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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Honestly, I'd prefer FF and X-Men stuff to have happened before the rest of the fictional universe. FF in the 60's and X-Men late 60's to the 90's.
  2. This seems to be going slower than their other projects, not sure why that is. I'll probably end up backing when I get paid this Friday.
  3. MCA will leave videogames to travel through time and space with a strange man in a blue box.
  4. In my opinion, it seems a bit insulting that instead of creating an interesting character of whatever ethnicity/race(black most of the time) they insist on changing a white character into a black character. Like putting on blackface and saying that's good enough. I notice you guys have conveniently ignored my solution to this whole Magneto issue. Why can't he be a black Jewish character? You do get black Jewish people...yes I don't think any black Jews were kept in concentration camps but its a comic...we do allow artistic licence ? Because your solution doesn't fix the perceived problem (which is that Magneto, tied to WWII concentration camps is at least in his 80s) that led to the suggestion to move the character to the 50s/60s and anchored by the US Civil Rights movement. However, as I indicated, this only swaps an 80 year old Magneto for a 70 Year old Magneto, so the issue of age and being tied to a specific point in time is still at play. There are only a handful of WWII era characters around in the Marvel U, and all of them have backstory explanations for why they aren't 80 to 90 in their physicality (Captain America - frozen in ice, Spitfire - vampire, Human Torch - Android, Winter Soldier - Kept in stasis, Namor & Namora - Atlantean Physiology, GA Vision - alien from another dimension, the remainder of The Twelve - kept in stasis, Wolverine - can't age due to regeneration, Mystique - aging irrelevant due to powers, etc). There are ways to deal with this issue that doesn't require changing Magneto into a different character, though. Edit: wrote "Magento" at least once. Totally different character. Characters age in the marvel universe at a rate of 1 year every 3 years real time. Magneto is in his 50s. Doesn't terribly look like the 1980s in the Marvel U right now. I didn't say time passes at that rate, just that characters age at that rate. Then Magneto is an 80 year old with the body of a 50 year old. It doesn't alter the problem that WWII makes him 80 (if you consider it a problem.) Wasn't he de-aged in some arc?
  5. It's definitely part of it. Did anyone else notice that most indie devs against belong to a certain clique?
  6. Chris is going to replace Ben Affleck as Batman.
  7. Shady, I want to buy your rock. I initially read one r as a c and was surprised.
  8. As opposed to you saying "I agree with all of his [Obama's] decisions" or "I think this was a good decision"? Originally you asked this: "If you think Obama's foreign policy decisions have been wrong and have made people think less of the USA can you give 3 examples of things you would have done differently" And then you asked for: "give me 3 things he did that have now made the global community dislike the USA even more." Maybe if you were actually clear about what you were asking for we wouldn't have to go thru this song and dance of continual re-explanation every time a debate begins. I'm beginning to think you do this deliberately to give yourself an out later to claim, "Oh you obviously misunderstood me." or "No this is what I said." And you still haven't provided a single link to back up any of your assertions about how he is or might be viewed globally. So much for your claim that you like to debate from facts. I'm going to condense the rest of my reply as much as possible because this is simply a pointless exercise. No, if you want to debate "might have beens" fine let's open a new thread or better still let's open an astral link to the spirit of Nostradamus and ask him. I thought we were talking specifically about how world viewed the decisions that were actually made and not speculating about how they might view decisions that weren't made. It most certainly is the same thing. Try telling the Afghan civilians in Ghazi Khan that it isn't. Oh wait ..... And now you move the goal posts. I'm sorry but I didn't get the memo that the ME wasn't a part of the global community any longer. You want to dismiss the Middle East entirely because Muslim opinions generally getting worse runs counter to your argument re: world view of Obama. So you find some dodge to dismiss the area out of hand. Maybe you should have qualified "The USA has really done well under Obama to make its global image better" to read "The USA has really done well under Obama to make its global image better but only in the areas Bruce deems important". Is there anyone else you want to exclude? How about Russia? I will remind you again that Obama made the Middle East a keystone of his foreign policy and in that regard he has failed. Attempting to Ignore or dismiss that won't change the facts Bruce. You might as well rename Obama's ME policy: Operation Charlie Foxtrot. From the PEW Center, Global Opinion of Obama Foreign policy in Muslim countries dropped from 25% favorable in 2009 to 15% in 2012 (no 2008 figures available). Opinion ratings in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Pakistan, dropped from 22%, 15%, 51% and 19% in 2008 to 10%, 12%, 41% and 14% in 2014 respectively. http://www.pewglobal.org/2012/06/13/global-opinion-of-obama-slips-international-policies-faulted/ And no not all of the opinions dropped but I never claimed that they did. It was unpopular in a lot of places not just Pakistan. I happen to agree it was the right decision but the entire point is not what you and I think personally but how the global community viewed that decision. Pakistan was severely pissed off and the Abbottabad commission called it an "act of war". Other countries, both Muslim and non-Muslim alike were incensed over the US violation of Pakistani territory. The very thing that the US accused Putin of doing in Ukraine/Crimea if you remember (albeit on a much smaller scale). Others felt that capturing Bin Laden was preferable to killing him. And still others praised Obama's tough action. And others claimed that it was all a hoax. I simply stated that Israel has threatened to take unilateral action - I never advocated bombing Iran. You can stop attempting to put words in my mouth any time now. That's beneath you. I'm tired of this BS. B T F O T F O
  9. Yeah, I was upset with Bronn getting smacked too.
  10. I get what you're saying and understand the logic behind it, I just think it's a bad idea that doesn't really address representation of (insert whatever here) in media. Granted I've been disillusioned with capes for a while as is, and find myself gravitating towards comics that aren't capes.
  11. In my opinion, it seems a bit insulting that instead of creating an interesting character of whatever ethnicity/race(black most of the time) they insist on changing a white character into a black character. Like putting on blackface and saying that's good enough.
  12. That's extremely unpatriotic....yet you don't seem to be embarrassed ? If not wanting to be spied on makes me unpatriotic, then unpatriotic I am.
  13. Snowden is a hero who should be rewarded for revealing how the US government spies on people. Charging people for doing the right thing is idiotic.
  14. The people who are fine with calling Snowden a traitor and accept the NSA's* spying are to the US what tankies are to the Soviet Union. *Hello NSA agent, I apologize to whichever one of you had to look at my browsing history, specifically the porn.
  15. I haven't had a drink in a week. Today went for a long walk in this humid and hot weather. Pretty tired from that, so watched some netflix and tried to register for classes. Was some issue, so going to have to make some calls tomorrow.
  16. I just found out my former governor is running. This ought to be interesting.
  17. There's a stunning lack of CIA agents in games as well.
  18. Then when humanity came from wherever they came in the conjunction, it was only a small amount of Slavs that made it over.
  19. It's Bioware's game and they should make it how they want to. Supporting artistic freedom means being ok with decisions made by developers, even if you don't like them. Personally I don't care because I play RPGs to kill stuff and not to simulate a sex life. Given your butthurt over no waifu, I don't think you have a clear head. This site may be able to help some of the frustration you have: http://www.eharmony.com/ GG is about how ****ty games journalism is and you're using reviews derived from games journalism to support your argument that attractive women result in better games. Do you have a single fact to back that up? Because that's a /pol/-tier conspiracy theory right there. Before I continue debating wtih you. Have you played DAO & DA2? If you haven't then we're going to continue being on a completely different wave length, it would be pointless to debate with you, if you haven't play the Dragon Age series. I've played DAO and DA2.
  20. It's Bioware's game and they should make it how they want to. Supporting artistic freedom means being ok with decisions made by developers, even if you don't like them. Personally I don't care because I play RPGs to kill stuff and not to simulate a sex life. Given your butthurt over no waifu, I don't think you have a clear head. This site may be able to help some of the frustration you have: http://www.eharmony.com/ GG is about how ****ty games journalism is and you're using reviews derived from games journalism to support your argument that attractive women result in better games. Do you have a single fact to back that up? Because that's a /pol/-tier conspiracy theory right there.
  21. Looking through this thread today I've seen the same arguments about feminism and SJ bull**** that pop up everytime someone says something stupid, but this is the dumbest post I've read in this thread. DAI was not bad because of feminism or gays, it was bad because it was a bloated single-player MMO with bad quests and awful combat. Both previous games, which were ugly as Sarah Jessica Parker, were better because the combat was better and there were enough quests that had interesting hooks to keep me slogging through them. And comparing ratings derived from review scores in a gg thread? Hot damn that is stupid. We get it, you didn't get the waifu you wanted to **** and you're butthurt about it. This thread isn't about that, and as butthurt as some sections of gg have gotten about every ass with a blog who says something mean about them, gg isn't about this either. Kindly **** off and take your ramblings about a ****-tier game with you.
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