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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Then you'll love the newest Jurassic Park World.
  2. Man, seeing the meltdown over Trump getting raided by the feds is the funniest **** I've seen in years. Maybe if we aren't back on the good timeline, at least we're on the funny one? I've heard it claimed (obvious disclaimer here) that the pregnancy was 20-something weeks on so this would have been against the law before abortion got gutted in the US. Still, it's ****ed and should be a reminder not to trust technology to be private, especially social media.
  3. Now that you mention it, he does look like some of the guys with.... interesting opinions on the age of consent.
  4. Yeah, in this way it makes Prey work in that this Predator is the equivalent of Naru. He's on Earth on a rite of passage to prove himself against the apex predators there before he can be considered an adult predator and hunt the real big game like Xenomorphs or Saiyans or whatever. No one wants a dumbass who would shoot themselves watching their back against the real dangerous game. Maybe. But I think it's more along the lines of the Predators needing a brutal initiation ritual to separate the wheat from the chaff.
  5. I think the Predators in most of the movies are the dumb 18 year olds of the species going on their first hunt.
  6. Sandman 1-4. It's a good show and I think it works as an adaptation of the comic. So far the only things I've disliked are the pacing of the first episode and Lucifer. The first episode seemed to be very stretched, I can see why they did it but that doesn't make it very compelling. Lucifer....I think Christie is a good actress but just wasn't given enough to do here. Would like to see more of her doing more. Also, sometimes the aspect looks weird. I think it was intentional but nonetheless it is disorienting at times.
  7. Prey (2022) Actually good, maybe better than the original.
  8. It's an indictment of that political reality, we only have 10 years to prevent the worse case scenario for climate change and even insufficient measures are being blocked by a guy who represents less than 1% of the US population*. In the US we can always vote harder and get some more senators elected, install supreme court justices before or after some of the older ghouls get a ticket to hell, overcome gerrymandering/voter suppression, even fight off christian fascists in the event of a hostile takeover. What we can't do is undo temperature changes that we are barreling toward at full speed right now, once we cross that bridge it's over. So yeah, Manchin is preferable to the McFascist that would replace him and isn't as bad as my own senators Cornyn the Klansman or Fled Cruz, but he's still setting fire to the world and the political reality that enables this is ****ed. *For reference, my city has a larger population than West Virgina.
  9. As the resident hater, you should know that it's possible to hate more than one thing at once, even when they are in opposition. That a corrupt coal baron who lives on a yacht could be replaced with someone worse is not too much comfort when said yacht dweller is blocking what meager half measures are being attempted to stop the apocalyptic reality of climate change.
  10. I haven't been interested in superheroes for a while now, but this is just mind bogglingly dumb. There's still time. From a purely monetary perspective, actors/writers/directors could be missing out the residual payments that would come from the movie playing on TV, not to mention the potential prestige that comes with a mid-budget film doing well. This movie getting scraped could impact their career prospects by associating them with a failed project and laying the blame on them. The creative vision not being seen is also an issue, because some of those art types want their stuff to be seen. Shocking, I know.
  11. I think so too, right now though it seems like she just teaches Anya how to beat people up. Too bad Anya can't remember anything. I don't think the cruise ship happened in s1, it ended with a trip to the aquarium.
  12. Uncle From Another World 3: How The Uncle Becomes An Aunt And Gets A Larger YouTube Audience Not as funny as last week, but still pretty funny. EDIT: Also finished s1 of Spy x Family It was fun, but I wish there would be more focus on Yor, whose assassinations have taken the back seat to Loid's spywork and Anya's school escapades. I think we've had more screentime of the monocle teacher saying elegant than we've had of Yor's double life.
  13. My friend worked at a place where they had unlimited paid time off in theory, but in reality it was rarely approved and she would have gotten more paid time off with two weeks guaranteed. Today I microdosed on PTO by ****ing around on paid time. Malicious compliance is perhaps the best attitude to work and I'm ashamed I didn't start sooner.
  14. Be careful, you may have caught another disease that will be a third plague to go with the rona and the monkeypox.
  15. I don't think Ms. NO FUN ALLOWED would approve of metal.
  16. Last nignt I fried some halibut in olive oil and butter then added some lime juice to make the butter into a sauce. Very good with the rice and steamed vegetables I served it with. While I am a brisket man for sure, if they have beef ribs available I have to get them. And a smoked link of boudin or some kind of cheese sausage is nice. I usually go hot for the sides with macaroni and cheese (if it's good, not the instant stuff) and some green beans being the most optimal. Now I'm hungry lmao.
  17. I'd rather play a boring or bad videogame than get rusty nails in my scrotum. So BG2 > IWD2 > BG1 > PST > IWD. I haven't played any of them in years and probably won't anytime soon though. I haven't really played anything in a while and went into the depths of my steam library and am going to install Expeditions: Viking. I remember liking the first game but never getting around to this.
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