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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I think it is a case of the technique being used incorrectly (and badly) instead of an issue with the technique itself. The scene feels very artificial to begin with, the cgi dominating the background combined with perfectly smooth camera movements makes me think that everything was done by machine. Then when we get to the camera shake it just feels wrong. If it was closer up then it would be more tolerable, but this just gives the impression that someone was shaking the dolly accidentally. Some of it was ok, but I wasn't very impressed for the most part. I guess we've gone to Vecna for the villain now, which is kind of weird that after all these years(?) they encounter an evil humanoid instead of whatever the hell the other entities were.
  2. Laura Dern running in slow motion in the film Inland Empire (2006) also known as the time David Lynch decided to make a feature length home movie with a digital camera he bought.
  3. Having watched it a few times I can that it only gets worse. It doesn't add anything but distraction to what should be a harrowing scene.
  4. I think it would be better if it was a real camera shake, but this stinks of being an after effect done in post production.
  5. It appears to be. https://www.wsj.com/articles/uvalde-residents-voice-frustration-over-shooting-response-11653588161 Edit: Behind a paywall, this isn't https://www.thedailybeast.com/uvalde-mom-says-she-was-handcuffed-while-urging-police-to-enter-robb-elementary-during-school-shooting
  6. https://www.kens5.com/article/news/special-reports/uvalde-school-shooting/its-time-to-die-fourth-grade-survivor-uvalde-shooting-recalls-what-gunman-told-student/273-51cc4e26-7a0a-49c0-ba7a-48cdd47fa235
  7. It sounds like the Uvdale police were the best accomplices the shooter could have asked for. https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/27/us/robb-shooting-survivor-miah-cerrillo/index.html Nothing says heroism like letting a child lie in the blood of her murdered classmates for an hour because you're too busy tasering parents.
  8. Vampire in the Garden I suppose technically it's a series, but at 5 episodes clocking in at 20 minutes each it feels more like a film that got cut up. It's set in a post-apocalyptic world where vampires and humans are at war. The humans live under a military dictatorship that is NO FUN ALLOWED while the vampires either do hedonistic balls and such that is evocative of fantasy nobility or live in squalor. No in-between is apparent. The main characters are two princesses (or similar) who hate their existence and dream of a utopia where humans and vampires can live together in peace. So of course they go on a road trip and are hunted by a katana wielding uncle and his special ops team and a retainer who carries around a dog. Overall I liked it for what it was.
  9. I hope Ted Cruz ****s off into the sun. For the most part I don't see any fences at schools here, but admittedly I don't look very hard. If I had kids I think I'd prefer that to Texas schools, which additionally are not very good in other ways, though it does sound dystopian and scary. But I can't afford rent in the Bay Area so that's moot.
  10. Maybe they'll means test the guns by verifying that you aren't a card carrying member of the communist party a CRT propagandist? The worst suggestion I've seen comes from good ol' Ted Cruz, who thinks that schools should have one entrance with an armed guard. Without even touching on the effectiveness of such a thing or the costs in converting existing buildings into single entrances, what does that dumb mother****er think is going to happen if there is a fire?
  11. Nope. In the video you can see them holding a guy down and a taser in a cop's hand. Here's the source where they admit they got their own kids out during the shooting, or at least tried to. I've also heard that a cop directly caused the death of a child by asking them to yell if they need help, which allowed the shooter to find a kid and shoot them. I believe that the cops are a bunch of chicken****s who sacrificed 20 people because they missed a few shots and got scared. I won't claim to know what policies there are, but they don't mean anything if they're going to be dropped the second resistance is encountered.
  12. And with all that money, the cops rescued their own children before barricading the shooter inside the school and tasering parents outside. Truly exemplars of heroism.
  13. Sounds like someone isn't pulling hard enough on their bootstraps. GRAVITY IS A CHOICE. One of the things that are constant among personal fitness types is the mantra "Abs are made in the kitchen". I guess you could excercise all the weight away while eating cheeseburgers for every meal in the same way you could lose weight by eating nothing but ice cream, but such hypothetical situations are full of caveats that make them useless for most people. For most, weight loss is going to be primarily a result of diet, probably cutting down on sugars and calorie rich foods while eating more vegetables and lean proteins. Exercise is good and you should do it for a multitude of reasons, but a 30 min daily cardio and regular weight training aren't going to zap your fat away by themselves. I'm not sure why this is so controversial, but I guess it shouldn't surprise me at this point.
  14. Apocalypse Now Redux. It's a brutal film filled with horror and depravity. Yet, I loved all 3+ hours of it. Beautiful and disturbing in equal measure, sometimes at the same time. I'm not sure what the new cut added but I it feels very complete, not quite busting at the seams but close.
  15. Six String Samurai. It was a fun campy romp. The music really did make the movie in this case. Eraserhead. What the Hell? but good.
  16. Gorth man, you really need to be careful how you talk. Someone could get really hurt by your words. Cancerous growths on the human gene pool have feelings too, and it is very hurtful to compare them to Scott Morrison.
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