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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I don't think it's unreasonable to expect good writing from video games in general. Moreover, I'd venture, it's the consumers' responsibility to demand quality work for their bucks. If we pay for ****ty content, that's all we'll get, because ****ty content is always easier and cheaper to produce than quality work. Seeing as the best selling games are the likes of Call of Duty X, Sports, and Bethesda looking for good writing from AAA games is like looking for good writing in a Michael Bay or Zack Snyder film. Smaller games haven't got much better IMO, with Divinity OS and Wasteland 2 having pretty mediocre writing despite being fun. And yes, it a your responsibility to make sure that what you buy isn't a complete piece of ****. Which is why having a variety of tools, such as YouTube videos showing how the game plays, that help one get a feel for the game is a good thing.
  2. That assumes that the sex workers are in it by choice or that they aren't being exploited by a pimp. Which given the legal status of prostitution where Bruce resides, may not be the case. As to the fictional depiction, there is a difference between wanting a different depiction and wanting outright removal. GTA is a pretty bland game to begin with, so I don't know why you would expect anything deep out of it or good writing in general. Gawker is the parent company of Kotaku, which is a blog that most here dislike. Hulk Hogan winning the lawsuit could potentially sink Gawker and that would potentially sink Kotaku.
  3. Bro, are you really expecting consistency from Bruce? Nuances and context KP, these are words you have never seemed able to quite understand If "understanding" those terms mean I'm simultaneously able to justify using prostitutes while going on about how hookers in fiction is harmful or believing that airing private affairs is ok when it's a man but not when it's a woman, then I don't think I want to understand what your twisted interpretations of "context" and "nuance" are.
  4. Bro, are you really expecting consistency from Bruce?
  5. Trump is the accelerationist candidate.
  6. ...did you just quote Hellraiser? It was an abbrivation from The Simpsons: "American flags for some, abortions for others" But where in Hellraiser is there a similar quote? In the first film, when the protagonist meets Pinhead. "Demons to some, Angels to others."
  7. Take into account that we're separated by the Atlantic ocean and I'm going purely from anecdotal and second hand information, but I've noticed more women in my university gravitating towards soft or non-science areas rather than hard science. Not sure why that is, but I've noticed that women are currently dominating Business courses especially. I don't think this is necessarily a bad thing(except for anyone getting a business degree), but it would be interesting to see a study on why this is.
  8. Archived link in case it goes down. https://archive.is/GSdDO Reads like a whiny neet ranting.
  9. http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2015/06/what-we-know-about-the-charleston-gunman.html I laughed at the bolded harder than I should have.
  10. I think Bethesda will contract whoever made Shadows of Mordor, if that plebbit leak a while back was accurate.
  11. I would too, but I don't want an assault charge.
  12. I suppose that makes sense, but I'd rather just call them SJWs instead of slap a label on them that doesn't fit very well. I disagree, transgender are viewed as having been that way since birth, so it is something that is immutable in their view.
  13. One can dream... I am eternally hopeful. Everything planned for KOTOR 3 more or less ended up crammed into the SW:TOR storyline. From the fate of Revan and the Exile, the death (or not) of the true Sith Emperor and the fall of the Empire by the looks of the new expansion. Even Kreia gets a horribly miswritten and mutilated cameo. That particular ship sailed a long, long time ago. If I might be so bold, creating a SW:TOR account and dropping 5$ into the cash shop generates an account functional enough to play the game for the eight class stories and while they vary in quality somewhat there are much worse deals out there as long as one accepts that it is an MMORPG with all the downsides that comes with, like not having any quest variety outside of the class quests, a lot of "fetch me that" and "go kill these" filler and... maybe worst of all, other people. Some of the group content is also quite awesome. I did play it, I didn't like the gameplay and thought a lot of the content was boring.
  14. I look at that and just get pissed off we didn't get KOTOR 3... Avellone as lead of KOTOR3 after leaving Obsidan? They're resurrecting Battlefront so I don't see why they wouldn't bring back another wildly popular franchise.
  15. Well, there's a reason why Rand's Objectivism is sometimes nicknamed "the Marxism of the right" Though I think you're deflecting too much if you brush away the comparison between SJWism and Marxism on the grounds that "other ideologies assigns labels to groups too". They do, but they're different kinds of labels, not related to the Marxist "oppressed class" concept. While I don't like objectivism, I really don't think that one can accuse it of rejecting individual justice in favor of class justice like Marxists and SJWs do... Or put another way: Whatever labels objectivists assign (however childish or ungainly), are cosmetic and not foundational to their conception of justice. They may approve or disapprove of a group of people, but regardless of that consider justice something that needs to be administered equally to everyone regardless of group membership, based on individual actions. Whereas to the Marxist/SJW, class membership (in an "oppressed" or "oppressor" class) very much determines what kind of "justice" a person deserves, what rights they should be granted or denied, whether their personal success should be assisted or hindered (think quotas), etc. SJWism has little in common with Marxism other than assigning privileged groups in comparison to another. Which as Zor pointed out, is hardly unique to Marxism. To the Marxists, bourgeois are acting in self-interest and while inheritance of class is common, an individual isn't inherently proletarian or bourgeois and such status is mutable. The goal of Marxism is to abolish classes and remove labels like bourgeois and proletarian. There would be no separate standards of rights or justice based on class, because there wouldn't be differing classes to apply these standards to. To the SJWs, white, cis, male, whatever are acting to perpetuate a oppressive structure because reasons, and identity is immutable. The goal of SJWism, while not clearly defined, seems to be one of hyperidentification with a hierarchy of benefits being handed out based on lack of privilege. In essence this is the opposite of Marxism's goal in that they want to make the identities of race(or general or orientation or whatever) stronger and matter more, while Marxists want classlessness.
  16. What about Elder Scrolls Adventure: Redguard? We're trying to forget about that.
  17. It's not hyperbole at all. When social conservatives want violence, sexual content, or insults to Christianity removed or toned down because it insults their feelings, they are demanding a form of political correctness. There's a joke here about "ban bossy" I'm too charitable to make.
  18. You may be right but without real purpose and meaningful strategy they will just be a vociferous and annoying movement that wont implement real change You can't stop PC guys, its best just to work within the system Yes you can, just like Communism eventually bent and traded ideology for the more practical aspects of capitalism and how Capitalism has become more socialized so too will the PC eventually be sanitized. The political correctness crowd want to have a monopoly on what correct means, eventually they will meet with the same thing that caused other systems to change: the public. You guys and your hyperbole....PC is not an ideology, no need to compare it to proper global beliefs like Communism It behaves like one and seems to take a lot cues from Marxism supplanting class with race; after all the people making this PC stuff up don't want people realizing that they privileged white kids. If we're talking about Marxism as in what Marx wrote, that isn't really the case. If it did, PC would be advocating an overthrow of the oppressors followed by dictatorship of the previously exploited which would lead to a raceless society. PC is more akin to Puritanical standards of social interaction, in that it's less about making radical changes to a system and more about presentation of ideas and standards of social interaction.
  19. He is already getting that. Bernie will be portrayed as a kooky old man with ideas that aren't well thought out(ie outside of the "acceptable" range for mainstream US politics) and referred to as "not serious" every time is brought up. At debates, his answers will differ wildly from the canned responses by the rest of the field and he will drop some heavy truth bombs. Trump is more inline with your thinking than mine Bruce.
  20. I think you've been playing too many erotic Fallout3/New Vegas/Skyrim mods.
  21. 85% Sanders, drop off 20% for Martin O'Malley for 2nd choice. Partywise: 92% Socialist, 90% Green, 65% Libertarian, 60% Democrat, 30% Constitution Party, 5% Republican.
  22. Your legal system did not put the guy in prison and no apparent attempts were even made. Which is suggestive of the level of evidence. There was no such trial that's the point and despite that damage to a man not convicted of a crime was done. Hence his suit against the University, which if the evidence holds up, will basically result in him winning the lottery. Which does not negate the last year or so of him being unable to complete his degree due to being expelled for disciplinary reasons. Well again, life is not fair. It would certainly be worse if he was facing criminal prosecution. Even if the lawsuit does not pan out, he can likely still pursue his degree through a different school. Excusing an awful practice with "life's not fair" is...odd. As to being able to finish the degree if the lawsuit not panning out, that doesn't appear to be true. In the Boston Globe article posted earlier, it stated that he couldn't finish it due to having "expelled for disciplinary reasons" on his transcript.
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