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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I think I agree with the OP. I think it is possible to be a villain who is a self-serving sociopath without resorting to being a killing machine who slaughters everything for grin and giggles(although I also think that this option should be provided). Frankly, having a villain be forced into being intimidating and violent is dumb, especially when in a lot of cases the diplomatic option would suit them. I don't like having the choice between being an ass-kissing saint, an apathetic loser, or a child killing psychopath. I am confident that PE will be able to deliver on this front though. By removing the alignment system, they are allowing the player to determine if the PC's actions are heroic or villainous, instead of awarding alignment points based on action rather than motive. IMO, letting the player determine what is good and evil for their character is the best option. Wals, I honestly don't understand what you mean. I don't see how providing more options for a player to roleplay their character as they see fir is the antithesis of roleplaying. I would like to see a realistic villain because I want a character more complex than a rehashed mustache twirler. ****, if mainstream American superhero comics can create/inject villains with motivations that are somewhat realistic and make them more complex than "the bad guy who does bad ****", a cRPG from a developer known for complex characters and good overall writing should be able to.
  2. Challenge accepted. Note: If any statement of mine concerning mechanics conflicts with your experience, it could be that I have the Spell Fixes, Kaedrin's PrC, Wild Mage, MageTome, and Tome of Battle installed. Playing on D&D Hardcore settings. I'm rolling a male Aaismar Paladin named Distas. I'm going for a character who will generally choose Good over Law, but still tries to balance them both where he can. Completed West Harbor Fair, Attack on West Harbor, and retrieved the Shard from the Lizardling ruins. West Harbor Fair thoughts: A decent enough introduction to the mechanics and the game world, if a little cliche but frankly what tutorial isn't. Neither Bevil or Amie get much character development, and West Harbor isn't really fleshed out enough to leave a lasting impression. All in all, pretty bland but that is pretty standard for tutorials. Attack on West Harbor thoughts: The combat was definitely a bit repetitive, but I enjoyed employing skills to recruit the militia. Would have liked to avoid the plot-induced death, if only to have a mage available earlier and avoid having to haul Sand or Qara around. Other than that, it was a pretty forgettable event. Retrieving the Shard thoughts: A bit of a dungeon crawl that I really wish had been designed a bit better. The Stone God bit made me chuckle, but overall it was a bit too grindy and predictable for me. Thought so far: Pretty bland to be honest, I would prefer combat encounters to be fewer but more challenging. If you have any advice on anything, let me know.
  3. I've actually re-installed NWN2 and intend to replay it. Should I go ahead and post my thoughts here?
  4. 1. True, but I'm pretty sure that his civilian contract contained some sort of provision where he agreed to not reveal information under penalty of X. In this likely event he still broke the law seeing as he did not go through the process to gain "whistle-blower" immunity. 2. Perhaps. To be a Devil's Advocate, what if he selectively took data to make the US policies look worse than they are, rather than tell the whole story? 3. No argument there.
  5. Happy Birthday, hope that tonight is a bit more...eventful for you than last night.
  6. Would you rather play through Skyrim or Dragon Age 2?
  7. Walsingham vs Nonek, who is more British? You are a very sick genius. I know.
  8. As opposed to complaining on the internet when women are forced to marry their rapists.As opposed to complaining on the internet about people complaining on the internet about people complaining on the internet.
  9. Transistor. Perhaps you are talking about a different Transistor, but a futuristic Diablo doesn't look appealing to me.
  10. It says the promo has ended... Thanks for the help though.
  11. I really want that Indie RPG Invasion Bundle, but the link doesn't add it to the cart. Anyone know a fix?
  12. I'm pretty sure that they will have it cranked out by 2014. If they don't I won't have anything good to play.
  13. Good idea. Instead of dealing with **** like women being forced to marry their rapists, we can complain on the internet and declare mission accomplished when Bioware covers up dem tittays.
  14. I love how that location just reads "Iowa" with no city.
  15. You can get all of the benefits for $10 cheaper with some simple modding. Although I picked it up for $10 o Steam, but still haven't gotten around to playing it.
  16. Just finished building my new rig. I feel like celebrating so I'm going to go drink more than one person should in a week while I install some divers and ****. I would get involved, but teams from Houston generally lose.
  17. Dude we're on the internet, which is practically a sea of self-righteousness.
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