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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. The Haunting of Hill House. Very much a Mike Flannigan show. In many ways it felt much less scary and more surreal, which is fine with me, but the extended monologs really felt like they got in the way of the actors' performances and the supernatural events than they supported it. Which is a shame, because I thought the actors all did a fine job and that there were very unsettling moments.
  2. Russian Doll s2. It's very weird, perhaps even weirder than the first season. Strongly recommend it to anyone looking for a relatively short and well done show.
  3. I've been experimenting with healthier breakfast stuff and whoever came up with unflavored unsweetened nut "yogurt substitute" really screwed up.
  4. Real talk, it can be fun to joke about people believing in dumb stuff, but I think repeating untruths ends up normalizing them. Given the way the world has really gone off the rails believing dumb **** like Disney being a communist plot, we need to be more careful when posting to prevent some of the more gullible forum members from unironically believing such nonsense. Which is why I need to come out against the flat earth lie, science shows that we actually live on a giant ball of ice and that the earth is actually just one of many ponds in this big ol ball of ice.
  5. Not really. The op didn't wow me, but I've been spoiled with the JoJo ops which are surprisingly good. The score was kinda hard to keep up with given all the yelling and sound effects from the giant mecha battles.
  6. Well I'm posting from my phone, so forgive me if I stop in the middle after getting frustrated with the mobile UI. In general, I think that Kill la Kill is more deconstructive while Gurren Lagann is more played straight and has mechas. They're very similar in terms of beats and style, down to the fanservice shots (and boy howdy there are a lot of them) and the mid season plot twist. The art is similar enough that, barring different setting and characters and the no mecha rule in one anime, you could probably confuse the two visually if watching them back to back. In my opinion I preferred Kill la Kill, but I think that Gurren Lagann should be checked out by those who did like Kill la Kill. It's definitely much more in line with some shonen shows but overall I think it works well enough for what it is. And of course the software ate my post. WRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYY!
  7. Yeah, I think most people in positions of power try to deflect, minimize blame, or talk around it. What Russia says may be a little weirder, but the strategy itself is common enough. I think you've mentioned that your wife also has family in Ukraine, how are family matters between them and the Russian family? I think making someone watch more than 10 minutes of is a crime against humanity. Or at least crime against good taste.
  8. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/owlcatgames/pathfinder-wrath-of-the-righteous/posts/3487115
  9. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/04/19/libs-of-tiktok-right-wing-media/ I found this to be interesting, and WaPo is free right now so figured I'd link. Given the rash of anti-LGBT bills being passed it's interesting to see a dive into a social media account that feeds into this culture war. Oh and in case you were wondering, the person behind the account was in DC on 1/6/21.
  10. It's especially weird given that Orwell went to Spain explicitly to kill fascists. But I guess death of the author.
  11. Hell enjoys company. https://www.iheart.com/podcast/1119-it-could-happen-here-30717896/episode/the-curious-case-of-nazi-catboys-94889782/ They've also tried claiming the Matrix and Angry Birds. It is something else.
  12. Yeah, you tend to see that a lot with reactionaries. A bunch of (amateur) bodybuilders cosplaying as romans and doing oil massages is going to look very dumb and homoerotic to passerby. But while gay fascists (almost exclusively men) do definitely exist, by and large it is more of having a specific conception of masculinity and "tradvition" than it is intentionally homoerotic. And the (openly) gay fascists are stuff like Nazi catboys, which do exist and are probably on my top ten lists of thing I wish I could forget.
  13. The short answer is that you're not the target audience, so it looks extremely goofy and dumb to you. Like the above video I linked. The long answer is something I'm too tired to type, but suffice to say that fascism needs to have a threat to be a response to (communism, racial others, "degeneracy", shadowy cabals) while projecting itself as the force needed to stop it and preserve the mythic past. The pageantry is (partially) constitutive of the latter.
  14. Madeline Albright is a very interesting person, how many people can be said to have been refugees and then (help) created thousands of refugees?
  15. Take it easy man, when I has it there were a few false upswings.
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