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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Unless you're building to use claws or a bite, it's pretty useless for a Barbarian.
  2. Three Thousand Years of Longing (2022) Somehow, George Miller has followed up the excellent Mad Max: Fury Road with a romance film that feels....reserved for a spexial effects heavy film about a Genie Djinn. It's very good, Tilda Swinton is great in almost anything she does and Idris Elba nails the djinn. The special effects are have a surreal effect to them that really makes the fairy tale aspect of the film work beautifully. I'm not sure how to say more without spoilers, but I highly recommend it.
  3. For a CN barb I think Azata is probably the best. You've got several abilities that work well with melee builds or are generally powerful combined with a super animal companion. If you go Legend, I think Bloodrager* is a poor companion to barbarian due to overlap and rage/bloodrage being exclusive (I think). Vivisectionist is an incredible fit for any weapon based class, but really any of the other full BAB classes and rogues will probably get more mileage than the bloodrager. *I'd argue that for all intents and purposes, the Bloodrager is a better Barbarian in virtually every aspect. You can even grab an archetype that let's you pick up barbarian rage powers.
  4. I've seen that myself, but given who it typically comes from I think it's just a pattern of supporting things that benefit businesses and the wealthy. All things considered direct aid to people would be more efficient than paying businesses to (hopefully) pay people in situations like covid, but around half of American politicos will lose their **** at the very though of giving away money to individuals so here we are. Of course, I highly regret not having started a podcast so I could have gotten six figures in PPP cash. I think it's a couple of things. First, we have a generational gap with the boomers having no idea of what the modern world is actually like regarding education, employment, housing, etc. Secondly, I think there's a dissonance where folks of right-leaning political alignments simultaneously view poor and working class folks as having it very good while downplaying how good upper class folks have it, to the point of the WSJ infograph you posted portraying 200k+ incomes as normal. Combined you have a block of people who are not only ignorant of the reality of student loans (and the economics of being poor to working class in general) but also ideologically hostile to anything to materially help out such as student loan forgiveness or minimum wage increases. A number of people who would be responsible for hitting Trump legally are ideological allies of his who would cut him slack for political reasons. Even if Trump does face legal consequences for this, getting him a pardon will be a day one act for any Republican president. I will be very surprised if Trump faces any consequences at all.
  5. There never was a resident evil series, yall just hallucinated or got pranked like yall did with the fake Star Trek shows.
  6. It's been a while since I've played, but I remember wishing he'd have more impact on Azata given that he's the other CG god.
  7. What about deception based kinks? While Cayden is objectively the best diety in Pathfinder (fite me irl sobriety), I wish there was more to the him in WotR than getting slipped a divine beer. At least on the Azata path, I heard there's some stuff for him in Trickster but have not confirmed.
  8. It's just you. Whom amongst us does not scream "THE WORLD IN CRIMSON"?
  9. If you don't mind using mods, Tabletop Tweaks brings in a feat called undersized mount, which allows you to mount your size or smaller. Generally I recommend TT as a good balanced* set of tweaks that makes some things more viable and nerfs (if u want it to) the most broken stuff. *
  10. (Some of) The same people complaining got substantially more of their PPP loans forgiven. I guess some bucket drops are different than others. Now what broke my brain is seeing someone who thinks bachelor degree salaries start at $125k. Man, a **** ton of jobs require a bachelor's just to get in the door and they pay less than half of that. I wish I lived in the fantasy world these clowns imagine.
  11. You can multiclass with almost anything. So many different combination are possible....but many of them are ****.
  12. You're also missing What Did Jack Do? A short film pastiche of neo noir where David Lycnh interviews a monkey. I haven't seen On the Air, Hotel Room, or The Straight Story. Restorations of Lost Highway and Inland Empire were released this year, so maybe when (hopefully) they get a home media release you can check them out like that if you're interested.
  13. So the blade ain't so proverbial? My suspicion has proved correct. For me that was my first David Lynch film, THE David Lynch film if you will. I had never seen anything like it before, having only been exposed to trashy horror films and big movies at that point. I couldn't quite get it at first, but I knew that I had seen something profound. I highly recommend it, but it is a tough watch.
  14. I imagine your nieces holding you hostage, forcing you to watch movies you despise or else. Anyways I guess I'm lucky enough to not remember Wall-E or UP or any Pixar film enough to love them or hate them. When I think about movies I watched when I was younger that had a lasting effect on me I've got to say Coppola's Bram Stoker's Dracula is what comes to mind. I haven't seen it in a while but I think it's perhaps the only vampire romance, besides Only Lovers Left Alive, that I feel really works. Oh, now that I'm thinking about it Lost Highway confused the **** out of my teenage self when I saw in on IFC. After it marinated for a while I genuinely think that it is one of the best films ever made.
  15. I just finished a spicy chicken sandwich. Well a hot chicken slider from Dave's, but it's a sandwich and the chicken was spicy so I'm counting it as one. Very good, chicken is juicy (and halal if that matters to you) and the kale slaw helps with the heat.
  16. Unfortunately infinite two minutes is like an hour and a half. On the bright side, infinite confirmed to not be all it's cracked up to be. I haven't seen One Cut of the Dead but it looks great.
  17. Beyond the Infinite Two Minutes (2020) It's not really a one-take film as it claims so much as edited to appear that way, but semantics aside it is ****ing fantastic. Probably one of the best films I've seen this year.
  18. The only thing I wouldn't drink neat is gin, because gin is awful on its own. I only like ice in mixed drinks with a substantial amount of non-alcoholic liquid, anything else is a waste of liquor.
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