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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. http://gawker.com/baptist-church-leader-arrested-for-soliciting-dog-sex-o-1617858449
  2. no, that's pretty much how she looks on film usually. and she has a body to die for, I'm so jelly of her husband A Google search shows something about a divorce. Now's your chance.
  3. I find that a brisk walk or jog shortly before or after dinner helps me sleep better.
  4. http://christwire.org/2014/08/obama-is-infecting-christians-with-ebola-to-destroy-jesus-and-start-a-new-age-of-liberal-darkness/
  5. Already tried that, no dice.
  6. It came out of the blue. Ran perfectly fine over the weekend and yesterday.
  7. Bettery and cables.
  8. My car didn't start this morning. ****.
  9. $20, a Snickers bar, and the occasional sexual favor.
  10. The Clerics had a lot of Raise Dead spells prepared.
  11. I spent the weekend intoxicated and saw GotG twice. I only signed up for two classes this semester to work 40+ hours a week. Pretty sure I'm going to pay off my car by November so I have no ongoing payments, then start taking 12+ hours of classes next semester. Feeling good about doing higher education slow, as all my friends who went full time right after high school have a ****load of debt. I'm going to give you some words of wisdom old(relative to my 22 year old self) man: "As long as you're getting laid, who cares? You're scoring with serious catch."
  12. IMO, thus movie suffered from the success of Avengers and tried to pack in as many characters as possible to put out a large team-up film. What Sony and WB(with Batman v Superman + half of DC characters) don't seem to get is that Avengers took 5 films to lead up to, and those films are pretty self-contained. ASM2 would have been much better if it had narrowed its focus on Electro and waited to deal with Goblin Harry and the Sinister Six. Not to mention the bad writing and mediocre special effects.
  13. Guardians of the Galaxy. The best movie this year.
  14. If FOX makes a sequel to the FF movie, they damn well should make a Deadpool film.
  15. I wonder if BruceVC will enjoy his romances in tactical view or action mode?
  16. I am. The art is gorgeous, story is fantastic, and issues are cheaper than a lot of other comics. If you get it in print the quality of the paper, like most Image comics, is great for current comics. I'd also reccomend Zero by Ales Kot.
  17. We should test this. I'm pretty shure one of you social media types should pitch the idea to her. She is on twitter and facebook. I'm not though. I'll see if I can get a little bleeder to do it.
  18. No Charlton Heston - No Planet of the Apes. Movie looks good, I'm sure to watch it when it comes out.
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