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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. It was 106F here. Being outside for more than ten minutes resulted in being covered in sweat.
  2. I've got the day off, so I plan to relax with the gf when she gets off work. Being a Jedi and Lex Luthor seems like it would take quite a time.
  3. The IRS stuff is actually pretty understandable. Assuming that an Anti-Tax group is more likely to have dubious accounting when it comes to paying taxes sounds pretty logical.
  4. None that I know of. In 3.X D&D the most common was removing the XP penalty for multiclassing. To be honest, most P&P games I've played have used at least a few house rules.
  5. I would actually love to see a Hyperion or Squadron Supreme movie or new series. Marvel really needs to start printing Doctor Strange again as well. @Calax
  6. For the vast majority I've seen(in person), a racing stripe is the better choice.
  7. God created the dust bowl and acid rain because he hates teh gheys. Science is the Devil trying to tempt Man with sinful concepts of facts and logic.
  8. I'm currently replaying BGT and you know, the companions are not very deep. Impressive for including 25 of them of various alignments definitely, but PST companions were vastly superior even if there are only 7 of them. I just hope that the companions' classes are varied enough. I bet you grind before tough battles and save scum too heathen! If you will excuse me, I must now scream at the wall because somewhere, someone is playing a game WRONG.
  9. 1. Going to be in. 2. Not sure, but IMO not as important as other aspects. Would be icing on the cake, and good icing is always good. 3. I'm sorry but have you played MotB or KOTOR2? They have situations that let the player decide what is good and evil for he character. Obsidian has got this **** covered. PE is going to be an amazing game and is easily my most anticipated game for 2014.
  10. I assume his grandmother pics are to prove the wonders of botox, plastic surgery and photoshop. I'd bet on it, unless granny and mommy both popped out kids at 14 or younger. Even then plastic surgery and liposuction.
  11. I like that they managed to fit Sportsmaster in there.
  12. I don't think improving organization is ever a bad thing, so if it easy to do I'm in. Currently playing NWN2 and BGT, and I think that this would make me more comfortable to have multiple saves for the same character.
  13. I am very happy that the classes will all be balanced well. While they may perform better in some situations, Mages will not be more powerful than the other classes. From what I've seen, this is being done not by weakening the Mage, but by beefing up the other classes(with Soul powers) which is a much better method IMO. Oh and in 3.5 D&D, Monks, Paladins and Barbarians destroyed Mages. Spells don't work so well when you have super high saves and magic resistance(Monks and Paladins with Holy Avenger) or high Fortitude and Will saves coupled with a huge amount of HP. With high level magical equipment available( which typically benefits non-casters more) a caster is lucky to get out a spell before being hit, which will likely make their next Concentration check very hard to make. PE should have a concentration mechanic(casting in front of an enemy should take a bit of focus) but perhaps PE could feature a Talent that halves the DC increase from damage or other effects? This would be a bit more useful than the static bonus given in 3.5 at higher levels. Come to think of it, I think that all talents that are analogues to D&D feats should get better as the character's level increases. The Weapon Focus analogue could add +1 to hit every level for example.
  14. Fighter: "Well, I can stand here and full attack, or I can move and just get one attack. If the planetary alignments are right, I've dedicated my entire build to it, and the enemy isn't bigger than me, I can trip them, knock them over, grab and hold them in place, or charge at them for more damage."Wizard: "Well, I can make illusions of anything I want, summon things to do anything I want, dominate things and make them do anything I want, shapeshift into anything I want, give them a curse that does anything I want, turn the bad guy into a squirrel, send them straight to hell, teleport myself and my friends across the continent instantly, use telekinesis to fling things around, fly around all day, create extradimensional spaces to hide in, turn invisible, spy on bad guys from as far away as I like, send illusory doubles into combat for me, play 20 questions with alien gods, instantly conjure any tool that I need, communicate telepathically with whoever I want, meld the landscape into anything I want, etc. etc. etc., all of this with just my spells that I get for free and being able to invest other aspects into my build into whatever I desire, instead of having to dedicate myself entirely to one trick to be able to attempt it on weak enemies at all."Fighter: "*sobs*"Unless the Wizard gets hit and fails the Concentration check. While said Wizard is wrenching in pain, the Fighter will be hacking into the foe with a +5 weapon, while avoiding damage because of the +5 Mithiral Full Plate and multitude of magic items used for protection. The Rogue will be firing Sneak Attack shots into enemies rushing the Fighter while avoiding getting hit. The Cleric will be busy buffing everyone and occasionally beating something with a mace or unleashing a Flame Strike, all in the comforts of heavy armor and carrying a shield. Not to mention that half the things the Wizard wants to do costs an arm and a leg for the spell components. Or that with magic items, the chances of debuffs working goes down a bit. Or that a Weapon Master build for a Fighter doesn't need to focus on tricks.
  15. I slept pretty well last night(after some intense of cardio) and am now enjoying a protein shake after hitting the gym. I've never got why people drink coffee, that tastes like ass.
  16. I doubt that. I'm sure Hurlwife is a fine woman like my girlfriend who is always right and perfect in everyway and is in no way looking over my shoulder at the moment.
  17. LOL. Actually I was more leading into the fact that I've started fancying some very peculiar chicks recently. I'm hoping its a symptom of being creakingly single for two years. I think the obvious warning indicator was when I realised I quite liked the thought of a bit of Josie Long. Wals, you need a woman badly.
  18. NWN2 and BGT at the moment. Rolling Paladin in both, like a boss.
  19. I agree with Wals, "Legacy Ex" doesn't roll off the tongue. I don't actually have a legacy, instead the range of women I'm interested in is very wide.
  20. It's realistic if you're me. I highly doubt that Mr. Gaider. Unless of course by "everyone" you mean your collection of sock puppets.
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