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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Your legal system did not put the guy in prison and no apparent attempts were even made. Which is suggestive of the level of evidence. There was no such trial that's the point and despite that damage to a man not convicted of a crime was done. Hence his suit against the University, which if the evidence holds up, will basically result in him winning the lottery. Which does not negate the last year or so of him being unable to complete his degree due to being expelled for disciplinary reasons.
  2. Bruce, you're to the US as tankies are to the Soviet Union.
  3. The idea the past 5 years of going to university, paid by working a full-time job I hate, can be rendered null because I cross paths with the wrong person while intoxicated bothers me quite a bit.
  4. I can't say I'm surprised, you do seen to wallow in ignorancetrust in the glorious US government.
  5. We could give him same helpful tips that we give women, don't drink too much, don't go in parties alone, don't dress up too sexy, don't be friends with members of opposite sex, don't be out in late, etc.. Solid. Gold. None. But you can keep in mind that while the plural of anecdote isn't "data", the singular sure as hell isn't either. So until reliable statistics turn up about the false conviction rates being higher than the number of actual rape cases (ie. "proof that the program causes more harm than good"), I remain sceptical of the idea that incidents such as this are a widespread menace. I'm not arguing that it is widespread, I'm wondering how I can prevent such a situation. Given that I am the same age as the accused, in college, and associate with women, a possibility exists that I may be in a similar situation and I would like to know what I can do to avoid it.
  6. But in this case, the guy never dated his accuser. In fact, it seems that she initiated oral sex on him while he was blackout drunk. What preventive measures could he have taken to stop from having his girlfriend's roommate performing oral sex while he was passed out and accusing him of rape two years later? We could give him same helpful tips that we give women, don't drink too much, don't go in parties alone, don't dress up too sexy, don't be friends with members of opposite sex, don't be out in late, etc.. But we should know by now those tips are bull****. I'm being serious, what preventive measures can one take to prevent a situation like this?
  7. History is ungood. Trust in the NSA, they're looking out for you.
  8. But in this case, the guy never dated his accuser. In fact, it seems that she initiated oral sex on him while he was blackout drunk. What preventive measures could he have taken to stop from having his girlfriend's roommate performing oral sex while he was passed out and accusing him of rape two years later?
  9. Fantasy does not spring out of nothing but is in fact produced within the confines of reality, in turn this fantasy can then influence how others perceive or respond to reality. I don't know, I guess he worded fairly melodramatically. Ah, but that only focuses on "unrelated". I'd argue that to most sane folk fantasy and reality being "separate" and "distinct" is true, at least in the sense that they are easily able to tell them apart as separate. Of course, this is probably reading too much into what is an edgy liberal navel gazing over a latte.
  10. Now you guys are just clutching your pearls at whatever comes out of their mouths. I think it's funny myself, but whatever helps you get your rocks off mate.
  11. You were thinking for yourself. Surely you know this is not good?
  12. I think the twitter account is a very complex piece of performance art.
  13. Well that sounds scummy as ****. Anyone else doing something similar?
  14. Completely reading into things obviously, nothing to back it up, but what if he is planning his own Kickstarter project? Yeah, he very much tiptoed around that question. Could it be the fabled IE games spiritual successor take 3 (4?)? More than likely it will be his high school RPG.
  15. MCA is leaving to compete on Masterchef, if victorious he will demand to be called Master Chef Avellone. MCA barely mentions his work on Pillars and quickly moves on, while he talks at length, and, dare I say, lovingly, about Wasteland 2 and TToN. Hmm... I noticed that as well. I'll admit to not liking PoE as much as I hoped, but it seems odd.
  16. It's a 12-issue Lovecraftian horror series. Hard to give a complete synopsis right now, but the first issue was very good looking.
  17. Da joos are trying to cuck the white man? ctrl+f "jews" in the thread on /pol/.... 41 hits among 690 posts. Meh, that's kinda weak actually. Did you ever think that the nazis were shills trying to derail every discussion with cuckolding and Jews?
  18. So I picked up Providence and was quite impressed. Alan Moore may be a crazy old bastard, but the man can write quite well.
  19. Didn't she just get into a spat with Anne Rice over leaving bad reviews on books she didn't read? Seems like a strange person to work against harassment with. As to the reddit stuff, I'll believe they're sincere when SRS gets nuked.
  20. http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/69287614/wikileaks-nz-health-system-could-be-crippled-by-tpp Zor ought to like this.
  21. I've been getting drunk as well, but I'm afraid I have a better taste in music.
  22. Chris Avellone will expose himself to cosmic radiation and gain the ability of plasticity and elongation. He will use these powers to fight crime under the name "Stretch Goal".
  23. Chris Avellone has resolved to learn kung fu to track down the criminal that killed his partner.
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