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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Cheap rum with Dr.Pepper, a patty melt and fires. I was tempted to post a whip-cracking gif, then I realized that pleasing the missus often leads to....special rewards.
  2. How has that been? I'm feeling the need to play something old-school right now.
  3. When I wrote "someone accumulates quite a bit of power where they rival demigods", I was referencing the Epic level power curve in 3.5E, where demigods(and the stillborn fetuses of demigods) are generally encounters for such a party, not that the party would become demigods.
  4. I have no problem with exotic counters that can be used to deadly effect against powerful opponents, assuming that there is some way to counteract it. IMO, having an unstoppable weapon that there is no counter to makes bad design. Personally, I like the idea of exploring what happens when someone accumulates quite a bit of power where they rival demigods. I think that surpassing humanity is an interesting theme that could be explored better than "here are some level 20 foot soldiers, have fun hacking them to bits" in RPGs.
  5. She said yes! More details when I get home tomorrow! We all expect to be invited to the wedding. Even oby?
  6. She said yes! More details when I get home tomorrow! Goodbye GD, I hardly knew ya.
  7. Agreed. Well... to be clear, there's nothing wrong with the word epic, I don't think. If it's applied to something of a grand scale. Frodo's travels from his little hobbit hole all the way to Mt. Doom? An epic journey. His (well... Bilbo's) mithril chain mail? Not epic. Cool and protective, but not epic. It doesn't level mountains, or produce something equivalent to all the events of Frodo's journey that whole way.So, epicness, in a narrative? Fine. Epicness of an object? Meh. That's been a pretty crap application ever since it was first applied in an official manner (I blame MMOs, even though I don't know that they were the first).Epicness is what you DO, what you ACHIEVE with what you have. It's not the stuff you have that inherently achieves great things. Like JFSOCC said, taking down (as an actual mortal with limited resources) 15 combatants that COULD all potentially kill you is far more epic than waving a Sword of God-Killing to deal enough damage to slay a god.I think what is Epic is determined by the setting. In FONV, a lone wanderer managing to fend off several Deathclaws is an incredibly epic feat. In NWN2, ending a curse created by a foul god is an epic feat. I don't believe the power levels of the characters involved should be compared, as they are from radically different settings. From what information is available, PE's power curve will be similar to 3.5e/PF, so applying real world logic in what an individual can accomplish may not pan out, seeing as individuals in PE can use the power of their souls to perform supernatural feats and will likely be superhuman in real world terms.
  8. Fine, fine. I digressed a byte. Happy? I'm on the Internet so no. One thing I would hate to see for Epic levels is the non-progression from BG2. Gaining a level should be exciting and add tactical depth to a class, not just another X HP and another use of a Special ability.
  9. So, you had Garrick in your party in BG1? Did anyone keep a Bard in their party at all? IMO, that was easily the worst class in all of 2E. Hopefully Chanters will be useful.
  10. IIRC, it depends on the tech and process used for cloning. High Evolutionary had been able to do it well, while Jackal(arguably one of the more prolific makers of clones) would usually produce subjects that were unstable, like Kaine.
  11. so now it is just warn and banned and not get warning follow suit or banned? Warnings will be given for minor offences and Bans will be given for major offences. okey thats sound just like real life Sarcasm really passes you by doesn't it.
  12. My cousin got arrested for dealing last week. I think everyone has a criminal cousin. Today I went to class, flirted with a sexy girl, and now am going to watch a movie. That's terrible, sorry to hear. What type of drugs was he caught dealing? Meth or coke.
  13. If thats what you wish... In Austria accusing somebody of a crime means the two parties fighting in our thunderdome. You know the rules. Two men enter, one man leaves?
  14. I would say they wouldn't go for a faked death thing. LMD, clone, or resurrection is the most likely. I would really like to see Taskmaster show up in an episode or two.
  15. I confess, I'm a sucker for short hairstyles on women, I'm so tired of seeing 99.84% of the opposite sex running around with the same old hairstyle - waving long hair. How original. Thats so cold buffet. A short/unusual hairstyle that looks good instinctively makes me hope that this individual is special and this immediately spikes my interest. And I like the tomboy look, sue me. I don't have a problem with short hair, just bad hair. As for suing you....Nep! Can we sue Woldan for crimes against nature?
  16. Oh I know, that is why I said similar in magnitude. I have to wonder what this means for enchanted weapons, will we be seeing +15 swords?
  17. My cousin got arrested for dealing last week. I think everyone has a criminal cousin. Today I went to class, flirted with a sexy girl, and now am going to watch a movie.
  18. She looks better blonde. Then again, the muscular Austrian member doesn't seem to have very good taste in hair, IMO.
  19. Honestly, I really don't know the exact amount of the bonuses. I assume(perhaps wrongly) that it will be similar in magnitude to the PF bonus(+3). So Ciphers can be good at it. What about Paladins, Barbarians, Fighters, and Monks? I don't care if they aren't able to beat the Rogue(or Ranger) in high-single target damage, if the damage they are able to inflict isn't chump-change.
  20. I say we ban Earth and go live on Mars. so now it is just warn and banned and not get warning follow suit or banned? Warnings will be given for minor offences and Bans will be given for major offences.
  21. I really doubt that Beamdog would hire someone to post on random forums to praise the game. I think it is possible that they create an account for their own forums for posting ideas without having to worry about possible negative reactions, but that is quite different. And unless you are on a Mac, BGT is the better deal, IMO.
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