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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I've deleted this several times as I've tried to articulate my thoughts. For me I think the casts' performances are one of the most important things in a film, but I don't have to like them in order to enjoy it. I mean in Blue Velvet, which I liked enough to do a new name and avi for after rewatching it some months back, the characters are mostly morally repugnant to me. Yet I think Dennis Hopper does an utterly fantastic job as Frank Booth, as does Kale, Isabella Rossellini, Laura Dern, and Harry Dean Stanton as their characters to create a fascinating narrative. Combined with the sound and surreal combined with ordinary setting, it's close to a perfect movie for me. Now that I type this out, I think I honestly couldn't articulate what makes a movie great for me beyond saying what gripped me about an individual film. I guess I could come up with a chart or something, but I don't have the time or inclination for that. I have been considering getting a Letterboxd, maybe that will help me sort my thoughts.
  2. Damn right. Yeah that's true. Tbh I'm hesitant to recommend things to you without caveats because I know how your tastes can be very specific. To use an example I expected the scene you disliked in EEAAO to turn you off from the film at large. Though in this specific case I agree with you for the same reasons. Alien is a very good horror film that feels personally terrifying. In terms of sci-fi horror, I think only Event Horizon or Magnetic Rose capture the same feelings for me.
  3. Whenever the supposed persecution of American conservatives comes up, I can't help but think of Daniel Baker getting almost four years in prison for facebook posts. https://theintercept.com/2021/10/16/daniel-baker-anarchist-capitol-riot/ Of course it's in Florida.
  4. Get her to watch JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders with you. 48 episodes of OH MY GOD! will create lasting memories.
  5. ANOTHER ONE On these forums that is a wide field. It's art, a perfect pastiche of an anime villain. And it's made all the better by the off chance it may be genuine and not ironic. Perhaps the greatest copypasta this forum will ever produce.
  6. I haven't updated the sig in a while, but I think that quote works better at being ironic humor. I'd put the latest soniccomrade post in there because it is objectively hilarious, but it unfortunately takes up too much space. The perils of modern life.
  7. Too late. You know that terrible sound people make when they're slowly but surely dying? That awful utmost pity inducing wail of the reversal of the life process? That's the sound I hear from all these anti KP-signatures, clinging to a desperate hope that the tide can somehow be reversed and cannot accept the fact that the world is changing in big ways. Stay tuned for 2024, we're just getting started here
  8. I can't afford therapy, so I just power through the pain of living in the dystopian timeline with insincere ****posting to cope. BLM/ANTIFA blocked it to teach there anti-colonial propaganda ?
  9. You know that terrible sound people make when they're slowly but surely dying? That awful utmost pity inducing wail of the reversal of the life process? That's the sound I hear from all these anti kawaiis, clinging to a desperate hope that the tide can somehow be reversed and cannot accept the fact that the world is changing in big ways. Stay tuned for 2024, we're just getting started here
  10. When does the EE drop? If it's soon I'd wait if only because the upgrade to the EE has a not-insignificant chance to break your game mid way. I haven't played in months but it was relatively stable with TT and some other mods back then, though performance would just crater in the mid to late game. I can't remember how Court Poet worked in WotR, but I think it is different from the PnP version. Clerics are solid even without the silly Angel merge and with impossible domain are one of the best classes at stacking bonuses, which you will need to break through the stat blocks on higher difficulties (iirc, none of the default clerics have access to Nobility and Community domains, so you will have to take it to get those abilities).
  11. A Serbian Film is definitely brutal, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone without a strong stomach for such things. I can't speak to it's popularity beyond noting that people into "elevated" horror (ie horror for people embarrassed to say they liked a horror movie) seemed to really dig it. I've never heard of that, I'll try to check it out. I think you Won't Be Alone was filmed entirely in Serbia, but the director and producers were Australian. It looks very good though.
  12. See if @Hurlsnot likes it too. Well it's not the worst movie ever, but it's not very good and seems almost perfectly tailored for Antichristus Bartimaeus to hate. I liked A Serbian Film lmao
  13. Leprechaun 4: In Space is a better movie than Alien: Resurrection. The Cursed (2021). I wouldn't say that it's a fun movie, because children being brutally killed isn't fun, but it's a good historical horror film. There's a lot of mist and smoke that can make it hard to follow at times, but it creates a sense of inevitability and dread that works well for atmosphere. I very much liked the monster design despite the CGI. All in all I'd recommend this to fans of horror, it's better than any of the Alien(s) films besides Alien.
  14. Uncle From Another World 2 Ok, this had me laughing several times. Uncle DIO watched Evangelion back in the day and gets mad over the ranking of his favorite Sega game.
  15. I remember FMA was a thing when I was 12 or 13. I didn't keep up with it because I didn't have cable. Somewhat recently (Covid has destroyed my sense of time) I watched FMA: Brotherhood which was ok, but requires getting past some of the more annoying Shonen-isms that almost made me quit out of embarrassment. I think a lot of these Shonen shows would be stronger if they dropped it, but what the **** do I know? The 90's Berserk series is a good start for someone looking for something more serious and can deal with heavy violence.
  16. If the choice was between harm or watching Alien Resurrections, then I would watch the movie. Otherwise, no. It's a very bad movie that has few redeeming parts. Watching almost anything else is a better use of your time. Speaking of bad movies.....Umma. A train of bland that thankfully stops quickly.
  17. Uncle From Another World 1 It reminds me of Komi Can't Communicate in terms of the vignette format, but I find myself enjoying it more. It's low stakes fun.
  18. Fish tacos. Very good, though really carried by the homemade salsa and cabbage. I think I should have spiced up the batter a bit more.
  19. I don't think the almost is necessary. In retrospect though, it doesn't bother me as much as iPad wizardry that happens in some action movies or shows. The chase scene was weak, but I think the rest of film more than makes up for it. It's not Scorsese's best film, maybe not even in the top 10, but I found myself enjoying it quite a lot.
  20. The Departed (2006) It's been a while since I've seen this, and I think it was previously the only Scorsese movie I've seen once. The Bawstawn accents were a source of (unintentional) comedy, but even with that it's a beautiful film. It was nice to see Jack Nicholson in something where he gets to go madcap.
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