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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Exactly my point....but lets not raise the glaring issue with writing such an update. Lets blame the people who point this out with "you don't understand Japanese culture " ( like such a thing would be acceptable in Japan in mainstream Japanese culture ) Oh please, if someone pointed out that Muslims treat women like subhumans you people would be railing against the evil racism of white supremacists. The fact is you have a problem with how the Japanese view sexuality and want then to confirm to your puritanical views on women's bodies. He's also responding to Vol's post.
  2. Why would he make such a strange comment? Is this a joke ? He is dead serious. Stop being so ignorant and judgemental of japanese culture. I doubt anyone would be so offensive That's in line with Japanese culture. Maybe you should check your privilege and not try to force your culture on him. No I don't believe you, and privilege has nothing to do with it. I am talking about universal themes and considerations that resonate with most people You don't understand Japanese culture and are trying to shove your values onto someone else. That's incredibly insulting to the Japanese and you should show them more respect. Thats rich coming from you who claims to " understand " Japanese culture and thinks sexist comments is normal for them.... Japan has a completely different approach from the West when it comes to body image and acceptable displays of the body. If you knew anything about Japanese culture, you would understand this and wouldn't be attempting to force your view on them.
  3. Why would he make such a strange comment? Is this a joke ? He is dead serious. Stop being so ignorant and judgemental of japanese culture. I doubt anyone would be so offensive That's in line with Japanese culture. Maybe you should check your privilege and not try to force your culture on him. No I don't believe you, and privilege has nothing to do with it. I am talking about universal themes and considerations that resonate with most people You don't understand Japanese culture and are trying to shove your values onto someone else. That's incredibly insulting to the Japanese and you should show them more respect.
  4. Why would he make such a strange comment? Is this a joke ? He is dead serious. Stop being so ignorant and judgemental of japanese culture. I doubt anyone would be so offensive That's in line with Japanese culture. Maybe you should check your privilege and not try to force your culture on him.
  5. "**** are life, ass is hometown" I laughed harder at that than I should have.
  6. Nor did you condemn it. Instead you gave an elementary ebulushunary byologee explanation that is frequently used by self-confessed ‘anti-feminists’ to condone and/or justify sexual harassment. Now of course you could just be a sweet simpleton who articulated themselves poorly but the rest of your post went on to condemn feminists who advocate for the depiction of women who don’t conform to societal expectations of beauty, with you saying that this is tantamount to shaming attractiveness, being horribly ideological and that it is just so gosh darn impractical as no one will buy a product if its next to some disgusting normie. Some people just don't want to get their body beach ready. What a pity.
  7. I would like a Cyberpunk game with PnP mechanics. It would remind me of the days spent smoking swag and playing Cyberpunk in an apartment with no AC in the middle of Texas summer.
  8. Damn KP, you're looking good girl! (nice burger as well) The "newest"-Disney movie that i have seen is Robin Hood. I haven't cared for the rest. My ass isn't that nice.
  9. My personal theory, completely unsupported by anything, is that it's because red is the colour of arousal. An aroused person often looks flushed and pink. Red cosmetics, such as blushes and lipsticks send subconscious messages to our brains that we should find this attractive. I guess, but a lot of women who can't pull off red lipstick end up looking creepy to me, rather than arousing.
  10. I hate that sort of thing, ever since I found out why red lipstick is attractive it's the first thing I think of when I see it, which can be a bit off putting. Why is red lipstick attractive?
  11. Apparently Spielberg would call Robin Williams during the production of Aladdin to have him tell jokes to the cast and crew of Schindler's List to cheer them up. Didn't Robin Williams end up suing Disney or something for his part in Aladdin? I recall him stipulating that for him to do VA work, Disney *had* to not advertise that he was in the movie pre-release or something, and Disney did it anyways. Or maybe he just said he wouldn't work in any more Disney films - it's been a while. He refused to work with Disney until a change in management. Not sure if he sued though.
  12. Apparently Spielberg would call Robin Williams during the production of Aladdin to have him tell jokes to the cast and crew of Schindler's List to cheer them up.
  13. I know you're testing me, but I'd never cheat on you!It's quite all right, Messhugger has a cuckolding fetish.
  14. Clearly Paula should have chosen a better school, let her father die alone, and avoided debt. That's how these things work right?
  15. All this and The smell of burning gasoline Guns, preferably revolvers Attractive women Going 80+mph in the middle of the night while listening to an album, preferably some Stooges or Bowie Vidya games Defecating Waking up after a night of hard partying and feeling the sun on my face Brisket
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