tbh. Maybe we should start believing?
  2. OH NO! I'm sorry Tom......please don't have John Travolta kill me.
  3. I either haven't seen or don't remember seeing the original. I'll consider that a good thing.
  4. Watch Bad Luck Banging or Loony Porn (one title).
  5. Thankfully, I have not watched a Disney film in years and have no desire to after seeing that. Outside of anime I haven't really watched animation much lately, but looking at some of the restorations of films and comparing that to the Disney blu-ray makes it clear that the official remaster/restoration of animation is probably going to be ****. Eh, I wouldn't say that. Sure, big budget American studio films have gone down the ****ter and probably won't come back. Top Gun: Maverick is boring US military propaganda whose "real planes" (and CGI they don't wanna talk about as much) can't save it from mediocrity, but there are tons of amazing films being made around the world. Maybe call up a Memory Beta wiki editor and see if they can do the job.
  6. Intended or no, it seems like something they would at least try to correct. But I guess when the house of mouse is paying digital artists peanuts they don't have much reason to care about the quality.
  7. Removing grain is one thing, but why the hell would they erase the creases in her dress?
  8. Grits are incredibly good and versatile though. I mean I can see turning down biscuits and gravy, but who in their right mind (besides those with shellfish allergies) would turn down shrimp and grits?
  9. Biscuits and gravy can be good, but for how heavy it is there's usually something better to eat. Anyone who would eat biscuits and gravy over chicken and waffles has terrible taste.
  10. Last night I had a glass of Yellow Spot. It's damn good, very sweet honey notes with some sharp apple. Sort of mellows into spice that's hard for me to place but very nice all the same.
  11. They have the support from people in positions of power to make it near impossible. Even if Trump stole nuclear secrets and sold them to the Saudis, he faces a graver threat from his fast food heavy diet than he does prosecution by the US government.
  12. I'm trying to figure out how it would work without the animals and all I'm coming up with is just implying it via trophies the predator has while having had him moving up to hunting the French trappers by the start of the film. On the whole, I think that would have made a worse movie than the CGI animals and Naru still needs the encounter with the lion to make the story work. I'm less concerned with accuracy (especially in a movie featuring an intergalactic 18-year old trophy hunter) and more concerned with how the movie works, and it does despite the wonky archery or cgi animals.
  13. Don't get me wrong, I throughly enjoyed Prey despite the uncanny valley cgi animals, and unlike some of my fellow haters I think the animals were necessary for this story. Still, this is a videogame forum so nitpicking is to be expected. Willy's Wonderland is the movie for you then. Nic Cage vs evil animatronics.
  14. Choose your fighter: Man in a Bear Suit or Jack from David Lynch's What Did Jack Do? playing every single animal. They hired some Canadian cop to teach the cast iirc.
  15. Both of you are laughably wrong. THIS is how it should be done.
  16. Games are a completely different beast and there I think grain is just a distraction.
  17. I can see no film grain (fake or otherwise) specifically if trying to specifically do something sanitized or even a neo neorealism, but for the most part I think a light grain to mimic a polished 35mm just looks much better. But it is one of those things I don't notice until it's gone and one of the more minor things, like a shot or scene can still be great without grain while a bland scene with grain is still bland. The problem with shooting on actual film is that it's prohibitively expensive with the cost of film, so you don't see it nearly as often in the micro to mid budget films. It is what it is, but I think a grain overlays can be good enough or even fool someone into thinking it's film (can being operative). Rian Johnson got fooled by his cinematographer iirc.
  18. I used to prefer crisp and clean digital, but more and more I think the grain adds a texture to movies that you just don't notice until they're gone. When you get too clean you get into uncanny valley territory. The CGI animals were ridiculous, ngl.
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