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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I don't think you're overblowing it. The reactionary supreme court has been openly hostile to democracy for a while (nb4 not a democracy posts) and is attempting to restructure the electoral process in a way that marginalizes vast swathes of the population in order to favor Republicans. If the court does indeed decide in favor of state legislatures, stuff like Trump tried to pull in 2020 could very well work. It's kind of funny, Republicans already don't need to win the nationwide popular vote to win, but soon they won't even need to win statewide popular votes to win. While it's despicable it is undeniably a masterstroke of realpolitic, all while the do nothing democrats ask for fundraising. I haven't had any faith in the US government for a long time, but even I'm surprised that the SC has managed to find just a little bit of credibility to burn through in the last few months.
  2. I think the most unrealistic part of apocalypse movies is that no one decided to kill their landlords or bosses on the way out as resentment. Anyways I'm trying to figure out if I should grab tickets to see the restoration of Lost Highway at the Museum of Fine Arts or just wait for the digital release.
  3. Umbrella Academy s3. Much better than s2 in most ways, nice to see more of Reginald and get an idea of why he adopted the kids in the first place.
  4. It depends, if the dub is hilariously bad and if the sub is boring or bad, then I'd watch the dub in the same way I'd watch awful trash movies that are more of a meme. I think Ghost Stories is the best example of this and for me I'd throw in Urotsukidoji: Legend of the Overfiend as well.
  5. I saw that this morning and spent a good 30 seconds laughing. But I suppose it brings up a consequence of this sport panic, namely that any (cis)woman who is too good or doesn't conform to certain standards is going to be hounded by some of the dumbest people in the world.
  6. We're finally getting rain here, so maybe my apartment won't burn down next week. Then the question is wrong.
  7. Excuse you. He even does the same thing with his hands.
  8. This looks like every SciFi Channel SyFy original movie and CW show from the aughts. But anyway.... You can also apply the above to @Amentep's whatever the hell that is.
  9. Yes. In my understanding you can still have something thrown out if your Miranda warnings weren't given, you just can't sue for damages after the fact. Which is incredibly awful, but not as bad as the removal of Miranda rights. As always, I recommend to anyone that you do not talk to cops (and other law enforcement officers) aside from asking if you're being detained/are free to go and saying you want a lawyer.
  10. Peaky Blinders s6: The End of Peaky Blinders (until the movie) It's good, but it doesn't work as a send off (hence the upcoming movie). Helen McCrory's absence is keenly felt throughout and while the show is less without her, it's still much better than most shows. I can't really say anything else without spoilers.
  11. Looks like the Apocalypse is back on the menu buckos? Anyways....Elvis (2022). It's good. Surprisingly so. But it left me feeling very sad.
  12. The Boys s3 ep 6 HEROGASM .... .... .... HOLY ****ING **** WHAT THE **** WAS THAT? No idea how this got made in the first place but **** is it fun. I've got to sleep on it, but this show is much better than it has any right to be. I was expecting that tbh.
  13. That's good to hear, s2 was definitely a let down after s1. Going to watch right now, wish me luck.
  14. I got you. As much as I'd like to see a groundswell of opposition that stops the Christian fascist march we've been seeing, I'm pessimistic at the prospects. Though I was surprised at the summer of rebellion in 2020 as a result of George Floyd's murder, so maybe that will repeat itself.
  15. That was my point lmao. I'm very angry about this and trying not to post anything too bad. That they're also going to come out against marriage equality, contraception, and anti-sodomy laws is terrifying.
  16. Frankly I see it as a toss up. Sure there are(were?) a whole lot of folks who voted for Republicans in spite of a reactionary social agenda because of low taxes that this might offend, but if they've stuck it out over the last decade it seems like this is a strange straw to break the camel's back. I mean it's hard to believe that someone could be stupid enough to think that Republicans really didn't want to ban abortion.
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